Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 331 Abolition of the Three Laws

Chapter 331 Abolition of the Three Laws
Three days later, Lin En officially became the lord of the city.

The succession ceremony was kept simple according to his orders,

He just changed the information on the identity plate and broadcast it on the lighthouse.

But when he was in the city lord's hall and took the seat of the city lord, the first order he gave was,
Let the entire city lord's hall lose their voices!
"From now on, abolish the three laws of life!"

"Lighthouse no longer has a distinction between Shangmin and Chenmin. All jobs, except for ministerial positions, are all competitive!"

Lynn ignored the horrified gazes below and announced the decision!
"My lord, why are you doing this?"

The newly appointed Wild Hunter Commander Jeff took a step forward and asked anxiously,

"Will this cause a big mess?"

Hearing what he said, Senge, the commander of the city defense army, came back to his senses, and hurriedly said:

"What are you worrying about! Since the city lord has made such a decision, there must be a deep meaning, we just follow the order!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled obsequiously at Lin En, as if I would do whatever the adults said!

He understood in his heart that the city lord deliberately left ministerial appointment and dismissal rights, so he was absolutely safe!

Lynn ignored him...

The city defense army does not need to have much talent, just be obedient.

And he did not make this decision on a whim, but a decision that had been carefully considered.

The three laws of life divide people into two classes according to their genes.
The good ones have it all from childhood, free education, good healthcare, clean food and shelter, grow up and have good paying jobs

And what about the lower classes?
Nothing at all!Not even a name!
Living together on the same lighthouse, I can only watch this injustice every day, but nothing can be changed.

After a long time like this, the real trouble will happen!

The reason why Lynn wants to abolish it now is because the abolition has the least impact and the least cost.

After abolishing the three major laws and eliminating the distinction between Shangmin and Dustmin, all positions will be recruited openly and competed for posts.

But the dust people have never been trained and studied by Shangmin, so how could they compete with Shangmin now.

In a short period of time, even within a few years, there will not be much change to the status quo, so that the basic order can be maintained.

The original Shangmin is still doing the previous work, and has obtained higher contribution points.

However, if the original Dustmen want to get a job with a high contribution point, they need to learn,

Learning does not require contribution points but requires a lot of time.

During this period of time, only the reserved contribution points can be consumed, and they can only work hard while studying.

It looks like nothing has changed, but it's actually quite different.
They have hope!

Lynn gave them the choice.

Their fate is no longer doomed to change, as long as they work hard, they can get a better life.

The same reasoning applies to Shangmin. Although their lives will not change at this stage, they have competitors after all.

If you want to keep your job, you need to keep studying and work hard.

In this way, the lighthouse will enter a virtuous circle.

Of course there will be a price, but it must be paid!


In addition to this reason, Lynn has a deeper reason.

"The lighthouse cannot float in the air forever!!!"

This is a result that many people know well, but dare not think about it.

Such a huge monster floating in the sky needs to consume huge supplies every day,

Although food is no longer the most urgent consumable, what about energy?What about machine maintenance?
The lighthouse cannot produce energy, and the solar panels on the top alone are not enough to maintain operation, and it still needs to be collected from the ground.

But there are fewer and fewer places on the ground where energy can be searched. Even if it is found, the source energy stored in it will be consumed little by little with time, and it is destined to return empty-handed one day.

What will happen then?
Also, the lighthouse has been floating by nature for 50 years.

It is a behemoth composed of countless precision machines.

Since it is a machine that always breaks down, the lighthouse people have carefully maintained it for countless years, but there is also a limit.

Oxidation of steel, wear and tear of machines, damage to parts, without the support of countless high-tech departments and factories on the ground, how many years can we persist only by picking up some garbage and tinkering?

One day in the future, the lighthouse will eventually crash.

This prospect is inevitable!
To avoid this outcome,

The lighthouse must go down to the ground!

Hiding on a lighthouse and lingering?Or find another way to go down to the ground and risk your life?
That wasn't an option for Lynn.

Moreover, there are ready-made examples now!
Since Bai Yuekui's underground city can exist, so can the lighthouse people.

Lynn already has a preliminary plan.

An underground base can be rebuilt not too far from Bai Yuekui.

Send a small group of people down first, and build the base while experimenting with integrating into the Mana ecology. Under the leadership of experienced people, this is not impossible.

When the underground base begins to take shape and the number of people integrated into Mana increases, the number of people who go underground can be increased to complement each other with Bai Yuekui's city.
The two are in one place. They can communicate with each other in various materials, manpower, and technology, and they can also support each other when they are attacked.
In case one place is facing a catastrophe, there is also a way out.

Lin En believed that Bai Yuekui had no reason to object to this kind of thing,

If there is, Lynn can also provide any technology owned by the lighthouse in exchange for the technology they integrate into Mana,
Didn't they say they wanted a biogenerator for making flour last time?Can also be exchanged.

It's a win-win!

And to achieve all this, the lighthouse man must be untied first,
The three laws of life must never be brought to the ground.

In the Lord's Hall,
Lin Enshi said in shock:
"The last time I was in a mission in an ecologically dense area, I actually met humans on the ground!"

Lynn roughly shared with these high-level officials the last time he encountered humans on the ground.

"The humans on the ground built an underground city, and it works well."

Needle drop can be heard in the hall...

Everyone's faces were full of disbelief, especially when they heard that the humans on the ground had built an underground city.

Had other people told that, they would have scoffed,

But Lin En is now the lord of the city, with his prestige and past performance, he will never talk about it!
That is,

"The ground...can it really survive?" Ran Bing asked tremblingly.

Lynn nodded, "I saw it with my own eyes and talked with them for a while."

"They have mastered a technique of stealth among the beasts, and more importantly, this technique can be learned!"

"As long as we master this technology, we can move underground and build our own underground city, just around the corner!"

(End of this chapter)

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