Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 229 The Great Wall Collapsed!

Chapter 229 The Great Wall Collapsed!


Excitedly, Margaery jumped more than half a meter high, hung around Lynn's neck, and kept shouting!

"Lynn, Lynn, Lynn...!"

Lynn put his arms around her and hugged her up.

Hugging and hugging, his shoulders got wet!
Lynn sighed.

He also knew that Margaret couldn't be allowed to live with him in such an unexplained way all the time,
Margaery is the daughter of a duke, and she grew up in the love of her family since she was a child. The original two were considered "well-matched", and there would be no gap in her heart.
Now that she has captured her family's fiefdom, she must be under tremendous pressure in her heart!
Margaery treats him wholeheartedly, and Lynn thinks from the bottom of her heart that she should be given comfort and security!

The engagement was the result of his deliberation.

"You also know the title regulations of the Storm Kingdom. Although there will be no fief and judicial power, I will give you the duke title and Highgarden Castle of the Tyrell family as a wedding gift!"

"Woooooo!...Thank you, Lynn!" Margery cried as she crawled on his shoulder,

Weeping and crying, he crawled to his ear and whispered, "How should I repay you?"

His voice was as thin as a mosquito, and he gently bit his ear after speaking!

Lynn trembled all over, and slapped her buttocks, "Stop messing around! You haven't gone back yet!"

Margaery giggled!

"You can bring Missandei together!"

"You goblin!"


Early the next morning, when Margaery and Missandei could not get up,
Ronald ran to the meeting room and waited for him!

There are really a lot of things that Lynn needs to make decisions.

Lynn took half a day to explain the work to him and asked him to write an announcement,
Announce the news of his engagement to Miss Margaery, and each household of Storm's End will be rewarded with a golden dragon!

The announcement was posted, and the people in Storm's End cheered thunderously.

Everyone in the Tyrell family in the city where they lived also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Queen of Thorns said to the Duke of Mace: "An engagement is just an engagement, and there is no need for such a big fanfare. Your Majesty is here to reassure us."

"People spend money, we have to know how to do things! The money comes from the Tyrell family!"

"Yes mother!" Mace stood bowed.

"My lord, Miss is back!" A servant ran in and said.

"Grandma!" Margaery trotted in all the way, and threw herself into the arms of the Queen of Thorns as soon as she met her.

The queen patted her with a smile, "The person who will become the queen soon, you can't be so rude."

Margaery excitedly told the family about Lynn's promise. When he heard that he had promised to award the duke title and Highgarden Castle, everyone in the Tyrell family was overjoyed, and dispersed for many days. haze.

That night Lynn had a harmonious dinner with the Tyrell family,

The next day, he began to recall the First Banner Regiment of the First Division.

Command the flag regiment to hold the flag so that Paul Norton will lead the army back, and go to the north with him!
The first banner regiment who received the order was very excited, and under the jealous eyes of the other banner regiments, he withdrew from the Reach and galloped back to Storm's End!

After seven days, the first flag regiment returned, repaired for three days,
On the fourth day, Lynn commanded,

Paul Norton, the envoy of the First Banner Regiment, led [-] heavy cavalry and headed north along the King's Road!The goal is Winterfell in the north!

The heavy cavalry is on the road, and the standard configuration for each person is three horses, one for carrying people, one for carrying heavy armor, and the other resting empty for rotation.

Thirty thousand tall and majestic military horses galloped rumblingly on the road, the momentum was like a landslide!
Seven days later, when they passed by the foot of King's Landing City, they deliberately put on a full set of heavy armor, and rushed through the city like a charge!

The sound of heavy cavalry trampling the ground was like thunder passing through the border. The believers in King's Landing listened to it honestly for a whole day!
In Winterfell City, Lynn has arrived here ahead of schedule on a giant dragon!
Jon and Dany had arrived here three days ahead of him, along with Jorah, Brienne, Sandor the Hound, Theon, Varys, Tyrion and others.

When they arrived, they called a meeting of the various lords,
Robin Irene, the original little lord of the valley, also came to participate.
Lynn attended the meeting, and he was welcomed here. After all, he is now the king of the Storm Country, and he has no conflicts with the northern border, and he personally supports them by bringing a dragon as a king, which makes Lynn very popular here.

On the contrary, Daenerys is different. She claims to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Targaryen family has a feud with the North, so the lords do not recognize Daenerys as their queen!

Long Ma gave a speech at the meeting, but it didn't work at all.
It made Lynn feel embarrassed for her!
These northern lords are all stubborn and tenacious, how could they be fooled by a little girl with a few words, and the little bear girl Lyanna Mormont even claimed on the spot that she would never call her queen,

"House Mormont only recognizes one king, and that is the King of the North of House Stark!"

The meeting broke up badly,

Lynn was happy to hide it. Arya took him to play wildly in Winterfell for two days, and took him to eat a kind of whitebait unique to the northern border. It was shiny silver, plump and tender!
Fearing that he would not adapt to the cold weather in the north, he specially arranged a residence with a hot spring for him.

Next to it is the famous godswood forest, with ancient trees that have not changed for thousands of years spanning three acres around.

The main tree species are sentinels, oaks and iron trees, with an old weirwood in the middle of the grove.

The Northern Territory does not believe in the Seven Gods. Most of them are descendants of the ancestors, so they also believe in the old gods of the ancestors. They will build a weirwood in every castle, an isolated weirwood with a human face carved on it, Known as the "heart tree", people prayed to the old gods through the heart tree.

The heart tree of Winterfell is the weirwood in the godswood.Its bark was gray as bone, its leaves were deep red, and a long, sad human face was carved into the trunk.Deep-set eyes filled with dried red sap.

Lin En didn't like it very much at first sight, but at least he was a guest at someone's house, so he couldn't put down the bowl and just throw the pot away.

After breakfast that day, Lynn took Ellie to play in the sky for a whole day. The extremely low temperature at high altitude made Arya freeze to death in less than 5 minutes.
Fortunately, Lin En was physically strong and exuded a billowing heat wave. Arya unconsciously leaned into his arms, and immediately lost the slightest bit of chill.

Together, they flew over half of the northern border, and reluctantly returned to Winterfell before dark.

It happened that a savage ran into Winterfell in a panic,

"The Great Wall... The Great Wall has collapsed..."

"Tormund, tell me what's going on! Why did the Great Wall collapse?" Jon's face turned pale, and the uneasiness in his heart was at its peak!asked the wildling Tormund anxiously helping him up.

"Donghaiwatch, I heard the sound of horns at Donghaiwatch! Then, the Great Wall collapsed!" Tormund swallowed, and said with difficulty:
"Moreover, I also saw a giant dragon flying out from the ruins of the Great Wall!"

"Frost Dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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