Chapter 261 Destruction!

Cole **, Captain of the Word Bearers Company.

At this moment, he was standing proudly among the Word Bearers Legion.

He is full of confidence in this war,
The evil false emperor is just a false god, so why did he get Luo Jia's belief.

Only me, I am the most trusted person of the Primarch, and I will lead him to find the real God!
It was his oath when he barely became a Space Marine!

Along the way he secretly watched as Erebus corrupted Horus!

He also watched his adopted son Luo Jia, the Primarch of the No.17 Legion, abandon his belief in the false emperor,

Then, Cole personally led Luo Jia into the Eye of Terror, leading him into the embrace of the true god!
Now, the power of the true god is growing stronger day by day, and the army of the false emperor is about to be wiped out, and all this makes him feel sincerely proud!

"We will kill the false emperor! Sacrifice the whole galaxy to the true god!"

"Crush him!" Cole pointed to the lonely but arrogant figure in the middle of the intersection ahead.

Two companies of Word Bearers came out in greater numbers, firing their bolters and plasma guns at the man.

"If you want to blame, I will blame you for your hypocrisy... oh oh oh!"

Before Cole finished speaking, his mouth opened into an O shape!
I saw Qianzi, who was standing in the middle of the road and was very eye-catching, flashed the moment the bolter fired, and disappeared.

When they reappeared, the upper bodies of the two Word Bearers sent by Cole exploded into blood mist!
Lynn stood behind the two of them, and slowly put away his hammer-swinging posture.

He raised the corner of his eyes, looked at Cole in front of him and said, "Are you Luo Jia? Why are you so old?"

Cole is in a hurry!
What's the matter?He was old when he underwent the Space Marine transformation surgery, without even receiving the gene-seed.

Fortunately, Luo Jia respected him very much, so he tried his best to complete the transformation for him.

Although he looks old, under his old skin is hidden a strong body with extraordinary strength.

Cole pulled out his power sword angrily and shouted "Kill him!".

Then dodge back into the crowd!

He began to doubt his eyes!

too fast!
Surrounded by Word Bearers warriors, the Thousand Sons turned into a ray of red light, only his blurred figure running, and the thunderous noise when he swung his warhammer!
The rumbling sound continued,
The Word Bearers burst into blood mist one by one!
No matter how they resisted, the chainsaw sword and power ax in their hands, including the power armor on their bodies, seemed to not exist, and were easily smashed through by an irresistible force!
In just a few breaths, the Word Bearers lined up, and more than 50 elite veterans were scattered around incompletely!

A needle can be heard in the field all of a sudden!

Cole twitched the corners of his eyes, thinking in his heart that the four gods bless you!

Where did the pervert come from, this kind of power!This speed!Absolutely has the combat power of the original body level!
"who are you?"

"Who? That doesn't matter!"

Lynn locked his eyes on Cole in the crowd, and hooked the corners of his lips with nearly a thousand Word Bearers around him, and said sincerely:

"Please be patient and hold on for two hours!"

After speaking, the huge body moved a bit,
The Dawnbringer turned into a phantom, and the head of a Word Bearer disappeared with a bang and fell limply to the ground.

This time, the silence in the arena was broken, and the Word Bearers rushed forward with a roar.

Anger filled their eyes, and they rushed towards Lynn without thinking about their own lives!
Then one by one turned into blood mist, not only the warhammer, but Lynn's fists and feet, every blow could turn them into pieces of meat wrapped in armor.

In an instant, there was a circle in front of him, and the speed was shocking!

The Word Bearers distanced themselves,

Lynn started running, and there was an inescapable wave of explosive bombs coming from all directions. His power armor was shattered, and the explosive bombs shot at his body unreservedly, leaving behind red dots.

After a few breaths, even the red dots could not be left behind!
His skin and muscles quickly adapted to the power of the bolt gun, and the kinetic energy of the bombs could no longer cause him any damage.

The loyal plasma fired, and clusters of high-temperature energy shot at him. These plasma guns could blast a main battle tank with every blow.

But on Lin En's body, he could only burn his skin black, and after a strong shock, it was as clean as new!

Cole has stopped praying!
He knows it's useless,
Facing this monster in front of them, the Four Gods will definitely leave Cole behind in ecstasy, and then personally bestow this monster as God's Choice!
He roared wildly, his eyes glowed red strangely, his withered skin quickly regained its elasticity, and after standing up straight, Jilou's body unexpectedly grew taller miraculously!

From the looks of the whole person, there is still no aging and frailty just now!

"Kill you! The Four Gods will still take care of me!"

With a howling sound, the power sword slashed at Lin En at high speed.

Lynn swung his hammer to meet him, only to hear a crisp sound. Cole's power sword was like paper, unable to block it even for a moment. His arms were smashed into powder by the two colliding forces.


With a puff, his chest and waist disappeared, leaving only his head rolling to the ground!
"You!!" Cole's head opened his mouth to scream,

Before he finished speaking, Lynn stepped on it and smashed it to pieces! !
Then turn around and look around,
Pairs of blood-red strange eyes,

"Is it getting deeper? The smell of the evil god is getting stronger!"

what! !

cry out,

A man with an ordinary face, wearing dark golden power armor, and slightly taller than ordinary space warriors rushed towards here crying!
He launched an attack on Lynn without hesitation!

Then get punched!
Luo Jia burst into flames,

Then turn around and run!

The Word Bearers beside him quickly filled the space between him and Lynn, and then rushed up from all directions!
Hatred, rage, and bloodthirsty, they have lost their way, and they only want to tear apart the enemy in the middle.

Lyn put away the Hammer of Dawn,

His fists and feet turned into heavy hammers, and he swung them rapidly, setting off harsh winds around him!

bang bang bang!The continuous pounding sound turned into a torrential rain!
The Word Bearers kept rushing up, and then they were slaughtered one by one, knocked into the air, and smashed to pieces!

A bloody field formed in the center of the crowd, and it was crushing towards Luo Jia!

Luo Jia is half crazy!

The strong sense of absurdity pulled him out of the grief of his dead adoptive father, and then kicked him into fear again!

"Who is he?"

Looking at the blurred face in the crowd, his pupils dilated violently!
A hoarse scream blurted out.

"This is impossible!!!"

"What is impossible!"

Lin En's tall and majestic body had already pierced through the crowd and came to Luo Jia's side!
Looking down at this man condescendingly,
The Primarch of the Word Bearers, Lord of the No.17 Legion, Lorgar Aurelion.

Luo Jia looked up at Lin En's face, the fear, surprise, and disbelief in his eyes overflowed his pupils!

murmuring incessantly,
"This is impossible!"

"Resurrection! It is God's authority!"

"How could you be resurrected?"

(End of this chapter)

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