Chapter 326 Power Transition
Lynn's eyes twitched!
As soon as the body moved, a gust of wind was blown up, and it instantly arrived at the side of the "Humanoid Pole Devourer", and it flew up directly,

The roaring Pole Devourer let out an "owwow" and was kicked back into the incinerator again!
Lin En blocked the door, turned around and shouted: "Go and save the city lord!"

This loud shout woke up many people who had just entered and were still in a daze.

Jingnan Victor ran towards Morgan with a pale face,
Mocheng and a few hunters shouted excitedly:

"Mark! He's Mark!"

"Mark?" Lynn turned his head suspiciously, looking at the Pole Devourer who was lying still on the ground.

"How did you see it? How does this thing look like Mark?"

Even so, I turned off the flamethrower of the incinerator first.

Mo Cheng, Ran Bing and the others rushed in without waiting for the temperature inside the furnace to drop, dragging the Pole Devourer out.

Although the creature was motionless, it was clearly still alive!
The performances of the wild hunters were different. Many people were very excited, but more people stood still, hesitating, and some even picked up guns.

"Lin En, come and help!" Jingnan by the wall called him anxiously,
The steel door was too heavy, and it couldn't be opened in the corner. Several of them tried several times but couldn't move it.

Lynn walked over, stretched out his hand and grabbed the edge of the door and lifted it vigorously. The nearly ton-heavy steel door was lifted up smoothly by him.

Victor grabbed his clothes, and Jingnan moved Morgan away from the place.

Jing Nan took a closer look, and couldn't help covering her mouth in shock. Tears gushed out of her red eyes like river water overflowing the river bank.

I saw that the person on the ground had his entire chest and half of his head smashed flat, and he no longer had a complete shape!
Victor's hands trembled, and he didn't know what to do after trying several times.

With a final roar, he drew out the gun at his waist, ran to Mark's side in a few steps, raised the gun at Mark on the ground without hesitation, and shot.

"Bang bang bang" gunshots,
With red eyes, Mo Cheng rushed forward without hesitation, threw Victor down, and snatched the gun from his hand.

Seeing this, the city defense army also rushed up.
The city defense army and wild hunters all rushed towards each other, and people from both sides fought in this narrow space.

The animalized Mark lay motionless on the ground, only half of Morgan was lifeless, Jingnan was crying,
Suddenly, there was a muffled sound!
I saw Lin En kicking the steel door in his hand away, and the huge steel door roared and smashed heavily on the door of the incinerator, making a deafening noise!

Like a bell ringing in a stuffy jar, the huge roar reverberated back and forth in this small space, getting louder and louder, until finally, everyone covered their ears and cried out in pain!

Lin En stretched out his hand and touched the trembling steel plate, his palm trembled slightly,
"Papapa" three times, the loud noise that shook people's eardrums to burst suddenly stopped!
For a moment, everyone looked at him involuntarily.

"What are you doing? Playing house?"

Lin En walked up to them in a few steps, stood in the middle with his tall body, and shouted sharply,

"The body of the city lord hasn't cooled down yet, Mark... let's just treat him as Mark, the current situation is unknown, and you are just rolling around like gangsters on the street here, what does it look like!"

After a few reprimands, everyone lowered their heads and calmed down.

"General Victor! Please take someone to collect the city lord immediately."

Under Lynn's extremely oppressive gaze, Victor struggled to stand up and led the city defense army to Morgan's position.

"Mocheng, and you wild hunters, cooperate with the medical department to imprison Mark immediately. Before confirming his safety, he is not allowed to be released privately! No contact!"

"Do you understand?"

"Leader Lin!" When Mo Cheng heard that he was going to be imprisoned, he immediately wanted to say something excitedly, but was interrupted by Lin En waving his hand.

"Obey the order, Mocheng! Look at Mark's current appearance. If he is not locked up, will he be free-range on the lighthouse?"

Mocheng was speechless, at this moment, Dr. Carrie hurried over,

After entering the door and looking around, he stared at the Beast Mark on the ground with bright eyes, his cheeks flushed with excitement, and he hurried over.

"Dr. Carrie! Come and see the Sanctuary!" Victor saw Carrie coming, and stopped her with a glimmer of hope.

Carrie glanced at Morgan, who was on the ground, and said regretfully:
"Don't watch it, the entire chest cavity is completely destroyed, all organs are damaged, and half of the brain has disappeared. What do you tell me to look at?"

Victor was stunned for a moment, with despair on his face.

"It's dead!"

Carrie bypassed him and walked directly to Mark on the ground.

The wild hunter cooperated with her and several doctors who came and took Mark away.

At the same time took Morgan.

A cremation ceremony of Mark actually directly caused the death of Lord Morgan.

But the lighthouse cannot be left alone.

In less than a few hours,

Lynn has fully accepted all rights to the Lighthouse.

There is no resistance.

Even the two captains of the City Defense Army went to Lynn to "ask for instructions."

From yesterday when the city lord fell into a coma, Mark braved thunderstorms to go deep into the ecologically dense area to find medicine, to Mark's death, mourning, cremation, and then to Mark's sudden mutation and killing the city lord.

In just one day, the lighthouse has undergone earth-shaking changes.

That night, the city lord hall was brightly lit.

Many people from various departments came.

One is to discuss the funeral of the city lord,

The second is to discuss the handling of Mark.

Among the hunters were the second team captain Jeff, Mo Cheng, Ran Bing and several elite heavy-duty drivers.

Lynn walked onto the high platform alone, facing the crowd.

He didn't sit on the chair in a hurry, he stood straight on the high platform and said:
"The funeral of the city lord is scheduled for tomorrow, and the hall of light and shadow will make arrangements. All departments will arrange their rotations."

"In addition, the cremation time is set for the afternoon, and the engineering department must repair the incinerator tonight."

His words were all orders, and there was no room for negotiation.

No one in the audience raised any objections, and everything went smoothly.

After Lynn finished speaking, Victor stepped forward and asked in a cold voice:
"President Lin En, when will the murderer who killed the city lord be executed?"

"You fart!" Jeff of the Wild Hunter hadn't spoken yet, but Mocheng was already eager to refute.

"Captain Mark didn't kill the city lord on purpose, why did you kill him!"

"That's right, Captain Mark treats the city lord like a father, how could he kill the city lord?"

"Besides, Mark ventured deep into the ecologically dense area just to save the city lord. He would never do that!"

Everyone in the hunters talked one after another, trying their best to excuse Mark.

But Victor didn't seem to hear these words, and his eyes were fixed on Lynn on the stage.

He knew that it was meaningless to argue with these people, and those who could make decisions stood on top without saying a word!

(End of this chapter)

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