Chapter 265
army of death,

One of the original three Titan Legions on Mars, with a long history and close relationship with the Grand Forge of Mars and his cronies, they were one of the most powerful and best equipped Titan Legions before the outbreak of the Rebellion.

It is conservatively estimated that they have two hundred active god machines.

From the 15-meter-high War Dog-level, to the 30-meter-high Predator-level, to the 40-meter-high Warlord-level, there are even a few Emperor-level Titans as high as [-] meters!

The prestige of their legion also spread throughout the galaxy as the empire's military operations unfolded.

The army of death has always obeyed Horus, and it is not surprising to appear here. The good news is that the Titan army has begun to retreat.

Although I don't know why,
But these engine oil guys started to retreat in a hurry without even collecting the battlefield, which is really not in line with their habits!
"These traitors will definitely have bigger actions, and we must hurry up!"

Lynn didn't have time to think about it, these titans are treasures that can't be bought with money, even the lowest level of war dogs are big killers that can control the battlefield,
Although it is damaged now, it is also of extraordinary value!
At a glance,
There are more than 150 wrecks on the battlefield, among which the war dog is the most, followed by the core main force of the Titan Legion, the warrior class!

Every warlord class has the ability to decide a battle or even the war situation of a planet.

The degree of damage to the Titans varies, some were burnt into scrap iron, some turned into residue, but some just lost power, and the operators on it just left in a hurry!
But Linn crossed the gap in the valley that had been cooled by the burnt lava while collecting,

When he came to a depression, the scene in front of him made him so excited that he almost cried out!

It turned out to be an emperor-level Titan! ! !

The [-]-meter-high God's Mechanism appears to be largely intact, with only one leg broken from it, making it unable to move.

"Praise the Om Messiah!"

"Mine! Mine!"

Lin En chanted slogans, rushed towards it, and excitedly took the Emperor-class into the space!
The excitement calmed down a little, but the doubts in my heart grew even bigger!

"This is so unreasonable!"

Emperor Titan!

The most powerful ground weapons of the empire can only be built in a few forge worlds such as Mars, and the construction time of each one is more than a hundred years!Each has its own name.

Known as the machine of God, the symbol of the Om Messiah in the world!

Even if it is damaged, the oil guys will take it back at any cost and hold a funeral for it.

How could he be abandoned here because of this injury!

"What is the conspiracy?"

Lynn's mind was thinking rapidly!

From the time Ferrus ordered the airborne landing, to the arrival of the rebels, and now that Vulcan captured the fortress, the rebels' offensive was suspended, and it took only three hours in total!
Lynn looked at his space, and the number of gene seeds collected in it has exceeded [-]!Every legion has it!

This shows that at least 20 interstellar warriors have been killed in the short [-]-kilometer valley! ! !
How cruel! ! !
The empire has never suffered such a huge loss in its war against the galaxy!
But will the traitors retreat because of the losses?
Obviously impossible!They will kill them immediately!
"Then why did they retreat?"

"Could it be a temporary retreat?"

It is impossible for the Mechanicum to agree to give up the Emperor Titan!
They will definitely be back!And soon!

When the enemy has the upper hand!Space Marines retreat, Titan Legions retreat,

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind!
"Weapons of mass!"

"Nuclear bomb!!! Lynn, follow me into the fortress!" Vulkan's rough voice roared in the distance,

Lynn turned his head and saw Vulcan running towards him anxiously. At the same time,
He also clearly saw the giant missile rushing towards him at more than ten times the speed of sound in the sky!


10 minutes ago,

On the outer orbit of Isstvan V,
The Queen of Glory class battleship, the Blood of Iron, is the flagship of the Iron Warriors of the "Fourth Legion" and the flagship of the Primarch Perturabo.
At this moment, Perturabo was standing on the launch port of the carrier-based aircraft wearing sealed armor, looking at the ground.

Why stand here instead of the bridge?
Because the Blood of Steel has a very unique feature compared to any other warship: there is no porthole on the surface of its hull, not even on the bridge.

Perturabo believes that space warfare relies on sensors and tactical information display interfaces to be sufficient, and any attempt to directly observe targets in a visual form is of no benefit at all.

Ironically, it was he who held this logic. In many battles, he could not resist the temptation to witness the changes of the battle situation with his own eyes. As a result, he could only wear his armor and ran to the launch port of the carrier-based aircraft that was already in a vacuum environment to look at it. The battle situation is just like now!
Watching the missile launch, it accelerates and hits the ground, faster and faster!
Perturabo was in high spirits, waiting to see that dazzling light!

In the ground fortress,

Vulcan and his Salamander Legion are in full swing to control the weapons, void shield generators and other vital points everywhere!
No time to bask in the death of Commander Ferrus,
After the rebels began to retreat, Vulkan anxiously contacted the Iron Hands and the Raven Guard to let them enter the fortress for repairs.

The remnants of the Iron Hands came to the fortress, and now only two of the elite veterans of the ten companies that Ferus brought were left.

But Primarch Clarks of the Raven Guard rejected his proposal.

Duck King Clarks believes that guarding the fortress is waiting for death, and the duck guard's specialty is to lurk and fight behind the enemy's rear.

He wants to lead his legion, break it up into pieces, and fight a guerrilla war against the traitors here.

While Vulkan was still persuading him, the fortress-level auspicious array array controlled by the Salamanders caught anomalies!
The Iron Warriors flagship, Blood of Iron, above space orbit launched a missile,
They have fought together for a hundred years, and they are too familiar with each other. The moment the Blood of Steel launched a missile, the Salamanders knew exactly what they were going to do!
A nuclear missile!Equivalent to a huge nuclear missile!
Of course it can't destroy the void shield array of the fortress, but everyone outside will be killed!
Star warriors are not afraid of nuclear radiation, it depends on the situation!
The Iron Warriors are extremely fond of heavy weapons. The nuclear bombs they drop must have a huge yield. The power of the explosion alone is enough to destroy all life.

Vulkan anxiously informed Clarks of this information,
After hearing the news, the Duck King was no longer stubborn, and led his legion madly towards the inside of the fortress!
And Vulkan, after notifying Clarks, rushed out of the fortress, but the soldiers of the Salamander tried their best to dissuade him, but it was ineffective.

"I want to inform Lynn that he cut off the back for us! I can't just stand by and watch him face the nuclear bomb without knowing anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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