Chapter 23 The Cup
Chen Yulou stared blankly at the old lady in fierce suit behind the tombstone, her muscles were stiff and she couldn't move.

I complained in my heart: "It's over, what kind of monster is this encountering? It's definitely not a human being anyway."

Although he knew something was wrong and should have run away immediately, he was swept away by the white-haired old lady's eyes, and his whole body went numb to the ground.

Watching the old lady walking towards him with the cat's intestines in her mouth, she lamented in her heart, "My life is over!"

Suddenly, there was a loud voice, "Heaven and earth have righteousness, and there are manifold shapes. The bottom is Heyue, and the top is Sunstar." A young Taoist priest came out of the forest.

Chen Yulou only felt that the Taoist priest who walked out under the moonlight was handsome and handsome, and even the kitten in his arms looked immortal...

Before this Taoist priest approached, the power of qi and blood rose up all over his body, as vast and masculine as the sun rising in the dark night, and the white-haired old lady screamed, soft to the ground, and turned on the ground and turned into a Hairless old raccoon!
Lynn pouted, this kind of evil thing is most afraid of masculinity, with a superhuman physique like himself, he doesn't need to take action, he can break their sorcery with a burst of qi and blood!
The old raccoon lay on the ground, as unresisted as its former prey, closed his eyes and waited to die, Lynn stepped forward, stretched out and grabbed its neck and lifted it up, pinching it with a bang.

He turned to Lin Zhong and asked, "Is this scene familiar?"

"Haha, it's really familiar!" The partridge whistle walked out of the forest, Hua Ling, and the old foreigners came out one after another. Several of them were in bamboo hats and robes, and their faces were covered with black scarves.

The Partridge Whistle stepped forward to help Chen Yu Lou on the ground and said, "You have been poisoned by the old raccoon's urine. After a few hours, you will self-solve. This arrow is left for your self-defense."

When Lynn heard that the old raccoon's urine was poisonous, he threw it on the ground.Looking at Hua Ling, he blinked and asked, "Was I handsome just now?"

"Handsome!" Hua Ling didn't hesitate, her big eyes crooked with a smile!
"Very good, I will see someone as handsome as me in the future, remember, there are no good people!"

"Hehe, cheating again."

Several people walked while talking, gradually walking away.

Chen Yulou threw it here after being shown a face, and he was relieved.

After all, I took a life and came back. These people still don't know me. It's really good. I didn't lose face of the leader of the mountain!
Moreover, the face of the only unmasked young master seemed to be familiar, and he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.This river and lake is said to be big and small, and someone who can practice kung fu to such a terrifying level should not be a nobody!
A few hours later, Chen Yulou also felt that the stiffness on his body was gradually disappearing. He struggled to get up, picked up the old raccoon, and slowly walked back to the hall.

As soon as I was about to enter the door, I stopped, thinking that I would chase a cat out, but I didn't go back all night, so I went back in such an embarrassing way. Where can I put the face of my leader?

After thinking about it in my heart, I don't know why, the scene of the young master's appearance in the moonlight last night suddenly appeared!
Luo Laowei, Hua Maguai and others waited for a whole night, but President Chen didn't turn his head back!When he was discussing about going out to look for it, he saw Chen Yulou walked in with his hands behind his back and walked in unhurriedly, reciting aloud: "There is righteousness in heaven and earth, and there are manifold shapes..." His demeanor is unrestrained and extraordinary. When they got out of the dust, everyone complimented them for a while after seeing it, and bluntly said that the head is literate!If this was in ancient times, it would not be a problem to get a champion!

Chen Yulou was secretly proud of himself. Most of his abilities were in his eyes, and the rest was probably in his mouth. He talked about his experience last night, how cunning and evil the old raccoon was, and how brave he was. With a shock of qi and blood, the old raccoon fell to the ground and waited to die. After speaking, he threw out the old raccoon's body, and asked Hua Maguai to pull out its bones, and then grind it into powder to break the illusion!
After the sky was bright, Lin En and his party finally arrived at the foot of Pingshan Mountain.

From a distance, the bottle mountain looks like a big wine bottle slanted in the mountains.

When I got closer, I saw that the bottle mountain was actually a whole piece of bluestone, like it had grown from the ground.

A few people went up the mountain. The sky was not good when they first went up the mountain. When they got to the middle of the mountain, it was drizzling. All hazy.

Lynn's mind was calm and unwavering. He felt that climbing in the rain like this, the effect of self-cultivation and self-cultivation, was much stronger than fishing!

The disadvantage of fishing is that you don't always have enough fishing rods, which is very troublesome.

When everyone climbed to the shoulder of the bottle, the sun suddenly broke through the dark clouds, and the bright sunlight covered the whole world in an instant.

It's really desolate and wild, with real mountains and rivers!
Lynn and the others stood on the shoulder of the bottle for a long time, until the appearance of another team broke the silence.

Chen Yulou, Luo Laowei and his party of nearly a thousand people had just climbed up when they saw four people standing on the cliff at the top of the mountain. Looking closely, it was actually a few people who saved him last night.

My heart tightened, I was afraid that my rescue last night would be missed, and I would lose face in front of everyone in Xieling, so I hurriedly stepped forward to say hello: "Several brothers, I haven't thanked you for your help yet, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. meet."

The partridge whistle could also see the situation clearly, and after a few polite words, he reported the green forest incision, "To pick a star, you need to ask a master star, move the mountain instead of Changsheng Mountain, burn the incense of dragon and phoenix, and drink the five lakes and four seas."

Chen Yulou understood as soon as he heard it. This is because he met his peers. The other party was the leader of the Xieling lineage. He also knew that he belonged to the Xieling lineage. The leader of Xieling could not lose his courtesy at this time, and also reported the incision:
"There are tall buildings on Changsheng Mountain. Heroes from all over the world come here. Long and phoenix make good friends.

After reciting the ceremony, Chen Yulou laughed, "It turned out to be Brother Partridge Whistle, the leader of the moving mountain lineage, and I have heard it for a long time."

Partridge Whistle also politely said a few words. The two never mentioned what happened last night. This was exactly what Chen Yulou wanted. He became more and more fond of Partridge Whistle, and even invited them to go to the tomb together.

The old Luo next to him almost pulled his gun in a hurry. Fortunately, Partridge Whistle declined the invitation, so he was relieved, but the eyes of the group of people looking at Partridge Whistle were full of alertness!

Chen Yulou turned to say goodbye regretfully, and the two agreed to go their separate ways and not interfere with each other.

After returning home, the old foreigner became complacent, "It turns out that last night we rescued the leader of the tens of thousands of Xieling!"

Hua Ling hit him and said, "You have nothing to be proud of, you didn't save it!" After speaking, she looked at Lynn.

Lin En was also very happy, not because he saved a famous person, but because as soon as they entered the border of Hunan, they heard that Chen Yulou, the leader of Xieling, opened a warehouse to put food, and there were countless lives.

Now that he can save his life, it is equivalent to indirectly saving countless people. Of course, he is in a good mood!
Doing good things always makes you feel better!

PS: This chapter is watery, there is no way, the plot must be coherent and excessive!

And I've been writing books, reading books, and watching TV all day, except for three meals and a nap today!I found that it is difficult to write well, to be unconventional, to have new ideas, and to be cool!

The most important thing is that after sitting for such a long time today, I found that my coding speed really needs to be improved, otherwise,

I don't know if this book will produce results, but my lumbar disc will definitely be out!
(End of this chapter)

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