Chapter 340 Final Evolution

The construction of the underground base is progressing rapidly,
Since the geothermal power plant started working, all construction work has started to pick up speed.

heavy equipment entry,

In the brightly lit underground space, several construction machinery crushed large chunks of rock, and the uneven ground was flattened by huge steel.

The loud rumbling noises continued day and night.

Channel rivers, dig tunnels, plan grounds, and lay pipelines.

Under the intensive urging of the engineering department, the foundation of the dungeon became stronger day by day, and the outline gradually became clearer.

All the departments on the lighthouse are enthusiastically participating in it,

Jessica, the Minister of Engineering, suddenly became the busiest person.

She was originally the person in charge of the engineering department, but the original engineering department was only a dispensable department in the lighthouse, and it was only responsible for the research and maintenance of heavy volumes on weekdays.

Now that the construction of the dungeon has started, the engineering department has become the busiest department. There are countless things waiting for her every day.
Jessica hasn't come back for half a month,
This made Lynn a little bored.

He has given up hope that the lighthouse can scan the location of the main body. Maybe the technology of the lighthouse is limited, or the hole drilled by the main body is too deep.
The lighthouse has scanned the inside and out of this place many times, but there is really no trace of it, and it will be a waste of effort to scan it any further.

And now I have another way.

Now that you know that when Mana evolves ecologically, the fishy spiral formed can reach the sea of ​​source quality, so why not go there yourself when the time comes, and just jump into the passage and you will find it.

It saves worry and effort, and can knock Ed Parker to death, which kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Lin En lay down even more at ease,
Open the dome of the sky farm,
The warm sun shines on the body, the green grass under the body is rustled by the wind, and there are a few cows grazing leisurely in the distance.

Sitting next to him, Linguo carefully peeled the apple, without blinking his eyes, staring closely at the place where the blade slid, for fear of wasting a little bit of pulp.

Because Lynn forbade her to eat the apple peel, and would bury the apple peel in the soil in front of her, and then told her that if she did this, the apple would grow back on the tree next year!
Lin Guo didn't know the truth, so he could only persuade himself in his heart that what Lin En said was true,
Because when you think this way, you will feel less distressed.

"Lynn, will you live there after the dungeon is built?"

Lin Guo cut the peeled apple into small pieces and put it beside Lynn, then asked cautiously.

Lin En held her big braids in one hand and twirled them in circles, and ate an apple in the other, and asked vaguely:

"What's the matter? Don't you want to go down?"

Lingo shook his head, "I can go anywhere."

"Is it just that apples can be grown in the ground?"

Lin En thought for a while after hearing the words, and then said uncertainly:

"It seems impossible!"

"Two days ago, someone was going to talk about building a supplementary light greenhouse underground to grow vegetables. But where can't you grow apples?"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Lin Guo was a little disappointed, he smiled and said, "Do you want to go on like that? But I don't want to go!"

"Aren't you going down?" Lin Guo asked in surprise.

"What if I went to the lighthouse? Besides, I don't like staying underground!"

"I'll pick another one for you!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lin Guo immediately jumped up and ran to the apple tree excitedly,
Lynn lay on the ground, watching her long legs in jeans firmly fixed herself on the tree, and climbed to the branch of the tree after a few ups and downs.

Then he grabbed the branch with both hands, wandered a few times and came to the top of the tree, looked left and right, picked the biggest and reddest apple, stretched out one hand to pick it off,
Then the slender waist straightened out, and the person landed firmly on the ground.

Looks full of energy.

Lynn suddenly felt that Jessica had stayed on the ground for too long?

Let her take some time to come back and report on her work in a while!

While thinking wildly, Vatican stepped out of the elevator, looked around, and then walked towards the direction where Lynn was wading.

Before she approached, Lynn sat up,
"My lord! The lighthouse has detected that a fishy spiral is forming in the southeast!"

Vatican's words made him happy, "Has it finally appeared?"

Detecting the formation of the whirl is a first-level task assigned by Lynn to the navigation control room, and once found, it must be reported immediately.

"Closer to it, I'm going to see it!"

Lynn walked towards the control room, connected to Bai Yuekui, and told her about the discovery of Xingxuan here.

"Don't be so impatient, this is just the beginning!"

Bai Yuekui's reaction was not as excited as Lynn imagined.

"The mana ecology of this continent is indeed about to evolve, and the appearance of the fishy spin is proof. But the ecology does not evolve all at once, but a gradual process."

The evolution of mana ecology requires a huge amount of source quality, so it will have to extract the source quality stored in various places again and again.

Violent fluctuations will form a spiral of scarlet in the ecologically dense area, which is the fishy spiral.

After the evolution begins, more and more fishy spins will appear on this continent, until finally it will converge into a super big fishy spin.

The formation of this super-large fishy spin indicates that the evolution has reached the most critical moment.

Once done,
It represents the completion of the final evolution of Mana on this continent.

"What does it mean after the evolution is completed?" Lynn asked.

"Maybe it's a new type of beast, maybe it's a more powerful beast. To be honest, I haven't seen it before!"

"But no matter what the result is, it's not a good thing for human beings after all!"

Bai Yuekui's tone was worried, and Lin En didn't know how to comfort her,
Do you tell her not to worry, that she is the source of Mana's ecology and the chief culprit who has destroyed countless human beings?
Shaking his head, although these were not his original intentions, the matter was indeed caused by him, so no matter from that aspect, he had to complete the task.

Lin En settled down and continued to ask: "How long will it take? It's far from the final evolution."

"The fishy spin has just begun to form now, and it should take some time before the final super-large fishy spin is synthesized!"

Bai Yuekui's words made Lynn frown slightly,
How long is a period of time?A year and a half or ten days and a half?

Xu felt Lin En's impatience, and Bai Yuekui continued:
"The super-large fishy spiral has a great impact. When it really comes into being, anyone who is on this continent will see it."

"You said it in such detail, have you seen it before?"

Lin En couldn't help but wonder, Bai Yuekui knew so much about the evolution process of Mana ecology in his words, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, how could it be so detailed if it was just a guess?

"I did, and more than once!"

(End of this chapter)

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