Chapter 307 Surprise!

It's not that Lynn expressed his happiness on purpose, it's because what happened just now surprised him so much!

It wasn't about Dustman 4068, it might have been done by a passing hero,
What he was really happy about was when Donnie was surrounded by ridge gu and the scarlet pigment condensed into a swirl.

Lin En's huge mental power once again perceived the Mana ecological network along the crimson element.

And this time it's clear,
From the flowers of mana all over the ground, to the beasts that collect energy everywhere, to the ground vines that serve as network nodes, everything in the network is clearly displayed in front of him.

Surprisingly, he actually sensed a living person in the mana ecology!

How can living people integrate into the Mana ecology?

But those living beings did just that!

Although the time is too short to observe how they did it, this discovery undoubtedly shows that there are still humans living on the surface!
If he was pleasantly surprised by these discoveries, then the next discoveries really excited him!
In the depths of the mana network, countless source matter gathers to form a sea, and innumerable souls sleep in it, but in this sea of ​​source matter and soul,
Lynn sensed the existence of the main body for the first time!

For Lynn, this is the biggest and most exciting discovery.

Although I don't know the exact location yet, it's not far away, it's in this area!

The target area has been found, and Lynn is sure to find the specific location of the main body within a few months.

While Lynn was driving the car happily.

A lot of Pole Devouring Beasts followed behind,
Using the narrow and rugged terrain, they gradually approached the convoy,

Mark cooperated tacitly with several heavy bodies, killed the beasts from behind, and caught up with the convoy again.

It's because Ran Bing was probably overexcited. He drove the motorcycle and threw the motorcycle out, using it as a bomb to block the road.

Lin En's face darkened, and he opened the car window and shouted, "Ran Bing, turn on the communicator!"

Ran Bing, who was still squatting on Mark's body, froze, and immediately turned his head to the side.

"I don't! You're going to curse again!"

"If I don't scold you, do I still praise you?" Lynn shouted through the window,

"Did you have a good time? Did the motorcycle bomb look good? Do you know what you threw out?"

"It's an all-terrain heavy off-road motorcycle, a precious non-renewable resource, and the cost is more expensive than this broken car I drive! And the entire logistics reserve is only three!"

"Does Santai know!"

Ran Bing's face turned pale, and he looked at his ears with both hands, pretending not to hear!
When Lin En was continuing to scold, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he looked at the top of the passage ahead,
It was the roof of a ten-storey building. At some point, a huge head of the Pole Devourer popped out.
The head was covered with white dry bones, with a violent bump,
A building was smashed to pieces by it, and countless bricks and stones crashed down.

The convoy dodged in a hurry, and everyone in the car was thrown tottering, but no one complained at all.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, and they looked at the giant double-jawed beast above their heads in horror.

"Go at full speed, rush forward, don't look back!" Mark's anxious command came from the communicator of a car.

All the vehicles pass under it,

The giant two-jaw beast opened its mouth and roared,

The huge sound waves made people's eardrums hurt, and they couldn't help hugging their heads.

Several cars staggered to and fro and almost hit the nearby building, but the strange thing was that the giant Pole Devourer had no intention of continuing to attack. Instead, it stopped in place, staring blankly at the convoy going away.

Lynn, who was driving, suddenly turned his head and looked behind, his eyes sparkled, as if he had discovered something very interesting!

Of course it's very interesting,

The surprise in Lynn's heart almost exploded!
He actually saw a person on the shoulder of that beast!

Live people!
Short white hair, a silver shawl, and long legs that are so far away and can attract people's attention at a glance!
"I can!"

"No, I mean it's amazing!"

Lynn defended himself in his heart.

He is very sure that this white-haired woman has integrated into the mana ecology!
Her physical fitness is extremely exaggerated, even if Mark, who is the peak of ordinary people, is ten times stronger in her hands, he will not be able to please her.

Most importantly, Lynn was sure that she had used a technology similar to gene seeds, and it was her own gene seeds that were fused.

In the world of Warhammer, those extraordinary space fighters in the major armies of the human empire gained extraordinary power only by incorporating the gene seeds of their respective Primarchs.
The Primarch Legion was their genetic father.

There is a connection between the Primarch and the Warrior, identifying each other without even an introduction.

So Lynn recognized her at a glance,

"Perhaps, this can also explain why she can stand on the shoulders of the Pole Devourer."

Lynn was in a better mood, and even whistled happily.

But the rest of the team wasn't in a good mood.

Although materials, especially precious energy, were collected in this operation, the losses were also heavy.

Several people died in the Dustmen, and several people died in the Wild Hunter, including a heavy-duty pilot, Cory.

So the atmosphere in the convoy is a bit heavy,
Mark said nothing with a cold face,

Ran Bing was also in a daze, and after returning to the car, he chattered to Lin En about what he had just seen.

Petunia touched her head, and said with concern: "Did you bump your head?"

Ran Bing shook off her hand angrily, and said angrily, "I'm not talking nonsense, I really saw it, and Captain Mark saw it too!"

"Lyn, you trust me!"

Lynn nodded again and again, "Yeah, I believe, after you go back, you can live in my wooden house for two days, the environment there is good!"

"Okay!" Ran Bing nodded happily. She had been envious of Lin En's wooden house in the sky farm for many days, but after thinking about it, it was wrong!

This nasty Lynn still didn't believe what he said. Is he coaxing a child?
"You still don't believe what I said!" Then he stood aside angrily and stopped talking.

The team quickly returned to the lighthouse. As soon as the baffle of the lifting platform was opened, Lynn saw Vatican the Light Bearer standing straight outside, looking back and forth among the crowd through the mask.

Although his size has shrunk a lot and he still wears a mask, Vatican quickly locked his eyes on him.

Lin En jumped out of the car, and Shi Shiran walked down,

Anyway, she has already returned, and she can still turn back time!

Vatican followed Lynn without saying a word, and only spoke slowly when she returned to the residence, took a shower, and changed her clothes.

"My lord, the city lord held an emergency meeting and asked the heads of all ministries to gather in the city lord's hall within half an hour!"

"Oh, by the way, this order was made 29 minutes ago!"

(End of this chapter)

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