Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 30 Blood is an alliance, soldiers send Pingshan

Chapter 30 Blood is an alliance, soldiers send Pingshan

Everyone has no objection to the miraculousness of the angry chicken, and the next step is to agree on a strategy and deployment strategy.

First, they spread their hands widely and went to various Miao villages to buy live chickens, as long as the males did not want the females.

The people in Xieling also prepared corpse-wrapped nets, corpse-lifting poles and other special equipment to deal with zombies.

Many people nearby swear and swear that they have seen the Yuan Dynasty Corpse King eat people, and Chen Yulou will use this legendary Corpse King to rebuild his prestige!
A few days later, a zodiac festival was chosen, and everyone set up incense tables, pigs, and cows in Zanguan.Three sheep.To worship the emperor Guan's throne and the portrait of the ancestors, one must kowtow and swear blood as an alliance.

Since they didn't worship the handle, they didn't need to pierce the middle finger, they used chicken blood. Everyone took the blood and wine and swore an oath. They said some clichés such as "one heart and one mind, advancing and retreating together", and then expressed their intentions. If there is any violation Oath, the sky sees thunder and the earth sees cracks.

In the end, they drank the blood wine at the same time and smashed the porcelain bowl. This is also a procedure that must be followed in forming an alliance. It means that from now on, it is a family. After that, they will use the unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box to steal the ancient tomb of Pingshan.

Immediately, the lanterns and torches were lit, and thousands of people marched on the mountain!
The first are the engineers, and many of these engineers are in the "Changsheng Mountain", except that they are the big-headed soldiers who are soldiers.

Carrying machine guns, explosives, tools, and a big rooster in a bamboo basket.The sappers entered Pingshan crookedly amid a roar of chickens.

Behind the engineering soldiers was the Xieling group of thieves led by Chen Yulou. A group of people was temporarily dispatched from outside the mountain to come in, openly and secretly, and all of them were like real guys!

Lin En and Bianshan were also in the Xieling team. The partridge whistle carried the only "Angry Chicken" on his back, and Hua Ling followed him without stopping.

"Don't always walk in the front, you are very powerful, but you have little experience."

"Always pay attention to the way back, the most important thing is to turn around and run when you encounter danger!"

"Don't keep thinking about saving people"

Chen Yulou suddenly came over and said, "Brother Lin, how about you please stand behind this time? Also look at my brother Xieling's methods!"

Obviously it was because Lynn rescued him the first two times, and this time he wanted to regain some face in front of Lynn.

Hua Ling was overjoyed when she heard the words, and felt that the leader of Xieling, who had no ability to be rescued every time, was instantly pleasing to the eye.

Lynn cupped his hands and said, "I have always admired all the brothers in Xieling, well, then I will wait and see."

Chen Yulou's original plan was to take people at the weak point of the ridge, blasting open the tomb passage with explosives, and directly to the tomb.Or go down from the last mountain gap, release a flock of chickens to sweep away the poisonous insects, and then find the entrance to the tomb.

However, the partridge whistle believes that the shape of Pingshan is strange, and it is more labor-saving to dig up from the mountain.

After some discussion, everyone decided to divide the troops into two groups. Chen Yulou took all the engineers and Xieling to bury the gunholes and blasted the ridge to see.

The Partridge Whistle led a small team of unloading ridges towards the mountain, looking for the entrance from the bottom of the mountain.

The two teams go their separate ways and work together, no matter which team succeeds, it is considered a success!
The large number of live chickens collected were brought by Chen Yulou. Such a large number of roosters was enough to expel the poisonous insects. The crowing of the chickens all over the mountain scared the poisonous insects in the entire Pingshan Mountain into hiding.

Lin En followed the partridge whistle to Shanyin, and it was surprising that the red girl actually followed,
Lynn looked at the partridge whistle with contempt for a while. Good thing you, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, actually betrayed the revolution!

Usually with a cold look on his face, he is so fast to hook up with girls?After only going out for two days, people abandoned the head.

Lin En seemed to have seen a smear of grass on the top of Chen Yu's building!
When I walked to the mountain, it was actually a puddle formed by the accumulation of rainwater in the mountains. It was bottomless. Did you swim there?Partridge whistle frowned.

Red girl saw what he meant, and asked everyone in Xieling to tie the centipede hanging on the mountain ladder together. The bamboo tube was empty and had great buoyancy, so it could be used as a boat.

Lynn felt more and more that this centipede was very useful for hanging on the mountain ladder.The person who invented this tool really has a big brain!

They went down by boat and walked to the end, and they found a cave. After getting off the raft, they dismantled the ladder again, carried their backs and walked in one by one.

The cave is dark and gloomy, the rocks are jagged, and there are constantly falling water droplets, which are cold and biting.Walking along the cave came to an abrupt stop, and there was no way out.

Partridge Whistle used the method of moving mountains to find tombs, using a pot of wine, dripping it all over the cave, carefully observing the changes of the stone surface after the wine fell, and finally locked a spot. After the wine fell, it neither seeped nor flowed. , on the contrary, it seemed to be adsorbed, and after a few turns, it slowly disappeared.

"It's here. If you make a robbery hole here, you will definitely be able to reach the underground palace."

"Why are you here?" Hong girl asked straight, seeing that she didn't know how to open her mouth.

Partridge Whistle answered without concealment: "Here is a link to the bad luck in this bottle of mountain, so it is repelled from the spirits belonging to the yang, the changes are very subtle, and it takes extremely high eyesight to observe."

Lynn curled his lips, approached the old foreigner and said, "Learn a little bit, see if you want to chase girls, you have to have the ability, and you have to show it easily and naturally. Only in this way can you attract the other party! Now, it's useless to sleep!"

The old foreigner blushed and blurted out: "I never thought about this, we won't live long even if we move mountains!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hua Ling's face suddenly turned pale, her eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

"What's the matter?" Lynn quickly comforted him. "Did the old foreigner say something wrong? I'll beat him up for you!"

The old foreigner next to him was stunned, cooperating with what you just said, and it was a fart in the blink of an eye, right?
Hua Ling sobbed and said, "No, no, I miss my parents, their health is getting worse and worse."

Before Lin En could speak, he heard Partridge Whistle turn his head and said, "In this chaotic world, everyone is like duckweed. What do you want to live a long life, you can only do your best and obey the destiny!"

Hua Ling nodded.

"Take the sub-mountain digging armor"

Hua Ling and the old foreigner removed the bamboo basket from their backs after hearing this, and they didn't know what Hua Ling had spilled into the bamboo basket, when they heard the sound of large pieces of iron armor rubbing against each other.

Although everyone in Xieling had heard about the name of Fenshan Digzijia, but no one had seen it with their own eyes, they did not expect this thing to be "living"!

From the bamboo basket, two "pangolins", one large and one small, are shaped like old turtles and have scales on their backs and tails.

This "Pangolin" is called the Pangolin Lingjia. This thing is drilled when it sees a mountain. I saw the small one, shaking the thick armor all over its body, and its hooked toes flying. It is like cutting tofu. Hurry up and disappear in no time.

The old foreigner led the big one behind him and tied a chain to the copper ring around its neck. In order to catch up with the smaller one, the big one dug the hole bigger and bigger.

The people in Xieling who had seen such a method were dumbfounded.

Lynn yawned on the side. He had seen these two people before, so he was still resting at this time, and he didn't know what he would encounter when he went in later!

After a while, the old foreigner drilled back from the robbery cave, and also pulled back two mountain-piercing mausoleum armors, reporting to the partridge whistle: "It's dug through! Inside is the Hades!"

(End of this chapter)

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