Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 219 The Brave and Fearless Princess

Chapter 219 The Brave and Fearless Princess

James looked enviously at the heavy cavalry charging towards him like a mountain!
As a knight, who hasn't dreamed of leading such a heavily armored cavalry to charge into battle!
But that's too expensive!
Heavy cavalry with full body armor is the well-deserved king of the battlefield!But apart from the many conditions of use, the reason why the lords are restricted from using it is that it is too expensive!

At the same cost, a heavily armored knight with man and horse plus the cost of training is comparable to ten infantrymen with the same equipment!
In Westeros, only a few plate armored heavy cavalry were trained in the valley where there was no war all year round, and their horses did not have armor.

Most of the cavalry of the other families are light cavalry, with a small amount of armor, using bows and scimitars, not cavalry like heavy cavalry!

But this is not the most important thing now,
James also understands the weakness of the heavy cavalry, the heavy infantry is in front, the archers are behind, and the light cavalry is on the side, ready to fight!
But all these preparations came to naught when the giant dragon appeared in the sky above Gaoting!
The rout was just like the golden group just now!
The slight difference is that under James' hoarse order, the archers of the Lannister family counterattacked!
A piece of arrow seemed to be brushed by a feather, not even a scratch could be left on Haiqinyan's scales!
James fled with less than half of the cavalry, and more than 1 infantry and cavalry all stayed behind!
They did not dare to take the coastal road, but chose to sneak into the forest, which indeed escaped Haiqinyan's eyes, and the more important reason was that Lin En was too lazy to chase him, and he was busy collecting the warships sent by the Iron Islands on the Mande River Woolen cloth!
Although it is not an ocean-going galleon, more than 50 brand-new galley warships are also half a year's workload for the Storm's End Shipyard.

Lynn and his cavalry are busy cleaning the battlefield, and the gate of Highgarden has been opened here!

The Duke of Mestyrell, his wife, the Queen of Thorns, the Steward of the High Court, and most of the nobles were waiting at the door.

To welcome the Allies or to surrender Kaesong?
Moments ago Mace asked his mother the Queen of Thorns,
The queen glared at him like a fool!
Pointing to the letters on the table from all over the past half month,

"Lyn's cavalry is just a vanguard. His infantry is sweeping every town in the Reach, and executing any nobles who resist. Do you think he is an allied army?"

"Then, shall we resist?" Duke Metz asked with a pale face,
The Queen of Thorns is too lazy to teach him anything, resist?What resistance?Carry dragon flames with your head?
He sighed and said, "Open the city gate and surrender!"

"With Margaery here, Lynn won't be too hard on mentioning the Lear family!"

"According to his rules, our title of Lord of the Reach, never think about it again!"


Haiqinyan's huge figure gracefully landed in front of the city gate, with pure white scales that looked like ice crystals, and golden dragon horns shining with light!Noble and domineering!

It looks like a natural princess, especially the golden dragon horn on top of its head really wears a jeweled crown!It was a talisman that Lynn had painstakingly made for it.

Lin En jumped off the dragon's back, and the distance of more than ten meters made everyone panic!Almost thought he was going to kill himself.

With a loud bang,
Lynn smashed a big hole in the rock on the ground!The ground was cracked and broken rocks were flying, and in the eyes of other people looking at the monster, he walked out like a normal person,

Everyone at the gate of the city shut their mouths and knelt down on the ground in unison.
"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Lin En's body disappeared in a flash, and the Queen of Thorns who appeared next to her supported her and did not let her kneel down.

But let the Duke of Metz kneel,
After scanning around, he smiled and helped the Duke of Metz and his wife.

"You don't need to be so polite! Margaery misses you very much, and told me many times before I came, so I must definitely invite you over!"

"It's a mess here now, you just went to cultivate!"

Lynn spoke politely, but the content was not polite at all.

The meaning inside and outside the words is, hurry up!Everything here has nothing to do with you!
Seeing Lynn's politeness, the Duke of Metz nodded happily and said, "No hurry, we can help you a little bit!"

Before she finished speaking, she was pushed aside by the Queen of Thorns, and said with a smile: "Okay! I miss her too, and she is the most reassuring person in the whole Tyrell family. If it weren't for the mess here, I would have already Go, now that your majesty is here, I just leave it to you, I don't want to wait for a day!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mace and his wife beside him, "You guys go with me, just today!"

Lynn nodded in satisfaction. Old Rose is Old Rose. Needless to say, she understands the situation very well.

"There is no need to be in such a hurry. The danger has just passed, so you can go after two days of recuperation."

The Queen of Thorns agreed with a smile, knowing that Lynn's subordinates were merciful, and staying for a few more days was to let the Tyrell family pack up!Family treasures, including gold treasures, can be taken away, which he tacitly agrees to.

Lynn wasn't worried that they would take away any valuables, and it would be fine if they took them all away. He already had a plan for the Tyrells in his heart, and he would re-reward the Tyrells with Highgarden after everything settled down, but only this A castle!There is neither any law enforcement power nor taxation persuasion.

They will no longer be with the Lords of the Reach, but only House Tyrell of Highgarden!

At that time, they still have to come back to live. Would they have the nerve to bring back the things they took away at this time?

After talking about the main business, the atmosphere in the world became much more harmonious. Old Rose asked about Margaery's recent situation, and Lynn also smiled and said that she was white and fat, and she just played around every day!After talking for a while, they went back to clean up, and Lynn turned around to find Arianne's location.

Haiqinyan circled twice in the sky above Highgarden, Lynn found Arianne, and after landing beside her, the Dornish people next to her scattered in fright. They were afraid that Lynn was coming after seeing the horror of the giant dragon just now. Spray them, hide as far as you can, and don't forget to pull their eldest princess to run with them when running.

Unexpectedly, Arianne not only didn't run away, but instead galloped towards Lynn!

"No! My lord!" Seeing how brave the eldest princess is, her soldiers almost shed tears of admiration!
After running to Lynn's side, Arianne got off her horse, then jumped up, and hugged him under the bewildered gazes of her soldiers!

"Lin En, my father is dead!" His voice trembled slightly, with some unspeakable sadness!

Her feelings for Prince Doran are very complicated, from her admiration since she was a child to her worry and anger when she knew that he was going to pass the throne to her younger brother, and her persistence in wanting to prove herself all these years, but all these feelings disappeared after she learned that her father was killed Only one left!
"I'll avenge you!" Lynn said, putting his arms around her back.

(End of this chapter)

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