Chapter 268 Extermination Order

With the return of the last batch of transport aircraft,
All warships have completed their preparations, and the portholes of all warships are full of people, waiting for the execution fleet of the extermination order,


A cruiser in the Emperor's Children fleet exploded into a ball of fire without warning!
The dazzling light is so eye-catching at this moment when everyone is holding their breath,

All the detectors, the augurs, havetened to find the cause,
Soon the reason was found!
But this reason shocked these traitors!
The Thinker's computer on the bridge clearly marked a humanoid creature jumping out of the flames of the ship's explosion and onto another battleship that was closest to him!
It was the "monster" on the ground who defeated Luo Jia, killed the shell, massacred countless space fighters, and became in the big nuclear explosion

"How did he get here?"

Horus roared angrily!
"Zhan... Warmaster! According to speculation, he came up on the outside of the last batch of returning transport planes!"


Lynn was so excited!With a roar, he tore open the deck of the battleship, kicked hard on the hull, and rushed towards the inside of the battleship with his strength!

After leveling those titans on the ground, he suddenly lost his target, but the energy in his body was still boiling!
He needs to fight!
So when he saw the transport plane flying to space, he took it to the orbit outside the atmosphere without even thinking about it!

He rushed to where the engine was and blew it away!
The violent explosion of the fusion engine shattered the battleship from the inside out in an instant,

Lynn roared wildly, retreating to another warship by the shock wave of the explosion,
Do it right!

Two minutes later, this battleship also exploded!

It's just that this time it wasn't as far away as last time. Lynn suddenly found that the nearby battleships were moving away, and there was nothing around him!
Horus is overjoyed!
"This monster can't break out of the atmosphere. He is so powerful that he can't use it in space. Jumping here is asking for death!"

"Order all nearby warships to stay away from his position, I want him to turn into a coke floating in space!"

A series of light spears shot at the floating Lin En, and he was even more furious in the shower,
He "sees" the great changes in the cells in his body, and every cell is "breathing!"

Massive amounts of energy were released from it, and they "exploded" in his body like little suns, making him hot and furious from the inside out.

The skin was permeated with red light from the inside out, electric arcs jumped on his body, and his eyes became more and more red!
A crimson red ray of light shot out from his eyes like a sharp sword!

Like a hot knife cutting into cheese!

A battleship more than ten kilometers long was instantly cut in half!
Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion sounded!

Horus was dumbfounded!Watching it all in disbelief!
He jumped to the front of the stage and roared angrily: "Fire, fire at the top of this monster, blow him back to the ground!"

Overwhelming, countless missiles exploded above Lynn, and shock waves pushed him to the planet.

The gravity of the planet recaptures him,
Lynn only had time to cut another battleship, and then began to roar and fall towards the surface!


"Start to execute the extermination order! Immediately!" Horus's roar sounded in the communication channel of the entire fleet!
The operation command hastily took over the communication,

"Attention all fleets, the execution of the extermination command fleet began to enter the scheduled launch position, all fleets please immediately evacuate to the safe range line."

After a while, two large, two small and four warships sailed out from the fleet,

The two small boats are Destroyer-class missile ships, and they are each dragging a huge black missile!
"That is?"

Many people looked at the two small boats with a hint of fear in their eyes!
"Extinction order weapon, bipolar torpedo! There are still two!!!"

Most extermination orders are carried out by specialized extermination order weapons,

Examples include atmospheric incineration torpedoes, cyclone torpedoes, and bipolar cyclone torpedoes.

The Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedo is an advanced plasma device that explodes in low planetary orbit and ignites all oxygen in the target planet.

The execution of this extermination weapon will burn the planet for several months until the entire surface of the world is completely melted into glass.

Cyclone torpedo is a general term.There are many types of weapons that fit the definition of a cyclone torpedo, and flatten planetary surfaces in a variety of ways—from nuclear flames to primordial plasma.Regardless of their method of destruction, the result of these cyclone torpedoes is the same, it will wipe out all life on the planet, boil the planet's oceans into steam, and finally leave only bare rock.

The bipolar cyclone torpedo is one of the special variants, a rare special weapon.

Most of the extinction orders are aimed at the extermination of planetary creatures, but this bipolar torpedo is different,
It is used to completely destroy the planet!
The torpedo has a two-stage warhead: the first stage is an exceptionally powerful melta warhead that can penetrate the Earth's crust and mantle all the way to the core.The second stage is an improved cyclone plasma warhead, which can directly destroy the earth's core, usually completely destroying the planet from the inside out!
Horus actually used this terrifying star-destroying weapon, and he used two at a time!
This is the reserve of the entire star sector!

"In the name of the human empire, I hereby announce the extinction order for Isstvan V." Horus' deep voice came from the whole fleet channel,

Everyone straightened up subconsciously, and their whole body felt numb like an electric shock!

"I hereby declare the death of this world, and may the galaxy forgive us for what we have done today!"

The bipolar cyclone torpedoes mounted under the two missile ships were detached from the hooks, dragging their long tail flames and flying towards the two poles of the planet respectively!
The missile detonated at the two poles of the planet, and even though it was far outside the explosion safety line, the giant mushroom cloud could still be seen rising again.

Then there is the magma exposed by the collapse of the earth's crust, like the blue veins of the planet.

The structure of the entire planet began to collapse and disintegrate, and amidst the rumbling sound of "wailing", fragments and magma flew in all directions into space.

The planet that finally exploded turned into a newborn "star", and that "light" was enough to deprive people of vision for a long time.

Countless planetary fragments hit the shield of the battleship, but even so, the whole ship was still shaking, and many people fell to the ground due to the impact.

After a few minutes, the shaking gradually subsided.

When people looked up, the place where the planet Isstvan V once existed was only a dark and cold void and a large number of rock fragments.Everything that ever existed on that planet has been erased.

"The execution of the extermination order is complete!"

A large number of fleets began to disband, headed in different directions, and jumped into the subspace one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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