Chapter 359 Bugs
"After swallowing all the king-level pole devouring beasts one after another,"

"It has entered the Mimic state!"

Bai Yuekui slanted, leaning against the stone behind him, his two-day long legs were straight in front of him, and there was a relief in his eyes that ordinary people couldn't understand,
"Why are you not worried at all?" Ran Bing asked.

"Because I can't do anything!" Facing the almost mythical scene in front of him, Bai Yuekui said in a relaxed tone.

But Ran Bing was not as relieved as she was, he grabbed Bai Yuekui's arm begging and asked:

"Do you know something?"

"What is the mimetic state? Why can you enter the mimetic state after swallowing a king-level pole devouring beast?"

"Can it really become a god?"

Bai Yuekui leaned on the rock wearily, and didn't want to say anything more at first, her life was too long and bumpy.

From the girl of heaven before the end, the youngest and most talented geneticist and brain scientist in the world.Have the happiest and perfect family.

When her mother died unexpectedly, the conflict with her father deepened day by day, and then her brother died, and the end came. She walked alone in the end for half a century, working hard to build the dungeon.

It really made her a little tired.

But unable to hold back Ran Bing kept begging at the side, in order to be clean before dying, Bai Yuekui had no choice but to say:

"According to the legend, God created a perfect Garden of Eden without any death or pain. There are two fruit trees in it, one is the tree of life and the other is the tree of wisdom."

"God allows people to live freely, but there is only one prohibition. They are not allowed to eat the forbidden fruit! But one day, human beings violated God's will and ate the fruit of wisdom. Then they were expelled from their homes by God."

"At this point, among human beings, there is no longer only love, bloodshed, and killing. Diseases have begun to spread among humans."

"If you want to change all this, there are two ways. One is to return the fruit of wisdom and take the initiative to make atonement to God in order to regain your seat before God."

"The second is that if you swallow the fruit of wisdom and the fruit of life at the same time, you can gain the power equivalent to that of a god."

Bai Yuekui stopped here when he said that, and the whole sky suddenly darkened.

The skeleton monster towering into the sky in the distance slowly rose into the sky under the guidance of the halo above its head.

Ran Bing anxiously asked: "And then? What does it have to do with now?"

"If it is said that human beings have the fruit of wisdom, then those king-level pole devouring beasts at the top of the living body are the fruit of life."

Ran Bing suddenly realized when he heard this.

Therefore, if the skeleton monster devours the king-level pole devouring beast, it is equivalent to eating the fruit of life. As long as it is combined with the fruit of wisdom, it will be able to obtain the power equivalent to that of a god!

"What about the fruit of wisdom? Where is the fruit of wisdom? Don't let it get it!"

Just as Ran Bing finished speaking, his eyes suddenly went dark.

On the top of the skull monster's head, the halo that was originally pure white and crystal suddenly turned blood red!
Circles of rings of black and red light flashed one after the other, and suddenly covered the entire sky.

A hollow collapsed in the center of the disc, as if a door had been opened, and the door led to nowhere.

"That's too late!"

"Aren't you asking about the fruit of wisdom?" Bai Yuekui said, pointing to the "gate" in the sky.

"Behind that door is the sea of ​​souls, the place where all souls sleep. As long as all souls are united, it will be the fruit of wisdom!"

boom! ——

The earth shattered violently!

The boulders were attracted by the "gates of heaven" and slowly rose away from the earth.

Countless shooting stars suddenly flew out of the pitch-black door!

Brilliant meteors fill the sky,

Take a closer look, these meteors turned out to be the souls of individual humans!
The skeleton monster floating in the air opened its mouth wide, and countless meteors flew into its mouth full of blood and minced meat like fireflies tending to light.

Ran Bing burst into tears!

She clearly heard the excited howl of the skeleton monster.

"Stop it, please stop it! No matter who it is, such a devil! Such a devil!!!"

The earth is roaring upwards, and the sky is falling downwards.

They all converge on the skeleton in the middle.

It is devouring countless souls!


boom! ——

With a roar that resounded through the soul, everyone's eyes were attracted by the hole in the middle of the black and red disc.

I saw a huge arm suddenly protruding from this "gateway of heaven".

In the billowing smoke, a pitch-black big hand covered with ferocious bone spurs ruthlessly grabbed the skeleton in mid-air.

What an arm it is!

With just one glance, it was as if he had seen the most vicious demon in the world.tough!Invincible!immortal!
All the most exaggerated adjectives are insufficient to describe the mood of those who see it.

One moment, the skeleton monster looked like a god and demon, but the next moment, it wailed and screamed!

The road to ascension to the gods has already begun, and it is only a matter of the last step to succeed.But was abruptly interrupted.

The angry wailing of the skeleton monster, and the complete crushing strength of the king-level polar-devouring beast on the opposite side, looked like a crying child in front of this giant hand.

Lasers enough to melt mountains, shining like crazy money, attacked the arm that grabbed it.

But there was not even a single black spot left on that ferocious giant hand.

The skeleton monster is scared!

It knows who the owner of this arm is!
"My lord Lynn! Please forgive me once, my lord!"

"I will devote my greatest loyalty! I will be your most loyal servant, and your order is my mission!"

It was like a bug pinched by a giant, desperately begging for mercy, begging for a chance of life.

The arm's response was simple.

Simply snap, grab it suddenly!
"Crack" sound!
The indestructible bones of the skeleton monster were crushed into fine powder and scattered from the giant hand that lifted the sky.

The wind seems to have stopped,
The boulder that rose into the air was also motionless, hovering in the air.

Ran Bing had already stopped crying, and swallowed with difficulty.

Some said blankly: "My prayer is useful?"

"We're saved, aren't we?"

Bai Yuekui looked at her face,
After making sure it didn't get bigger, he turned his head and looked at the sky again.

After pinching the skeleton monster to death, the giant hand shook it in disgust,

Then slowly withdraw.

In her heart, the first moment she saw that giant hand, there was a huge wave!

Even though the arm was extremely ferocious and ferocious, she still felt an inexplicable kindness, as if seeing the dearest person.

Somehow, the genes in her whole body are telling her that this is your father, your root, and the person you most believe in.

She thought of the genetic drug "Angel!" that transformed her body and changed her life as well.

At the same time, I also thought of the first sentence he blurted out when he "meeted" with Lynn for the first time,

"Call Dad!"

I'm afraid, it's not that I heard it wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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