Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 232 Chapter 96 They are here!

Chapter 232 No.90 Six They Are Here!

The wildlings brought news of Hearth City,

Where did the White Walkers attack,
This shows that the speed of the ghosts is faster than expected,

A battle meeting was held in the hall of Winterfell,
When Lynn came here, he found that everyone had arrived except Daenerys!
Tyrion explained: "The queen is unwell and I have been authorized to attend the meeting in her place!"

A huge map of the northern territory was spread out on the table, and everyone gathered around the table.

"The savages say that there are more ghouls! More than expected. They flooded Hearth City, and the resistance on the city wall is like a candle thrown into the water, fleeting!..."

Tyrion crawled on the table, carefully observing the map with a candle,

"Judging from their route, the ghouls didn't take the easier King's Road, but chose to take a detour to attack Hearth City. Why?"

Lynn didn't look at the map. He knew all the maps by heart, but he was also puzzled by the purpose of the ghosts.

"Perhaps to add more ghouls?" Jon speculated.

"If that's the case, then their next target must be the Dreadfort, and then Winterfell!"

Tyrion looked up. "That's best!"

"There are too many troops in Winterfell now. This is a serious waste. We can't exert our full strength at all. We can definitely allocate a part of our troops to defend the Dreadfort."

"In order to reduce their numbers before the final battle with the White Walkers."


The brazier in the hall was lit, increasing the temperature and lighting in the hall, even though it was daytime.

The impact of the coming of winter is getting bigger and bigger in the north, not only the uninterrupted snowflakes, the sudden drop in temperature, but also the eternal lead gray sky and the longer and longer nights.

A batch of candles on the table had been changed, and after consultations, a battle plan that everyone could accept was finally reached.

The first step of the plan, "Tormund took the wildlings and Dothraki cavalry with dragonglass weapons to the Dreadfort to fight against the White Walkers!"

The second part, "On the halfway, the three dragons burned the ghouls along the path of the White Walkers."

The third step, "When the White Walkers come to Winterfell, the Unsullied will dig trenches under the city, build fences, and cooperate with the bows and arrows on the city wall to block and kill the White Walkers to the maximum extent. At the same time, the Vale Cavalry and the Storm Kingdom The cavalry will be outside the city, see the opportunity, and cut into the battlefield!"

At first glance, Tyrion's battle plan seems to be pretty good, but upon closer inspection, there are some places that cannot be penetrated.

Like why send troops to the Dreadfort?

It is said to reduce the number of ghouls, but won't those wildlings and Dothraki cavalry who died in battle not become ghouls anymore?
For example, why are the wildlings and Dothraki cavalry sent to the Dreadfort.

Is it because they are not welcome in the North and have no voice?

Lynn also noticed that the Dothraki were not even represented in the hall.

The savages don't need to say much, the northerners and their hatred are too many to count,
The Dothraki cavalry had been sent to the Dreadfort entirely with the acquiescence of several factions.

Neither Lynn, Jon Snow, Jaime, Sansa or even the Imp disputed this.

The plan is established, the army begins to prepare,
Three days later, the wildlings had taken their arms, and the Dothraki vanguard had set out,
Of course, it is impossible for a hundred thousand cavalry to set off on the same day, they must be divided into several groups and set off sequentially.

Lynn and Tyrion stood on the city wall, watching the Dothraki tents all over the mountains and plains begin to be dismantled.

"Tyrion, do you regret it?"

"Why do you ask that?" The little devil who was also looking outside the city asked puzzledly.

"What you originally wanted and what you're doing now,"

"What were you like back then, alcoholic, prostitute, and now?"

Lynn's words made Tyrion silent. He frowned and pondered for a while before raising his head and looking outside the city.
"I don't regret it, even if I do it again, it's still the same!"

"Remember the old days?"

"Of course!"

The two talked about the past, but tacitly avoided the cavalry who were setting off outside the city.

Also avoided Xueyi,
Although this is the person who changed Tyrion the most until now!
Suddenly, a muffled bell rang through the city,
Looking back, he saw several messengers rushing out of the castle and scattered in all directions.

The two looked at each other, "It seems that the plan always fails to keep up with the changes!"


"They're coming!"

"Faster than we expected, Bran informed me that the army of white ghosts is less than a day away from Winterfell!"

Xue Nuo's words silenced everyone in the hall. Even though they had expected something to happen before they came, no one thought it would happen so soon!

"The ghoul army did not go to the Dreadfort, but quietly passed through the wolf forest. They were tireless, day and night. Maybe, maybe it was not their front army that broke the Hearth City."

"Anyway, here they come! We must fight!"

"Let the wildlings and Dothraki cavalry stop their actions and prepare for battle! Other plans remain unchanged!"

Not much to talk about,

The meeting started very quickly and ended even faster.

Mental preparations have been made countless times, and everyone knows what they are going to face before they come.

Dragonglass weapons began to be distributed, some were arranging weapons and armor, some were secretly praying,
Dinner is very rich!

Winterfell took out all the good things it could, and the smell of stew wafted throughout Winterfell.

Countless people are doing their own things, seeing people they meet, saying goodbye, in twos and threes, secretly enjoying the last night!
"Lyn, are we going to die?" Arya asked casually as she kicked the splash in the hot spring with bare feet.

Lynn didn't return to her question, but instead asked her, "Are you afraid?"


"Now you know you're afraid? Where's your guts when you pushed me?"

Lin En's teasing words made her feel ashamed, and she kicked up her little white feet. Lin En reached out to block her, and held her feet with his backhand, stroking her delicately.

Arya trembled all over, as if all the strength in her body had disappeared, and she almost went limp to the ground again!

Those big hands were warmer and hotter than the water in the hot spring.From bottom to top, touching her neck all the way, the warmth and numbness of her whole body from the inside to the outside made her unable to lift a bit of strength.

"No, not again!" Arya said something that even she couldn't believe, but Lynn talked a brainstorm in her head.

"You think beautiful!"

Under Arya's unbelievable gaze, the scars all over her body are gradually fading, becoming lighter, until they disappear, and regain their delicateness!
"What's going on here? Is it magic too?"

Lin En didn't return, and picked up the silver necklace around her neck with her fingers and held it in her hand.

"In the whole city tonight, there will be countless people asking questions like 'Are you afraid? Will I die?'! Some will say they are afraid, some will say they are not afraid, and everyone knows the real answer will always be It's all the same."

"But, don't be afraid!" Lynn said softly.

"Wear it well!"

PS: No more!Writing today is a bit painful,

The more I want to write this battle well, the more I feel that there are too many things to write, and my writing is so poor that I have to pull out several hairs, and I feel distressed~
I might need some sleep to clear my head!

(End of this chapter)

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