Chapter 349 Rush in

"You wait here, I will come as I go."

"No! You will die!"

Bai Yuekui showed a rare expression of anxiety and reached out to grab Lynn's arm.

"I know you are very strong, but this level of fishy whirl is enough to kill any life. Even if the monster is integrated into Mana, it will definitely die if it rushes into the fishy whirl. We only need to watch him die, and there is no need to go in at all. adventure."

Lin En looked at the worry on Bai Yuekui's face, and smiled in surprise.

"Are you worried about me?"

"Yes, I'm worried about you!"

Bai Yuekui's voice was clear and beautiful, without any shyness on his face, he looked at Lin En calmly.

Lin En was taken aback, surprised at Bai Yuekui's unexpected calmness,
Putting away his joking gesture, he said seriously, "I'm not going to die, take a closer look."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed at Ed Parker who was running inward in the whirlwind.

Bai Yuekui didn't know what he found, so he looked carefully according to his words.

Ed Parker in the pack of extreme devouring beasts was still rushing at a high speed, and the pack of snakes and dogs that rushed into the Xingxuan with him had all disappeared, but his body seemed to be unharmed, and his speed did not slow down. The area where metamorphic beasts crawl.

But looking closely, he was actually not unharmed, his skin was also being peeled off, revealing bright red muscles and blood vessels, but it was constantly being repaired in a very short period of time.

Bai Yuekui said in surprise:
"How is this possible? It is impossible for Mana Ecology to mobilize the source quality to repair its body at this time!"

Logically speaking, this is of course impossible.

The mana ecology is now in a critical period of upgrading. In order to obtain more source material support, a large amount of scarlet has been gathered to open a channel leading directly to the source material sea, and even summoned all the nearby pole devouring beasts to "raise funds".
Any source quality cannot be wasted, how could the precious source quality be used to restore the wounded beast at such a moment?

"Of course it's impossible. He is recovering with his own stored source quality."

Lin En's words brought Bai Yuekui back to his senses, and looked at him in a daze,
"I remember you said that when I first met Ed Parker, he was devouring the source quality of other polar devouring beasts. Do you think the source quality absorbed by him will be handed over to the flower of Mana?"

Both of them know how the operating system of the mana ecology is. The polar devourer will extract the source of the prey and give it to the flower of mana, and the flower of mana will collect and store it, and then pass it through the ground vines all over the place. The vines feed into the deeper mana ecology.

But would Mark, or Ed Parker, this particular "extreme eater," do it?

"There is no doubt that he must have stored the source quality, the purpose is to use it to repair the injury at this time, and forcefully rush into the passage in the center of the fishy spin."

"What will happen if you are really rushed into the passage by him? Think about the consequences!"

Following Lin En's words, Bai Yuekui couldn't help but think of the billions of souls,


Floating like an ocean, sleeping peacefully in the sea of ​​source quality,

Once the protection of the source quality is lost, the consequences...


Lin En pushed Bai Yuekui's hand away, took off his outer robe and threw it to Ran Bing, revealing the loose lining inside,

Then took a deep breath,
Take this breath,

Suddenly, Ran Bing's heartbeat sounded like a heavy drum!
"Boom! Boom!"

A slight sound of running water came from Lin En's body. The sound became louder and heavier. Gradually, the stream merged into a river, surging and rushing endlessly!

And on his tall and strong body, the muscles and bones were constantly bulging and shaking.

Under the skin, it seems that the dragons are rolling, roaring, and entangled with each other.

Accompanied by bursts of toothache bone friction sound.

Lin En became bigger and bigger at a clearly visible speed, and the original loose robe was burst by the agitated muscles, and it was pulled into a string of ribs and tendons in the gap.The body that was already extremely tall unexpectedly grew thick again, to the point of extreme majesty, standing beside him was like standing under a city wall, and Ran Bing was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe.

drink! ——

Lin En let out a long drink, and breathed out like a bomb, which made people dizzy.
There was a bang, the gravel under his feet cracked, and the whole person turned into a black shadow, making a piercing sonic boom, and rushed towards the fishy whirlpool in the ruins.

Lin En's speed was extremely fast, and he quickly rushed into the range of the fishy spin,

As soon as he entered, the crimson storm hit his face, piercing his whole body like a steel knife that scraped the bone. Lynn could feel that the scarlet was hitting his skin at high speed and tearing his pores.

Lin En's vertebrate dragon moved, and the pores of his whole body closed at once. The god-level martial arts cultivation base could not be splashed in, and the force flowed to block the storm from his body.

His speed didn't decrease, but he rushed towards the center of the fishy spin at an even faster speed.

The most important thing is to enter the channel, reach the sea of ​​source quality, and find the location of the body.
As for that Ed Parker, he was killed on the way, so don't take it too seriously.

The only thing blocking his progress was not the storm, nor Ed Parker, but the polar-eating beasts who closed their eyes and waited to die in the storm.

All the beasts within his sight turned their heads in unison after Lin En entered the range of the fishy spin, staring at the person coming.

After confirming that he was not from the mana ecology, he launched a violent attack.

They all rushed forward like crazy, snake dogs swarmed, they used sharp claws, sharp teeth, desperate to tear the person in front of them apart.

The ground roars in the distance were desperately pushing their chins, and the energy cannons rained down on Lin En,
Farther away, there were several energy pulses shining with shrill lightning, crossing and attacking, regardless of whether they would hurt other polar devouring beasts.

In their eyes, eliminating the intruder in front of them is the last and only task of their lives.

Ran Bing, who was watching from a distance, opened his eyes wide in surprise.

The berserk attack like an explosion in the fishy spin attacked Lin En overwhelmingly, drowning him in an instant.


Ran Bing couldn't help but exclaimed, Lin En was no longer visible in the lightning.

"Don't worry, this level can't do anything to him!"

Unlike Ran Bing, although Bai Yuekui was equally worried, he also had stronger confidence in Lin En's strength.


In the next instant, Lynn's figure seemed to teleport, appearing tens of meters away.

The violent wind was blowing, behind him was the surging smoke and dust, and in front of him was the ferocious roaring Pole Devourer.

He was like a solid cannonball, hitting it without looking back.

The pole-devouring beast blocking the way was an earth-source beast. It opened its mouth and roared to the sky, then stretched out its head and bit at Lin En, but exploded in the next instant!

The head was shattered by a huge force, and the burst flesh and blood just drifted away, and was wrapped in the strong wind rolled up by Lin En's high-speed movement, spinning behind him, like water waves scattered evenly in circles,
Immediately afterwards, a large hole was blasted out of the huge body of the Earth Origin Beast, piercing through it from head to tail.

(End of this chapter)

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