Chapter 357 Devour
"Spiritual stand? What is that? It can actually block the central electromagnetic gun!"

Jing Nan turned her head sharply, looked at Jessica and asked excitedly.

Jessica looked a little dazed. She suddenly remembered that when she and Lynn were together, they had discussed various forms of mechs countless times.
At that time, he once said that some giant mechas can have a spiritual position and can destroy the world!
Jessica had a question mark on her face at the time, insisting on Lin En to produce evidence, who would have thought that he actually produced a set of old world cartoons!


The two of them, who were free and free, nestled on the sofa of Lynn's house and read it again.

In conclusion, all the apostles are fools!
Thinking of the warm sunshine that afternoon, Jessica's heart throbbed violently. She forcibly recalled her memories, took a deep breath and said:
"That's just a fantasy theory, a spiritual position released by a powerful soul, belonging to the absolute domain of the individual."

"It also has a name called AT Stand. The full name is Absolute Domain Stand. But, that's really just a fantasy!"

How did Jessica explain it to the others?

Jing Nan didn't notice her entanglement, but chased after her excitedly like grabbing a life-saving straw:
"No matter how impossible it is, the reality is right in front of us. The most important thing now is whether there is a way to crack AT's position?"

Looking at the polygonal position released by the skeleton monster, it seems that a myth is happening in front of his eyes. If Lin En sees it here, he will definitely show off his foresight to himself proudly!
Jessica shook her head bitterly,

"The conditions for the release of this position are extremely harsh. Not only does it require an extremely special physical structure, but it also requires extremely powerful spiritual strength and an almost unlimited supply of energy. There are even certain theological factors added, which cannot be produced by technology alone. miracle!"

"Because it is so picky, once it is released, it can block almost all physical and energy attacks. It is a veritable absolute defense!"

"Even if it is a nuclear bomb, it can't hurt it!"

"Anyone who can break through it will have an AT position of the same level afterwards."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the control room.
The hands of many clerks have already left the operating desk, and a sense of despair is rising in everyone's heart.

There is no chance!
The future of mankind is already visible to the naked eye.

It's only a matter of time before the skeletal monster below gets rid of a few polar devouring beasts.

on the center display,

Slowly, the skeleton monster stretched out its big boned hand, and plucked the warhead of the electromagnetic gun from the center of the AT stand like picking grapes.

With a slight squeeze, the solid warhead made of special steel squeezed like mud, deformed, and then fell from its fingers.

with a loud bang,
The warhead that fell from a height of several hundred meters smashed a deep hole in the ground.


The remaining three polar devouring beasts rushed forward at the same time.

They don't care about how powerful this skeleton monster is and what incredible skills it has.

They will only obey orders, obey the disgust of the monster in front of them deep in their genes, and desperately want to tear it apart.

It's a pity that this time, they can't even get close to the skeleton monster.
A thin layer of polygonal spectral stand blocks the front.

In the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton monster, there was light again.

Penny, who was floating in mid-air, saw it. She had never seen this kind of defense before, but at first glance, it seemed that it wasn't so incomprehensible?

Now she seems to be able to use it, maybe, maybe?

And, not just defense!
Doubt flashed in the green pupils, looking at the big sword in his hand.

She has never used a sword weapon, and firearms are her skills from childhood to adulthood.

But since the hilt is held in the hand, the big sword is like an extension of the arm, like an arm directing.

With a flick,
The big sword is like a feather, easily and freely cutting through the air.

Suddenly, a long sword-shaped phantom flashed across, and the indestructible AT stand in front of the skeleton monster was split in half like thin paper.

The three extreme devouring beasts who were attacking non-stop were suddenly taken aback,
Then he rushed in with a roar, the force enough to collapse the mountain peak, the sharp teeth that crushed steel, and several energy pulses flashing with electric light splashed on the skeleton monster like money.

But these don't work!
Even without the defense of the AT position, these attacks cannot seriously damage the skeleton monster,
The light flashed, the AT stand reappeared, and the three extreme devouring beasts were ejected by the suddenly expanded stand.

In the center of the circle of the polygonal spectrum, the skeleton stared at the corpse of the Pole Devourer that had just been crushed by it on the ground,

A blood-red gleam suddenly appeared in the dark and empty eye sockets,
It opened its mouth full of teeth, bent down and bit it!


Ran Bing and the two who had stopped in the distance stared blankly.

Looking at the blood spilled between the teeth of the skeleton monster, and pieces of flesh and blood.

It was like an empty stomach sac, and all the flesh and blood torn off by it disappeared piece by piece, only the minced meat falling from the corner of the mouth and the sound of chewing and swallowing that made the whole body chill.

"It's here, what is it doing?" Ran Bing asked tremblingly.

What she saw really frightened her. The huge skeleton was lying on the ground, tearing the corpse like a hill, and the blood sprayed out like a waterfall.

"Swallow!" Bai Yuekui's face was pale, and he said slightly out of breath: "It is devouring the corpse of a king-level pole-devouring beast. It will continue to evolve!"

A circle of positions blocked the three polar devouring beasts. The big sword in Penny's hand turned into a phantom and split again and again, and the positions of the skeleton monsters reappeared again and again.

The two sides have played against each other several times in a very short period of time.

The sword in Petunia's hand turned into an indestructible artifact. The sword shadows all over the sky have been continuously attacking, while the skeleton monsters are only passively defending.

Occasionally, the stance is broken and it is too late to unfold, leaving serious injuries on its indestructible skeleton.

But if you look closely, the skeleton monster originally only had a thin layer, but now it has several layers!

The skeleton monster is still devouring and becoming stronger.

Gradually, Penny's big sword already needed several swords to split the position.

The situation is reversed, and Penny, who seems to have the upper hand, is actually gradually losing the wind.

"Evolve? What does it want to become?" Ran Bing almost gave up.

Hopes appear again and again and are extinguished again and again. The emotions go up and down like a roller coaster, which makes people physically and mentally exhausted.

"It will become a god!"

Bai Yuekui said in a cold voice, reached out and swept a stone beside him, and Shi Shiran sat on it.

She no longer planned to escape any longer, so she had time to chat with Ran Bing.

"This has always been its purpose, from Mark up to the lighthouse, to your city lord's accident, and then to Mark's accident, occupying Mark's body, entering the fishy spin, and evolving into a god."

"All of these are all planned by him!"

(End of this chapter)

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