Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 338 Ed Parker the Pensive

Chapter 338 Ed Parker the Pensive

Bai Yuekui told Lynn,
When the alien object fell on the outskirts of Jiuchuan City, the mayor Bai Jingyu found a computer in addition to the "God's cells".

This computer is very special. It uses the combination of human brain and machinery, and its computing power is extremely powerful, far surpassing all computers today.

The researchers named him "Brain Machine".

A project with "brain-computer" as the core was approved, but there was no improvement at first, until the scientific research institute was at a loss for "God's cells", the "brain-computer" project made a breakthrough,
Researchers have bred a complete human gene from that part of the brain when studying the brain.

Through comparison, it is found that this gene is quite different from ordinary people, but it also has super vitality and adaptability.

The Nirvana creature intercepts this gene and fuses it with other unknown genes to revive it to form an embryo, which is then placed in a human uterus for gestation.

It's a crazy idea, and what's even crazier is that it worked!
A humanoid organ container was born!
He can fit anyone perfectly!
Whoever it is, needs that organ.Regardless of blood bone marrow, or arms and thighs, all can be customized according to needs, perfect fit!

What is even more surprising is that after replacing these new organs, they performed better than before, not only increasing their lifespan, but also enhancing their physical fitness.

Nirvana has a name for this universal clone, Mark!

A large number of marks were cloned,

Nirvana has also ushered in great development and obtained huge funds.


An air prison named Tartaros was established, and it was declared to be dedicated to detaining high-IQ criminals. It was secretly funded by Nirvana Corporation to conduct "brain-computer" research and experiments.

"Tartaros is now the lighthouse!"

Lynn knew that the predecessor of the lighthouse was a prison named Tartarus, but this was the first time he knew the origin of this high-tech prison.

"Small mind!"

Thinking about Bai Yuekui's words in his heart, but he couldn't figure it out.

According to what Bai Yuekui said, the brain of the lighthouse is very likely to be the original "brain machine".

But he has already determined that Zhinao is the meditator on the landing pod he used back then!

The Thinker is a computing computer commonly seen in Warhammer, and it is the "wetware" cultivated by biotechnology used by the tentacle monsters of the Mechanicus as the computing core.

Whether it is a chariot or a starship, it can be equipped for computing work.

Although most of these "wetware" are transformed by human cloning, there are also cases of hapless people convicted of crimes or captives being transformed.

Everyone in Warhammer is so busy, and no one cares about this "little thing".

Moreover, each Thinker is expensive to build. It is said that the airborne pods of space fighters are not as expensive as the Thinkers above.

Lynn felt as if he had missed something, and felt a little irritable.

While returning to the lighthouse, while thinking in his mind, he went through the known information in his mind,
From the discovery of extraterrestrial objects, to the brain machine, the cloner Mark, and the lighthouse brain.

From his landing on the ground, to the landing pod, the meditator,
Suddenly, a thought flashed through, since the lighthouse brain is the meditator of the landing pod, then according to what Bai Yuekui said, the lighthouse brain is the computer found in the alien, then it means that I am the one they said "Aliens"!
Moreover, the location of discovery is Hisagawa City!

In other words, when I landed here, the city I saw at first sight was Jiuchuan City?
"Xiaobai! Where is Jiuchuan City?" Lin En mentally connected to Bai Yuekui and asked eagerly.

Bai Yuekui said puzzledly: "Jiuchuan City is facing the sea! When the earth and the moon changed, the earth began a large plate displacement that lasted more than ten years, and Jiuchuan City was destroyed long ago!"


"If you're asking about the approximate location, it's here!"

Yes, Lynn nodded secretly, this coincided with what he sensed,
That is to say, his body is in this area, so it can't be wrong!

Lynn returned to the lighthouse, the lifting platform had just stopped, and Vatican was already waiting outside.

"grown ups?"

"Vatican, the construction of the underground city requires a lot of energy, so the energy reserve of the lighthouse will be very tight during this period. In order to prevent the situation from happening last time, back up all the data of the lighthouse."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Immediately!" Lynn emphasized,

Vatican immediately turned around and arranged to go.

Lynn walked towards the central computing room step by step.

This is where the brain is located, the core of the entire lighthouse.

Opening the secret door behind the city lord's office, and passing through two secret doors, Lin En came to the central brain again.

Looking at the huge half of the brain soaked in the jar in front of me, I no longer have the shock of the last initial inspection,
The combination of human brain and machine!Alien technology beyond the times!and also,
"What did the people at the lighthouse call it?"

Crotor system?
Looking at the wriggling tentacles on the brain, I don't know what crazy human scientists have done to it, and it turned it into this.

It is said that the position and momentum of microscopic particles can be observed at the same time, so can the future be predicted?

Isn't this bullshit!

It is said that it can observe the changes in Mana's ecology or source quality, Lynn believes, but it can observe the state of all microscopic particles, so as to calculate the future?

what is this?Scientific fortune telling?

Lynn shook his head,


Immediately, a line of Fenrisian text popped up on the screen in front of him.

"Lord Commander!"

"Your number?" Lynn asked.

"The Thinker MLXY050611!"

"your name?"

"Ed Parker."

"According to the iron law of the Martian Mechanicus, no meditator is allowed to have intelligence. Where did you get your name?"

"I'm awake."

"So honest?"

"The meditator never lies."

Looking at the answer on the screen, Lynn was sure that there was indeed something wrong with the wetware used by the Thinker's computer!
In the process of transforming the brain into wetware, the Mechanicus will definitely "purify" it, erase all its consciousness, and ensure that it is "pure and flawless" before it can be put into use.

But I don't know how the researchers of this world have crazily transformed it, and actually reawakened its erased personality!
The human brain is far more complex than any machine.

When the meditator's personality awakens and remembers its original name, he is no longer pure, but has desire.

But now it seems that the awakening is not complete, that part of the properties of the computer is still affecting it,
"Your purpose?" Lynn continued to ask.

"Thinkers observe the sea of ​​source quality, the sea of ​​source quality has no consciousness, no master, just gathered together."

"Thinking Ed Parker thinks, here's an opportunity!"

"what chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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