Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 344 "Mark" Reappears

Chapter 344 "Mark" Reappears

After leaving the sunlight, the sky full of stars flashed in the night sky,
This is a really bright starry sky, with countless stars densely dotted with everything in the space,
They are big or small, some are blue, some are red, and even clusters of stars are pink.

The depth and mystery of space shocked everyone deeply!
Under such a vast starry sky, people will unconsciously shrink themselves, feeling that they are not as small as a speck of dust!
Although this is true,

But the time of feeling is wrong,
Lynn clapped his hands, and the crisp applause instantly penetrated their eardrums and woke them up.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and work!"

The order seemed to sound from everyone's heart, instantly calling them back to reality,

Everyone returned to their posts and got busy. The starry sky outside was still shocking, but it no longer had the allure that seemed to capture people's hearts.

An hour later, the lighthouse was back where it was, having circled the globe once.

"The altitude is [-] kilometers, and the time is one and a half hours. The air pressure of the lighthouse is normal, the sensor is normal, the circuit is normal, there is no abnormal phenomenon, and the attitude is correct."

The announcer finished all the results in one breath, and then looked at Lynn.

Lynn looked around, Jessica, Jingnan, everyone's eyes were on him, which implied excitement.

"The test mission is completed! Start to return and descend the altitude!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

When the lighthouse successfully descended to the normal height of 2000 meters, there was joy in the navigation control room!
The test is done!
Everyone knows what this means.

This not only means that the lighthouse can collect materials from all over the world, but also represents hope.

A hope that can survive no matter how great the desperation is.

Jessica jumped up excitedly. If it weren't for the crowds here, she might have jumped on Lynn.

Lynn shook hands with everyone and gave Jessica a gentle hug as she shook hands.

"Congratulations, the success of this test is due to the engineering department!"

Jessica nodded excitedly, and was about to speak when the voice of the liaison officer suddenly remembered,
"My lord, City Lord Bai Yuekui sent an urgent message."

"what's up?"

"Urgent help, their dungeon has been invaded by polar devouring beasts!"

Everyone's complexion changed, and Lynn's complexion also became serious.

With Bai Yuekui's strength, he actually asked for help, which shows that this Pole Devourer is extremely powerful, or very difficult to deal with.

"Connect the communication!"

Bai Yuekui's face appeared on the projection, his hair was not messed up, but his face was faintly tired.

Lynn frowned slightly, and was rarely angry!
Bai Yuekui is powerful, and has become even more extraordinary since he received the "angel" transformation. He can fly a car with his hands, and his movements are so fast that it exceeds the ordinary visual capture ability.

And her physique is equally astonishing. Once she touches someone, the cells in her body will rapidly divide, which will give her almost unlimited physical strength, and she will hardly ever get tired.

Of course it comes at a price,

The number of cell divisions is fixed. Although Bai Yuekui has undergone a transformation, the cells are different from ordinary people, but they are not infinite life after all. The more you do and the more intense the battle, the greater the pressure on the cells.

With her physical fitness, she is actually exhausted now, which shows that the intensity of the battle she has just experienced is extremely high, which has exceeded her recovery speed.

There is no doubt that this will greatly shorten her life.

This is also what makes Lynn angry!
"what happened!"

As Lin En asked, he signaled Jingnan to sail in the direction of Bai Yuekui's dungeon.

Jingnan nods to arrange,
Bai Yuekui said bitterly: "It's all my fault. Three days ago, I brought back a special Pole Devourer from the ground. I doubt he still has human will,"

Next, Bai Yuekui briefly introduced the situation.

During the mission on the ground three days ago, Bai Yuekui's team found a Pole Devourer, which looked different from any Pole Devourer they had seen before, with many human features, especially the face.

Bai Yuekui suspected that it might be a new type of polar-eating beast, so he followed it quietly.

The more I follow, the more I feel that this Extreme Beast is special, it is smart and knows how to hide, and most importantly, it is still quietly hunting and killing other Extreme Beasts and absorbing their source quality.

Bai Yuekui was afraid that this polar devouring beast would undergo a terrifying evolution, so he wanted to kill him.
It was easily defeated, and just as it was about to kill, the Pole Devourer actually spoke!

It actually begged Bai Yuekui for mercy, saying that he is a human being and has a way to end this doomsday!
These words were spoken in Bai Yuekui's heart, what she was thinking of was to end the mana ecology and bring human beings back to the ground.

But the point is that she has nothing to do about it, maybe it's because of the whirlwind of opportunities that she can't get in.

Now, the Pole Devourer in front of him actually said that he is a human being!And there is a way to end Mana.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, this special Pole Devourer still survived, and Bai Yuekui brought it back to the dungeon.

In three days, I talked a lot with it.

This polar-devouring beast called itself Ed Parker, who suddenly awakened his own consciousness. After realizing that he had become a polar-devouring beast, he tried to become stronger, attacked other polar-devouring beasts, and absorbed their source quality to evolve.
It explained that if this continues, sooner or later, it will evolve to the point where it can control the ecology of all polar devouring beasts and mana.

At that time, human beings will be able to return to life on the surface!
Although Bai Yuekui could hear that there was some concealment in its words, the truth was before his eyes.
This is indeed the first time she has seen such a situation, a Pole Devourer actually awakened with human consciousness!
According to it, maybe it will be possible to succeed in the end?

During the two days of Bai Yuekui's hesitation, people suddenly went missing in the dungeon.

In just one night, three people went missing.

As many as ten people went missing the next night.

Bai Yuekui was not a fool either, so at this time, of course, he turned all his doubts on this new polar devourer, Ed Parker.

Ed Parker categorically denied it, and said that he had been locked up all the time, how could he go out and hurt people.

Coincidentally, at this time, several wild hunters who came here to study saw this pole devouring beast.

Having said this, Bai Yuekui sighed, and sent a video to Lin En with a shame on his face.

"Open it!"

Lynn sat back on the chair, he was already prepared when he heard the name.

On the projection screen in the center of the lobby of the navigation control room, Mocheng and seven or eight hunters looked at the Pole Devourer next to Bai Yuekui in shock,
The expression on his face was more shock than surprise!

Mocheng rushed over in ecstasy,
"Captain Mark, are you still alive? I knew you wouldn't die!"

greeted him,

It was a roar and a sharp claw.

In a flash!

Mo Cheng froze in place, looking ahead in disbelief.

Captain Mark's whole body skyrocketed!

In an instant, it changed from a two-meter-tall pole-eating beast to a ten-meter-high "monster"!
(End of this chapter)

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