Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 253 The Final Battle of King's Landing 5

Chapter 253 The Final Battle of King's Landing Five

In Storm's End, Lynn raised his head abruptly,
He looked in the direction of King's Landing with fiery eyes.

The mental power surged out, swept through the thousand-mile forbidden forest in an instant, crossed the Storm Kingdom infantry regiment on the south bank of the Blackwater River, and came to the blazing city of King's Landing.


Euron of King's Landing opened his eyes wide, looking at Arya in midair in disbelief!

In the soft silver light, a faint figure came behind her, spread out a pair of wings with white feathers and surrounded Arya,

The silver light is as quiet as moonlight, and everyone who looks at it can feel a sense of security in their hearts.

sacred!Do not hurt!

Countless disciples of the Seven Gods fell to their knees!
Confess to Arya in the light with tears streaming down her face!
Although there are no angels in the teachings of the Seven Gods, any believers of the Seven Gods are extremely convinced that what they see is the messenger of God when the real divine power appears in front of them!
Only Euron didn't believe it!

A vicious look flashed in his eyes, and he jumped onto Drogon's back a few times.

When the fire came out of Drogon's mouth, the surrounding believers went crazy!

Euron they rebuke loudly!

Arya, who flocked to the light desperately, stood in front of her.

Dragon flames are coming!

There were bursts of miserable cries that were fleeting.

Dragon Flame is still breathing, and the crowd is still flocking to the flames...

The silver light spreads!The white wings spread,

The people under the wings saw the oncoming dragon flame blocked by the light, and the thin, water-like silver light curtain firmly blocked the terrifying dragon flame.

Until the flames of the dragon are gone,

The wings fluttered, and Arya, who was shining in the light, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky at an extremely fast speed!


Believers are crazy!
They hated Euron who hurt the envoy, and he was the one who kept the envoy away. The crowd forgot their fear and rushed towards the dragon desperately!

Euron, whose mouth was full of ducks, was even more angry. He rode Drogon and burned an entire street to death, and any witnesses who saw this scene were all burned to death.

He, Euron, absolutely did not harm the messenger of God!
On the contrary, the messenger of God came to bless Euron!

Euron saves King's Landing from the dragon and captures the rebels.He is the savior of King's Landing, the savior of millions of people in King's Landing!
Immediately send a letter to Lin En in the south, asking him to surrender unconditionally, hand over his dragon, and come to King's Landing to plead guilty!

Tyrion's raven came to Storm's End with the letter.

In it he begged Lynn not to go!At least don't go until you find a way to deal with "Dragonhorn"!
Go ahead, just give him dragons, and if Euron has two dragons, then he'll be unstoppable again.

It seems that everyone has forgotten that he once killed a giant dragon with his own hands. How long has it been?
Lynn scratched his head a little, but it was right to think about it, unless he saw it with his own eyes, no one could believe this kind of thing, just like people would call a man who killed a lion a warrior, but a man who scared a lion to death would be called a liar.

Everyone will subconsciously refuse to believe things that are too beyond people's cognition.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the matter should be over here!"

All the powers that have not been recovered are already in King's Landing,
North, West, Church, Iron Islands.

For this final war, the army of the entire Storm Kingdom has already begun to mobilize ahead of schedule.

The [-] troops who were still in the valley were all at the bleeding gate, and the [-] troops from the River Bend had reached the banks of the Blackwater River. Dawn only left [-] troops, and the remaining [-] troops were all transferred back.

For a moment, all problems and conflicts were suspended, and people's eyes were all focused on King's Landing. This destined war will decide everything.

Lynn bid farewell to Margaery, and together with Haiqinyan came to the military camp on the other side of the Heishui River.

It is less than thirty miles away from King's Landing, and there is only a black water river in the middle.

"Your Majesty, they burned the bridge, and we don't have enough ferries to cross the river."

"Also, the scouts of the Holy Sword Knights on the other side are always patrolling the shore. Even if there is a boat, they will suffer a lot when crossing the river!"

Lynn nodded after listening to the introduction, and came to the Blackwater River.

This is the estuary of the Heishui River. The river is already very wide, at least [-] meters wide by visual inspection.

"Tell the soldiers to go to bed early tonight, and I will take them across the river tomorrow!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In the eyes of these soldiers, Lin En has long been deified, and they will believe no matter how unreasonable he says.

Since His Majesty said that he will cross the river tomorrow, he will be able to cross the river tomorrow. He just needs to prepare well. Once he crosses the river tomorrow, the first stop is to destroy the knights on the other side, and then go to the city of King's Landing.

Early the next morning,
When the soldiers of the Storm Kingdom came to the river bank, they saw an unbelievable scene.

The surface of the river, which was still choppy yesterday, actually froze overnight!
And the ice is thick enough for a team of heavy cavalry to gallop on it!

"This is a miracle!"


The Knights of the Holy Sword on the other side of the Blackwater River also discovered this strange situation. Although the reason is unknown, it can only be attributed to the arrival of winter.

The Knights of the Holy Sword is the core armed force of the church. They are all composed of knights. Most of them are rich children who have been trained since childhood. But after joining the Knights, they abandoned their surnames and only had faith.

In the past few years, the power of the church has developed rapidly, and the number of knights has grown to tens of thousands. They are devout and fearless of death.

And the Knight Commander of the Knights is the original Knight of Flowers, Loras.

When the soldiers reported to him that the river was frozen, he immediately ordered the knights to assemble. The other side would not miss this opportunity and would definitely fight across the river.

Although Loras bought valuable assembly time for the Knights, the gap in strength was irreparable.

When the 18 soldiers on the other side crossed the Blackwater River, Loras' Holy Sword Knights actually had very few choices.

It was nothing more than rushing forward to die, or returning to the city to die.

The battle situation was one-sided massacre, there was no surrender at all, and there was no persuasion to surrender.

Lin En's order before the war was to not take prisoners.

The first time Haiqinyan appeared on the battlefield, Drogon from King's Landing City also flew out.

Lynn saw Euron for the first time,

Although I saw it once during the Harrenhal peace talks last time, looking at this man riding on Drogon's back and holding a huge horn,
Look at the cruelty, madness, and cunning in his eyes.

Lynn was adamant that this was the first time they had met.

Euron looked at the beautiful Haiqinyan, his destructive desire was undisguised, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"It's so beautiful, when you get it and destroy it, you must be thrilled with excitement!"

Woohoo! ! !
The sound of the dragon's horn that can tear the soul sounded again,
When Haiqinyan was still elegant and calm, as if she hadn't heard it, the only difference from before was that the gemstone crown on its golden dragon horn radiated a silver light!
That light is so familiar!
"It's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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