Chapter 319 Airborne
Lynn's body fell rapidly,

The strong wind filled his ears, and all the robes violently swung back and forth, making a sharp hissing sound.

The falling speed of the body soared rapidly, and it became faster and faster under the influence of the acceleration of gravity!

After a few breaths, it has reached more than 200 meters per second.

At this speed, ordinary people can't even breathe, and will pass out in a few seconds.

Lynn adjusted his body to increase the area as much as possible. When the wind pressure he suffered was equal to his gravity, his speed began to decrease.
Finally, an average speed close to two hundred kilometers per hour is reached.

At this frightening speed, whenever it encounters any obstacle, the human body will become as fragile as an egg, and no one can survive.

But Lynn is not human!
No, is it an ordinary person!

Although this body is not his terrifying Japanese body of destruction, it has been developed by him to the extreme. At a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, he can even find time to cut his nails.

He seemed to be flying leisurely in a wing suit, in the sky, with the bright moon on his back, he flew towards the ecologically dense area at high speed!
When it was approaching, a huge pulse of energy shot out from a distance, piercing the night sky and pointing out the direction for Lynn.

Adjusting his posture, he galloped towards the gap on the ground while roaring.

After seeing the situation on the ground clearly, Lynn's eyes froze.

He actually saw Bai Yuekui here, she was standing on the side with some strange people looking down at something,
One of the petite figures looked up after hearing Lin En's neighing that pierced the air, and opened his mouth suddenly.
Pulling Bai Yuekui's sleeve beside him, he stammered, "Look, there's a bird man! A bird man!"

While speaking, Lin En had already rushed into the gap, and the moment she passed by Bai Yuekui, she clearly saw the horror flashing across her plain face!

in the hall,

Mark struggled and tried his best to finally defeat a metamorphic beast, but he was also dragged by it, smashing the floor several times and falling into the ground.

Mo Cheng and others hurriedly contacted and finally got a response. After waiting, they found that Mark was lying on the ground covered in blood.
At that moment, the hunters frantically rushed in as if they were on fire.

But that damned Pole Devourer just came back to life at this time, with a body more than ten meters high, with its hips on its hips, and let out bursts of mocking laughter.

On the edge of the gap on the upper floor, countless accompanying polar devouring beasts also surrounded them,

Everyone knows they must die!
They surrounded the city, surrounded Mark's seriously injured body, raised their guns, aimed at the target, and only waited for the last moment to come.

At this moment, there was a scream in the sky, and under everyone's gaze, a "missile" smashed into the head of the twisting Pole Devourer with a loud roar!

Amidst a series of explosions, the Pole Devourer exploded from head to tail one by one, and lumps of flesh and blood splashed all around.

The tall Pole Devourer didn't even let out a wail, but was caught by the "missile" that fell from the sky.It was smashed into pieces of meat abruptly.


"Boom!" A loud bang!
Tons of rubble were blown away.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and a figure slowly stood up!
Lin En patted the meat and dust on his body, and walked out step by step.

"President Lynn?"

Seeing such an exaggerated airborne method, the wild hunters and the dustmen still have the ability to think in their hearts?Hastily knelt down on the ground, shouting Lord of Light and Shadow.

They are all educated people, so they naturally know how incredible it is to be able to land on the ground in this way.

Lin En frowned impatiently, and saw Mark lying on the ground with his throat slit in the crowd at a glance.
How powerful his eyes are, he can see Mark's injury crisis immediately, the most important thing is that he has lost too much blood,

"Master Huishou!" Mo Cheng, who wanted to be arrogant, fell to his knees with a plop at this moment, and kowtowed to Lin En,

While knocking back, he prayed in a crying voice: "Sir, leader! Please save Mark! Save the captain!"

Seeing Lin En's performance, the rumors he heard before suddenly sounded in his mind. It is said that the leader of the meeting is favored by God and protected by angels.

And it can heal people's injuries in the blink of an eye.

He didn't believe this rumor at first. After all, he often went to the ground with Lin En to perform missions and had a close relationship. It was really hard to believe what the angel said.

But now seeing Lynn's landing method and thinking of the rumors, he believed it if he didn't believe it. He knelt down in a hurry, and only asked Lynn to have supernatural powers to save Mark's life.

Many wild hunters also reacted, and they knelt on the ground in a moment.

Ran Bing walked up to Lin En in a few steps, grabbed Lin En's sleeve and cried out of breath.

"Lin En, save the captain! Please!"

Lynn could feel her hand shaking violently as she tugged at her sleeve.

Patted her hand, walked to Mark's side in a few steps, looked at the blood pooling from his neck,

At this time, the blood from Mark almost filled his heavy body, and it had already leaked out from the gaps everywhere.

Lynn put his hand over his wound,
There was no sound, no light, and when he withdrew his hand again, although Mark's wound was still there, blood was no longer gushing out!

"Oh my God"

"It really stopped!"

Watching Dian Mocheng nervously all the time, and even more excited, he was about to wake Mark up!
"If you touch him now, his wound will open immediately!"

Lin En's words frightened Mo Cheng's face to turn pale, and he remained motionless.

"I just stopped his bleeding, the wound is still there, and there are other serious injuries, he must be sent back to the lighthouse for treatment immediately!"

"Don't stand still, act now!"

Almost finished speaking, there was a turmoil in the hall, and the wild hunters, immersed in the pain of losing their comrades, seemed to be on an emotional roller coaster, rising and falling several times in a short period of time.

At this time, he carried Mark and hurriedly evacuated, only to return to the lighthouse quickly and leave this ghost place.

But Lynn stood there motionless,

Ran Bing anxiously ran to his side, "Hurry up, the Pole Devourer will be resurrected soon!"

Lynn still didn't move, but just searched the hall with his eyes, and froze after a while.

Ran Bing followed his gaze, and a moment of sadness welled up in his heart, his eyes were flushed, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Penny is dead!"

"She was pierced through the heart by a thorny bone spur, and then her source quality was taken away!"

Speaking of this, Ran Bing was so choked up that he couldn't continue speaking.

Lynn walked to Petunia's side, and looked at the soft blond hair falling down her shoulders, but there was not much pain on her peaceful face.

Several wild hunters came to the side, hesitant to say something, but they dared not speak. They all saw that Huishou Lin was not in a good mood.

Ran Bing knew their reason for coming, pulled Lin En down and said hesitantly: "We still have to bring her back to the lighthouse, we can't leave her here!"

"What are you taking back?" Lin En shook his head and refused, "Let her stay here!"

The hunters didn't dare to say more, they turned and left.

"You go too, leave me a car, I'll stay here later!"

Lynn is going to be here, enter the Mana ecology, and look for Penny's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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