Chapter 279 The Ocean of Souls

Lin En seemed to have done something very ordinary, as if nothing had happened, he circled around the dead Earth Origin Beast twice,

He also reached out and touched the bone spur on its back,
They no longer emit light, nor absorb source matter,

After knocking twice, there was a dull sound, which sounded extremely dense.

"I don't know what material it is?"

Lin En, who was thinking this way, grasped the bone spur and exerted force,

With a "crack" sound, one of them actually broke off!

Mark woke up instantly.

"Now is not the time to be in a daze! The Earth Origin Beast has already summoned its companions, hurry up! Load the car right away, let's get out of here."

The crowd rioted like a frightened flock of sheep, moving supplies, saving people, loading cars, and making a mess.

Mark glanced at Dustman No. 8888 who was still studying bone spurs, walked up to him,
He raised his arm and wanted to pat his shoulder to show encouragement, but found that this Dustman was a lot taller than him. If he wanted to pat his shoulder, it would be like climbing a wall, which was a bit awkward.

So Mark raised his hand halfway and patted Lynn's forearm,

"No. 8888, thank you for everything you have done. You protected the supplies and saved some Shangmin. I will apply for a reward for you."

Lynn smiled, "You're too polite, Captain, please hurry up!"

Mark was taken aback, and Ran Bing next to him burst out laughing,

"Goose goose goose~!"

"You big man is so interesting, how did you do it? That is, how did you kill this earth-origin beast?"

Ran Bing, who was outspoken, saw that Lin En's personality was bright and cheerful, and he didn't have a dull personality like the captain, so he simply asked directly,
She wasn't the only one who was curious, everyone was curious. Mark even forgot what he was going to say, and stared at what Lynn had to say.

Lynn looked around and said with a smile: "How did you do it? I just have more strength!"

"Why are you getting too strong..." Ran Bing was about to speak with a twitch of his forehead but was suddenly stunned, thinking about it and not knowing how to refute it, he muttered to himself in a daze.

That's right, whether it's throwing a steel bar through the Earth Origin Beast's leg, or nailing it to the ground, isn't that just a little bit more strength!

Lynn nodded in satisfaction and said, "I'm such a big man, it's reasonable to be stronger, right?"

Ran Bing nodded like a goose, "Yes, it's very reasonable."

Mark looked at Ran Bing speechlessly, is that a little older?It's huge beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

However, this No. 88 did not violate any lighthouse laws, did not discard materials, did not disobey orders, but saved some dusty people and Shangmin,

Moreover, the ordinary steel bars used to kill the Pole Devourer are not weapons that the lighthouse expressly forbids the dust people to touch.

So even if there are some secrets, who doesn't have secrets in this world?

The loading work went very fast,
After a while, it was already packed, and the cars in Mocheng took the lead, and all the cars ran away like rabbits being chased by dogs.

It didn't return to normal until it ran a long distance and was sure that there would be no more polar devouring beasts catching up.

All the dustmen in the car let out a sigh of relief, blushing and bragging to others about how brave they were just now, and that their gains this time must surpass those in the past, etc.

Lin Enzuo didn't say a word in his position, thinking about what happened just now in his mind,

The moment he broke the bone spur, a puff of red smoke that no one noticed drifted out.

It was as thin as hair, entangled on his fingers, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.
But Lin En's mental power is so powerful, he traced back to the source in just a moment, and re-perceived the huge ecological network of Mana through the scarlet element.

I even vaguely perceive the source of Mana's ecology, which is the position of the subject,

It's a pity that it can only be felt in an extremely far away place, and the specific location is still undetectable.

At the same time, this very special energy appeared in front of him for the first time.

Lynn had a clear idea of ​​it,
"Source quality" is the gene of the human body or the power of life, but it is not just that, the source quality also contains the spirit and soul!
The soul and the body form a complete person, which is the essence of the essence.

When Lin En fell asleep, the Doomsday spores floated out,

First, it parasitizes the nearest vines. These doomsday vines absorb the nutrients in the earth infinitely and grow stronger, greedily thirsting for higher quality energy,

Until it discovered human beings, and discovered the energy of "all sentient beings already exist."

Then there is parasitism, mutation, evolution, absorption of source quality, and supply to the main body.

All plunder from body to soul!
The flowers of mana are blooming everywhere, and the beasts are all over the world,
They are all products of the doomsday spores, and all their actions are for one purpose, for the main body to absorb energy!

Therefore, the Extreme Devourer absorbed the source quality and gave it to the flower of Mana, and the flower of Mana sent the source quality to the main body through the network all over the world.

In this way, a complete system was formed.

Thinking of this, Lynn suddenly felt a little cold!

Since the essence contains human souls, does that mean that his main body has absorbed hundreds of millions, billions of souls from the earth during these years of sleep?

But then rejected this idea,
Because if he really absorbed those souls, he might have become a god by now!

It won't be the same as before sleeping like it is now.

So where are those souls now?

Lynn closed his eyes, and followed the scarlet pigment that hadn't disappeared to perceive carefully,

The huge mana ecology was once again displayed in front of him, and he went upstream from the tiniest branch without any hindrance.

This is a network centered on him, so naturally it will not reject his spiritual advancement.

Almost instantly, he came to the core of Mana's ecology, that is, beside the subject.

The situation is as he thought,
Lynn found countless sleeping souls here, like an ocean!
The plasm does contain life and soul,
It's just that there is only one Lynn, he doesn't want to devour other people's souls, even in deep sleep, he still only absorbs the life energy in the source quality, not only to ensure the purity of his own soul, but also to protect these souls.

Let these souls not dissipate, and sleep in the Mana network along with his dormancy.

With the disappearance of the scarlet pigment on his fingers, he also lost his deep perception of the Mana network, and his spirit returned.


take a deep breath,

Lynn felt that he should be exposed to more scarlet pigment, so that he might be able to accurately perceive the position of the subject at any time.

In this case, the task has a clue.

As for task two!

"Go back and act!"

"Get the identity of Shangmin first!"

After going through a process in my mind again, the lighthouse in the sky has appeared in front of the convoy!
There was a burst of cheers in the team!
"Call the lighthouse! This is the wild hunter, the collection task has been completed, please return!"

"This is the lighthouse! Welcome home, everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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