Chapter 227 I agree to a truce!
When the Bachelor of Science heard it, he was very moved. Everyone has heard about how the books in the library of Storm's End come from, but that's not important.
The most important thing is to be able to see the books accumulated by these schools for thousands of years!
He did not repent even though he was expelled from the city for doing research back then. If Lynn could support him to continue his research and have countless books to read, it would be too tempting for him!

It's just that he is serving Cersei after all now, and looked at Cersei hesitantly.

"It's okay, Queen Cersei will definitely not care about this trivial matter, right?" Lynn said and looked at Cersei,
Is it a small matter?Cersei gritted her teeth, Qyburn is now her most important adviser, and has been wandering with her.Fleeing from King's Landing to Dorne helped her a great deal.

But the situation is stronger than people, these are not as good as Myrcella's throne!

Cersei gritted her teeth and nodded, forcing out a very sincere smile.

"Of course, if it's his own wish!"

"Then it's settled!" Lynn nodded happily, then looked at Cobain and said,
"The University of Storm's End welcomes you at any time. Now, let us see what this White Walker is!"

Jon had ended the wight with a dragonglass dagger by this time,

"Right now, there is only one war that matters, and that is the war between the living and the dead!"

"Because once we lose, we will all become this kind of thing!"

James stepped forward and asked, "How many are there?"

"A conservative estimate of 20, but if you don't go to the northern border to resist together, then they will soon become 100 million, 200 million!"

These words made the field become quiet all of a sudden!

It means that if you don't help the northern border, then the living people in the northern border will soon become such dead people, and then go south to let more living people join.

There will be more and more of them, so many that it is scary!
Jon continued: "And these are just ghouls after the resurrection of the dead. The White Walkers who control them are even more terrifying! They are smart and cunning, and they are by no means monsters without pure brains!"

"So fire can kill wights, can it kill white walkers?" Lynn asked,
"It can't!" Jon introduced the difference between wights and white ghosts to everyone with an ugly face.

For example, fire can kill ghouls but not harm the White Walkers, and the White Walkers' ice weapons can freeze quest metal to pieces on contact.

After killing the White Walkers, some ghouls will die and so on,

After listening to him, everyone fell into deep thought.
"So, the only thing that can kill the White Walkers is the Dragonglass weapon, right?"

"Show me your dragonglass dagger!" Lynn said to Jon, "I wonder why it is the only one that can kill the White Walkers!"

Jon reached out and handed over the dagger, Lynn took it and held it in his hand to observe carefully.

That's right, it's the dragon crystal used to heal Shireen.But why can it kill the White Walkers?

Lynn can't see any difference from left to right. The texture is hard but fragile, which is not a good choice of weapon. Under his mental power scan, Lynn's face is even weirder!

In his spiritual power, there is nothing in his hand!
Nothing at all!

It doesn't make sense!
The reason why he scanned with mental power was that he suspected that this stone had the effect of dispelling magic, but mental power and magic power were not the same.

"Can this kind of stone even block spiritual power?"

"I don't know if the church has any way to deal with the ghosts?" Lin En asked suddenly,
The big sparrow of the church has been silent since arriving here, as quiet as a statue!
At this time, when Lin En asked him, he smiled kindly and said, "The seven gods represent everything. Death! It is also a gift from Stranger!"

Lynn almost lost his mind with laughter, "Too cunning!"

To put it bluntly, I don't want to contribute, but I also want to use the crisis to gain a wave of believers!

Stranger, one of the seven images of the Seven Gods, represents death and the unknown. In the church, there is an organization dedicated to believing in him, the Silent Sisters, an organization of women serving Stranger, who swear by abstinence and silence.They dispose of the dead for funerals and wear gray clothes with hoods covering their faces.

The big sparrow didn't respond to Lynn's ridicule, it still had that simple, smiling face!

"So do you agree to a temporary truce to fight against the White Walkers?" Tyrion asked.

Lynn turned his head and looked around, and found that everyone, including Dany, Jon, James, and Cersei, was looking at him.

It seems that there is no need to ask their opinions, Dany and Jon have decided to fight the White Walkers in the North, and Jaime, Cersei and Euron can't wait to stop the war so that they can breathe.

So the person who can decide whether to stop the war and go north together is myself!

Where is Arya?Why didn't I see her? It seems that I hid on purpose.

Don't want to cloud your judgment?

Lynn smiled.

"I agree to a temporary truce!"

call! ——

"Thank you, Lynn," Jon said happily.

"Then let's study how to dispatch troops!"

Lynn waved his hand and said, "I agree to a truce, but it doesn't mean I'm willing to send troops. A truce is a truce, and cooperation is cooperation. We must distinguish clearly!"

Both Dany and Jon were a little speechless, but did not agree to send troops for a truce?How is that different from the original situation in the North?It's not the same as the original people!
"How do you agree to send troops?" Daenerys asked,
"That depends on how many soldiers Dorn can produce?" Lin En spread his hands and said,

"How about this, our Kingdom of Storms is on par with Dorne, as many soldiers as Queen Cersei sends out, the Stormlands must follow!"

Cersei's face was extremely ugly, how dare she send troops?Most of her soldiers are hired gold regiments. Half of them were killed by Lynn in the First Battle of Highgarden. Now there are only about [-] soldiers left. Including the soldiers gathered from all over Dorne, the total number is not enough. Worth twenty thousand!

Send to the north?How is that different from suicide?
As a last resort, she looked at James for help,
James hesitated for a moment, and said: "Dorne's soldiers are only enough for defense, and there are no extra soldiers to send to the northern border, but our Lannister family can send [-] troops, which is already our sincerity! I hope Lin King En can understand!"

Lynn looked at James, a man who looked like he was 30 or 50 years old when he was less than [-] years old. Lynn could still give him basic trust.

"Yes! To show my sincerity, I will send [-] heavy cavalry to join the battle!"

"Even if it's heavy cavalry, isn't [-] a little less? The strength of the Stormlands is far more than that!" Jon said anxiously,

Lin En interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "I must maintain the same number of soldiers left behind in the Western Territory of Dunga, and this time I will take my dragon with me!"

"And you can promise that before the war with the dead is over, I will never order my soldiers to attack Dorne! Is this agreement sincere enough?"

James looked at Lynn with a complicated expression, "Your Majesty Lynn, I don't know if you have considered a possibility, the possibility of ending the war between us!"

(End of this chapter)

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