Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 234 The Battle of Winterfell 1

Chapter 234 The Battle of Winterfell Part One
Arya stood on the wall and saw clearly,

The tide-like army of ghouls engulfed large areas of land in an instant,

The wave of ghouls would not stop at all. When the ghouls in front encountered obstacles, the ghouls behind would climb up the back of the former without hesitation, and then be climbed onto its back by the ones behind.

The entire wave is a tsunami composed of countless ghouls, roaring, rolling, and drowning everything!


There is almost no power to fight back, and the rout is just around the corner.

The dark tide of corpses is rapidly devouring the legion of the living.

Suddenly, the battlefield was suddenly bright, and a wall of fire that stretched to the ground burned a gap in the battlefield.

Countless ghouls were burned into green smoke, and the power of an explosion threw the dead bodies into the air!
Immediately afterwards, two walls of fire illuminated the battlefield in no particular order.

The originally dark battlefield instantly brightened like day.

Three consecutive dragon flames cut the battlefield into a sea of ​​flames twenty or thirty feet wide, and all the ghouls in it were burned into torches.

Excited cheers erupted,

Taking advantage of this rare gap, the Unsullied, who had eased the pressure from the front, quickly stabilized their formation, preparing for the next wave of the dead army's impact.

In Iron Will there is never an option to escape.

Darkness surged up again.extremely fast!
They are not human, neither fear nor flinch!
The giant dragon swooped down again, and three bright dragon flames instantly cleared a large open space.

The ghoul's attack broke again,
Seeing the giant dragon wantonly ravaging these ghouls in the sky, the people who were already defeated and about to flee stood up again and held their weapons steadily.

Arya and Sansa next to her saw the terrifying performance of the dragon on the battlefield for the first time, and they were stunned for a while,

No army in the world can resist the terrifying dragon flame that illuminates the sky and burns the earth, not even the army of the dead.

Arya was very excited to see it. The most beautiful of the three dragons is Haiqinyan. Its dragon flame is also different. It is neither Drogon's fiery red nor Rhaego's orange, but orange. Mixed with dazzling gold!Brilliant and dazzling, very recognizable!

There was a complicated light in Sansa's eyes. With the existence of these dragons, war is just a joke to them!How can the North resist?

Did Stark, who bowed his knee to Aegon Targaryen during the Conqueror's War, decide to surrender after seeing this scene?
Is it the same for Jon Snow?

Sansa, who was thinking wildly, suddenly lost sight of her eyes, and then a gust of wind hit, and she was almost blown to the ground when she was caught off guard.

Arya next to her supported her!
The two looked up, and saw a huge snowstorm suddenly rolled up in the direction of the wolf forest in the distance. The wind was howling, and the snowstorm was getting higher and bigger, gradually covering the entire sky!Overwhelmingly coming towards Winterfell!

The dragon in the sky has lost its trace.

"You need to go back to the tomb immediately!" Arya said seriously, she has seen the great danger, the White Walkers are coming!
"I will not abandon my people!" Sansa said seemingly firmly,

Alicia understood her, and directly took out a dragon crystal dagger and handed it to her, staring at her without saying a word!

Sansa took it, then turned and went down the wall!

The vision was too dark, and the people who were blown by the wind and snow could not open their eyes, and could barely see the scene a few meters in front of them. The ghouls made a comeback, appearing more suddenly.

Almost as soon as I saw it, the ghoul had already rushed in front of me!The weak resistance was instantly overwhelmed by the tide of corpses!

The defenders outside the city were defeated,

"Retreat!" James yelled to gather the soldiers together, and chopped down a wight casually.

Podrick was killed, and Brienne watched him being pushed and torn apart by the wights.She roared crazily, trying to rush up, but was dragged back into the city by the retreating crowd.

"Retreat!" Tormund was also shouting. There are very few wildlings who have fled here from the north of the Great Wall. Among the retreating people, many tribal women can be seen, and the tallest and strongest woman is wrapped in a The crowd retreated into the city, Tormund opened his mouth wide, and ran towards the city gate without looking back.

"Retreat!" Jorah was also shouting, he wanted to save as many soldiers loyal to Dany as possible, whether it was the remaining Dothraki cavalry or the Unsullied.

"Defend the ground!" Gray Worm yelled!

How could the Unsullied retreat without orders?They still stick to the trenches in a tight formation!
Two of the four Unsullied phalanxes that were originally neat and huge have been submerged, and most of the third has been broken through!
Gray Worm's eyes were wide open, but he still stood firmly in the formation!

Jorah ran to his side and tried desperately to persuade Gray Worm to retreat with the last phalanx into the ditch and under the city wall.

But I will never retreat into the city!
The defenders on the city wall loudly ordered the archers to light the trenches, and the fire will be the last line of defense in front of their city walls.

But the harsh blizzard extinguished any flames, and the trench showed no signs of being lit.

If the trenches cannot be ignited, the walls of Winterfell will be directly impacted by these wights.

According to the plan, these bonfires were originally to be ignited with dragon flames, but when the snowstorm hit, the giant dragon in the sky lost its target and flew around like headless flies, constantly trying to find the location of Winterfell.

Drogon and Rhaego still bumped into each other.

Lin En saw this scene, and with a thought, Haiqinyan turned around and flew up, higher and higher, until it broke out of the clouds!

Under the bright and clear moon, the starry sky is shining brightly, and a thousand miles away at a glance makes people feel relieved!

Lin En looked down and saw that the thick clouds were majestic and strange, like a mountain range, blocking anyone's sight.


On the city wall, Ellie's consecutive rockets were all useless. As soon as the rocket hit, it was extinguished by the wind and snow.

Seeing the wave of ghouls getting closer and closer, and seeing the horror of the wave of corpses, Arya knew that the city walls of Winterfell were too low!Moreover, there are only two people in front of the city, and there is no fire oil roll prepared. It is almost impossible to stop the ghoul with only a few archers!
So the trench must be lit!
Arya gritted her teeth, picked up the torch and took out the hook lock, and planned to go down to the city and light the trench herself!
At this moment, a soul-stirring dragon roar came!

Looking up, a brilliant golden flame fell from the sky, and in an instant, the raging fire ignited in the trench that was just like a stone!
The raging fire quickly spread to both sides, but within a few breaths, the entire Winterfell City was already surrounded!

"It's Haiqinyan!" Arya shouted excitedly,

Haiqinyan circled a few times triumphantly, and flew towards the army of ghouls again!

The moment the dragon turned around, Arya's excited face instantly froze!
Her eyesight is excellent, just now she saw clearly that there was no one on Haiqinyan's back!
"Lynn! Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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