Chapter 215 Invincible
"Yes, my majesty!"

The bald Varys rushed to the island after Dani arrived. He hoped to introduce a lot of information to her face to face.
Walking to the table, he picked up the long stick beside the table and pointed to the northernmost Great Wall, saying,
"Then send it here and start talking!"

"The Great Wall's current commander of the men in black is the Red Viper,"

"The King in the North is Jon Snow on his own."

"Westkeeper Jaime Lannister is leading the siege of Highgarden"

"The soldiers of the eldest princess of Dorne have reached the edge of Old Town,"


Varys stood in front of the map and introduced Daenerys and several ministers in the hall, including Tyrion, to the current situation in Greater Westeros.

Daenerys asked after he had roughly finished speaking,
"Where is King's Landing? What's the situation in King's Landing now?"

Varys' face turned pale, and he said with some difficulty: "After the church took control of King's Landing, the Papal State was established. The original archbishop became the Pope, and he won the support of many low-level civilians. Churches from all over the Seven Kingdoms also responded. Very fast!"

Dany said nonchalantly: "I don't care about their strength, tell me if they have answered my Raven!"

"Replied, the last sentence of the letter. The seven gods are here! They are the agents of the gods, and all kings should bow their knees to the gods!"

"What do you mean?" the queen wondered,
Tyrion introduced: "It means they don't care who will be the king, or even how many kings there are, as long as they kneel to the Pope!"

boom! ——

Dani slapped the armrest heavily!Anger flashed on her pretty face, "Can we capture King's Landing first?"

Tyrion and Varys nodded at the same time: "Yes, but it is not necessary!"

"King's Landing is now the Pope's state, which represents the belief in the Seven Gods. The consequences of attacking it are really unpredictable!"

"So, has anyone pledged their allegiance to me?"

Varys nodded, "Your Majesty, Prince Doran of Dorne and House Tyrell of Highgarden support you!"

Now the War of the Five Kings has just begun, and everyone is gearing up to fight for the throne.
At this time, a new former king who is said to have a dragon is added, and the first reaction of all countries must be to see her strength, instead of kneeling down first!

The one who chooses to kneel first must have understood it in advance, or is desperate!
For example, Dorne and Highgarden!

"There are many reasons for the allegiance of High Court because they could hardly hold on under the attacks of the West Territory and Dorne, and hoped to get the Queen's help, but the situation in Dorne was more complicated. Although Prince Doran expressed his allegiance, they raised troops The excuse at the time was to support the Messiah of the Baratheon family to become queen!"

"How can a country have two queens at the same time! Is this their sincerity?" Daenerys asked angrily,

Varys explained: "It was Arianne, the eldest princess of Dorne, who supported Myrcella. Prince Doran didn't know it at first! But the prince said that he would send Cersei and Myrcella to Dragonstone Island!"

The Queen nodded in satisfaction, "Then Varys, why didn't you tell us about the situation in the Stormlands? It seems that you skipped it on purpose from the very beginning!"

"That's not the case, Your Majesty," Varys said, bending over, "I was just thinking about how to introduce you to that place. I went there once for the sake of investigation!"

His expression was complicated, "The king of the Stormlands is Lynn Baratheon who ascended the throne last year! Lord Tyrion should know him, right?"

Tyrion nodded and said with nostalgia: "Yes, we were good friends when we guarded King's Landing. He was later made the Duke of Storm's End. I thought he was going to die, but I didn't expect to become the king now! It's so embarrassing. People are surprised!"

"It should be unexpected!" Varys nodded and continued: "I was even more surprised when I first arrived in the storm than you are now!"

Then Varys introduced what he had seen and heard in the stormy land, from Lynn massacring nobles, to building roads, accepting refugees, distributing land tools for free, going to school for free, building ports, and fair trade.

"The current Stormland is almost in two worlds with other war-torn areas! It is peaceful and people live in peace! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an ideal place outside the world!"

After Varys finished speaking, Tyrion opened his mouth in surprise, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that the violent man who smashed open the city gate with a hammer could manage people's livelihood, and he did it so well !

Daenerys was equally astonished, but she was confident that she could manage as well, or even better than this, so her main concern was not this, but,

"How about the military power there?"

"I don't know the total number, but it will not be less than [-]. They are well-equipped and have strict military discipline. They will never do anything to civilians!"

Varys' words made both the queen and Tyrion's expressions change.
There is no need to say the words of strict military discipline, saying it will embarrass the Queen,

Because everyone knows that the most powerful cavalry force under the Queen's command, the [-] Dothraki cavalry, has no military discipline at all!

They are the nomads on the grasslands. For them, killing, robbing, and robbing women are the whole content of fighting. Even if they follow Dani here, they are also here to conquer. Is it soft?

Daenerys doesn't like their style, but also needs their strength!

Everyone knew about this matter. As long as these cavalry were released, civilians would definitely be harmed, but everyone deliberately ignored this matter. Now that Varys mentioned it, Dany couldn't allow Dany to make a statement.

Such a smart Varys could not know the consequences of saying this, but he still said it, which shows that what he saw and heard in the storm land really had a great impact on him.

Dany said solemnly: "The people of Westeros will also be my people in the future."

Tyrion and Varys bowed their heads at the same time, "Your Majesty is merciful!"

But both of them knew in their hearts that they could understand what the queen said!
"Then where do you think we should attack first?" Daenerys skipped here and finally got down to business.
Varys cheered up, walked to the map again, pointed to a place on the map and said, "It must be here! Your Majesty!"

"Tyrion said in surprise: "Seagull Town?why here? "

"Yes, it's Seagull Town!"

"This is a port city, which is beneficial for our fleet to attack, and most importantly, we can use Seagull Town as a springboard to attack the valley!"

"The valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are many natural dangers! But that is for an ordinary army, and for us with dragons, the road is smooth. As long as we capture the valley, we have a very solid foundation in Westeros ,"

"When the time comes out of the blood gate, you can connect to the northern border if you go north, and you will be able to reach the vast plains of nearly ten thousand miles when you go south. You can advance, attack, retreat, and defend! First of all, you will be invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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