Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 292 "Genes Can Change"

Chapter 292 "Genes Can Change"

Since the promulgation of the Three Laws, the lighthouse has abandoned the relationship between humans in the old world and abandoned the family.

I think family affection and love are bad habits.

Husband and wife, parents, children and other relationships are all illegal.

after that,

For the continuation of human civilization, optimize human genes.

The lighthouse adopts the genetic matching system, and the central intellectual brain performs genetic matching, and selects the right-age Shangmin to carry out the breeding task.

Intellectual Brain will give a list of suggestions after considering various conditions, including population structure, resource pressure, and genetic matching.

Then the staff of Chenxi Hall will approve the physical condition of the list, the task status, and arrange time to carry out the task after everything is complete.

Since then, the Hall of Dawn has been regarded as the most sacred place of the lighthouse, a holy place for lighthouse people to abandon their selfish desires and continue the human fire...

The Lighthouse Law expressly stipulates that all Shangmin are obliged to complete the tasks in the Dawn Hall.

You can even come up with it yourself,

Among them, those who perform well will be awarded the honorary title of "Breeding Model"!

Lynn scratched his head, how should he complete this task?
Waiting for Chenxi Hall to send a notification to himself?

I'm afraid we will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!
Where there are people, there is Game of Thrones.

Although the Lighthouse stipulates that all Shangmin have the obligation to complete the Dawn Hall, violators will be sentenced to death, but there are exceptions.

For example, women in wild hunters, and staff in some important positions.

Lighthouses take years of time and resources to cultivate a hunter.

In case of pregnancy, it will affect a period ranging from several months to a year at once. The tight resources of the lighthouse will not allow such a waste.

Or Jingnan, the commander of the navigation control room,
You can't ignore the safety of so many people, let her take a few months of vacation at once!

And Lin En also heard that Jingnan was adopted by Morgan because she looked exactly like the wife of the castellan who passed away.

He was carefully cultivated since he was a child, and he was appointed as a navigation control commander as soon as he became an adult. There must be the selfishness of the city owner.

Taking a step back, even if Zhinao gave Jingnan's name, I'm afraid Charles would stop him.

After all, Jingnan bears his mother's face...

It seems that in order to complete the task, the first thing is to get the central brain,

Otherwise, based on the genetic status detected when it was "born", the brain would never arrange itself to perform breeding tasks.

Secondly, it is to get the Light and Shadow Club done!

Lynn washed up and went out.

As soon as I went out, I felt that there was something wrong with today's lighthouse!

When they came to the outer ring, everyone was in a hurry, whether it was the Shangmin or the dusty people, there was an indescribable restlessness and uneasiness!

"Number 8888!"

A triumphant voice called to himself,

Lin En was a little surprised. It had been a long time since no one called him that, and now he still called him his Dustman number in person, which was undoubtedly a malicious humiliation.

That blind-eyed one wants to get beaten up?

Looking back, it turned out to be the cut of No. 4068, and 4079 beside him was pulling him, as if trying to stop him.

But 4068 is tall and burly, there is no way he can hold it, and with a flick of his arm, he broke away from him violently,

With a flushed face, he strode to Lynn's side, and looked at Lynn provocatively as he opened his mouth to speak.

Lynn slapped him hard across the face,
4068's face seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, the flesh on the left face was throbbing endlessly and squeezed to the right face, and the whole person soared into the air, rolled and flew out.

He opened his mouth with a "poof" and spit out a mouthful of blood, and several big teeth splashed all over the ground in circles accompanied by blood.

4079 anxiously stepped forward to help him up, looked at Lin En and said pleadingly: "8... Lin, Minister Lin!"

"4068, he was just impulsive, I hope the adults will forgive his rudeness!"

"Don't ask him!"

Before Lin En could speak, 4068 roared angrily,

"I will soon become like him, a Shangmin!"

Although the words were leaked, Lynn still heard what he meant,
It seems that something happened to the lighthouse that I haven't heard of, and this incident may be related to the identity of Dust Man,

While thinking about it, he wiped his hands expressionlessly,

Indifferently, as if nothing happened,
"Insulting Shangmin, go to the precepts to receive the seven lashes."

The steel whips in the discipline center, each whip can tear people's skin apart and hurt their bones, it has always been a nightmare in the hearts of dust people.

After seven whips, not only will he lose half his life, but he may even lie on the bed for ten days and a half months.

4068 trembled with fright, and roared harshly:
"You are dreaming!!"

Lynn nodded in satisfaction,
"Contradict Shangmin, and three more whips!"

"Go before noon, I will check with the precepts!"

After Lin En finished speaking, several city defense troops came out more and more, bowed their heads and saluted:

"Minister Lin, don't worry, we'll take this filthy man to receive the punishment!"

After finishing speaking, he punched hard, hitting the stomach of 4068 who was still restless,

4068's eyes protruded sharply, and he opened his mouth to vomit, but was blocked by his neck, dragging him like a dead dog, and several city defense forces dragged him up and left.

Lynn continued to go to the main hall of the city, and after a while, he came to the entrance of the central elevator.

The elevator door opened, unexpectedly there was a tall and handsome figure standing inside,

"Commander Jingnan, the morning light blesses you!"

"Blessed by the morning light, Minister Lin!"

Jingnan looked unwell, his face was obviously tired, and his speech was weak.

"Didn't you rest last night? The dark circles are all coming out!"

"After such a big thing happened, how could it be possible to rest well," Jing Nan said with a wry smile.

It seems that something really happened,
Perhaps because of Lin En's expression of doubt, Jing Nan asked in surprise:
"do not you know?"

Lynn shook his head and asked, "I fell asleep when I came back, and I just woke up! What's the matter?"

Jing Nan looked at him enviously, "You really have a big heart!"


"What happened?"

Jing Nan sighed, and didn't hide anything, he roughly explained to Lynn,
It turned out that yesterday’s lighthouse required too much power when it fired the electromagnetic gun, and all the power of the lighthouse was withdrawn, resulting in a power outage of the lighthouse for several minutes.
This was expected as well, but the problem is that railguns haven't been used in decades, and haven't even been tried to save energy.

For the first time in decades, something unexpected happened,

Even the central intelligence brain was powered off!
After the power is restored, everything is normal, but the genetic information of the lighthouse residents is lost.
If the genetic information is lost, the intelligence brain can no longer perform matching, and the task in the morning light hall cannot be carried out. The solution is also simple, just test it again, and how long it took.

But the trouble is that the dust people know this, a theory quietly spread among them and quickly set off a storm.

"Genes can change!"

(End of this chapter)

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