Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 251 The Final Battle of King's Landing 3

Chapter 251 The Final Battle of King's Landing III

The two fleets were in a decisive battle, and Euron, the leader of one side, did not appear!

This thing is really weird!
Unless he's dead, or doing something more important!

There are too few clues for Tyrion to come to a conclusion.

And the most important thing now is to sail the fleet to King's Landing, and together with Jon Snow, persecute the church and hand over Cersei!
Tyrion looked towards the direction of King's Landing, his vicissitudes of face were expressionless. After many years, he finally came here again!

"Xueyi, I'm back!"


Outside King's Landing,

It's time to make an appointment with the church.

Early in the morning, scouts reported to Snow that there was information on the large-scale army of the Storm Kingdom on the other side of the Blackwater River.

"How many did they come?" asked Jon Snow.
"The exact number is unknown. They lined up on the other side of the Black Water early in the morning. Just looking at the current number, there are no less than [-]. They are all hoplites!"

"And until just now, there were still troops joining in! It's just that they didn't plan to cross the river, they didn't occupy the bridge, and there weren't any ferries along the river!"

The scout's words surprised Xue Nuo.

It seems that Lin En still cares about the old feelings, this is to send the army to cheer him up, and to put pressure together!
"Send a letter to His Majesty Lynn, thanking him for his help!"

After the scouts left, Xue Nuo confidently began to assemble the soldiers in front of the city gate.

Tens of thousands of northern soldiers, valley knights, Lannister family army, and [-] troops quickly lined up outside the gate of the gods.

Then waited quietly, these soldiers knew that as soon as the time came, the siege would be inevitable!
Xue Nuo's heart also gradually became restless,

Does the church really intend to fight everyone at the same time?But how is this possible?
The pope old sparrow is definitely a smart man, not to mention so many soldiers right now, even the giant dragon Drogon can capture the city of King's Landing.

What is his plan?
"If the church still refuses to agree to our conditions, we can only ask Aegon to destroy the city wall first, and when they enter the city, restrain them from killing civilians!"

Xue Nuo made up his mind, seeing that the time was coming, he slowly climbed onto Drogon's back, and was about to make a move when there was movement above the city gate.

I saw a group of soldiers who didn't know what they were doing. After busying for a while, they tied a man with a rope and hung him on the city gate!
Xue Nuo's heart beat faster, and a bad premonition surged in his heart. Drogon suddenly roared up to the sky, and with a roar, he flew straight into the air, throwing Xue Nuo off the back of the dragon!

After getting up, he opened his eyes and took a closer look.

This one glance made him dizzy suddenly, and his eyes turned black!It was as if the world suddenly went blank.

Immediately afterwards, a raging fire ignited from his heart, surging and unstoppable, burning his whole body up!

His eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched.

"Siege! Siege! Siege!!!"

What hangs above the city gate is Daenerys' body! ! !


Drogon spouted all the anger he had done before, and the thick city walls collapsed in an instant.

Its golden vertical pupils are full of madness!
Not enough, far from enough!
It doesn't know how "mother" died, and it doesn't know what it means that "mother" is hung up, but it clearly knows that "mother" is dead!
The people here killed her!


Even if it doesn't have much wisdom, it still knows how to take revenge!
It flew into the city, and the dragon flame turned into a long whip, chasing the screaming and fleeing crowd. Buildings turned into sea of ​​flames, and blocks of blocks were emptied in an instant.

How much destructive power can it create in the face of a crazy dragon without the restraint of its master?
The sight of King's Landing is proof of that.

Soldiers from the northern border attacked along the city wall that Long Yan had trampled on,
No need to recognize the road, just go straight along the widest and longest street!
It is the target Red Fort!

They slaughtered all those who stood in their way, whether it was soldiers, monks, or civilians!

The Northern Territory doesn't believe in the Seven Gods, and they don't have the slightest affection for the believers here.

Drogon in the sky has no target, his target is the whole city.

Its anger was so fierce that everything it did before it, the dragon flames almost never stopped, burning everything in front of it.

The entire King's Landing, like the end of the world, is full of people fleeing for their lives, and there are raging fires everywhere. The shadow of the giant dragon flits across the sky from time to time,
Every time, there are groups of people turned into torches.

The crowd ran for their lives in panic, and all the things that should happen and shouldn't happen are all being staged.

James led a team of elites into the city and went straight to the Red Castle. He had only one goal, to find Myrcella and take her away!
He didn't try to persuade Xue Nuo, no one has the position to persuade him when this kind of thing happened.

And even if Snow Nuo is persuaded, so what, look at that giant dragon in the sky, can Snow Nuo control it now?
Xue Nuo couldn't control it, and he didn't want to control it. Anger and sadness had long overwhelmed his reason.

All he wants now is to break through the Red Castle, find Cersei, and give her back double what she did to Dany!

But Drogon was faster than he,
It gradually began to approach the tallest building in King's Landing, the Red Keep.

What no one noticed was that on the top floor of the Red Castle tower, a person appeared at some point, holding a huge horn.

Looking carefully, this person turned out to be the King of the Iron Islands, Euron Greyjoy, who did not appear in the decisive battle of the fleet.

The horn in his hand was twisted and twisted, nearly two meters long from head to toe, flickering with black light, streaked with red gold and Valyrian black steel.The horn was as warm and smooth as a woman's thigh.Its surface was shiny, bright enough for one to see one's distorted reflection in it.

Euron was delighted to see the devastation wrought by the dragon!

It was he who ordered Dany's body to be fished to the city gate, in order to disrupt the negotiations and let the dragon come to him,

Then he puffed up his chest and blew the horn vigorously. The runes on the horn began to turn fiery red, which was the blood obtained from Daenerys, and then emitted a dazzling white light, making it difficult to look directly at.

A huge horn sounded, the sound was so loud that Jon Snow, who was about to rush to the front of the Red Castle, heard the sound of the horn,
The sound was like thousands of souls screaming, and his bones seemed to be burning. The scorching flames were roasting his flesh and blood from the inside out. Such pain made him scream involuntarily.

The giant dragon Drogon heard the sound of the horn, it seemed to have also been greatly injured, and began to struggle and dance in the sky,
The trumpets sounded without pause,
Until its pupils full of anger gradually become cloudy.

Drogon flew to the tower of the Red Keep, and flew to Euron,

Then, lower its huge head!
Euron stopped the horn and proudly touched the horn in his hand. It was the treasure he got from the ruins of Valyria, the Dragon's Horn!

From today, this continent, listen to me!

Euron, looking at the burning King's Landing, laughed wildly!
Ps: I should have written a few more chapters, and I will copy the outline soon!
(End of this chapter)

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