Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 361 Such a god, I don't want it!

Chapter 361 Such a god, I don't want it!

Mana Ecology has searched for all life-related energy and elements on the earth for half a century.

Be it animals, plants, or humans.

But now, after Lin En wakes up, these energies and source qualities are rushing in like a mighty river.

Endless source quality crazily poured into Lynn's body.

"Damn it, come again!"

Lin En almost wanted to curse in his heart, the main body had just merged, and after sleeping for half a century, he got used to the continuously skyrocketing physique.

Since the awakening of the Doomsday gene, he has risen from the legendary high level to the demigod level in a short period of time, and in less than half a day, he is only left to the demigod level.

With his explosively growing physique, coupled with the endless desire for destruction deep in the genes of Doomsday, he could hardly control his desire to kill.

That's why I chose the deep sleep of the main body.

Unexpectedly, now that the fusion is complete, the surging energy will surge again,

Lynn felt like she was really going to explode!

And the greedy Doomsday cells have no intention of restraint at all, and are still absorbing all energy unscrupulously.

Energy like the sea is filling every part of his body, bones, muscles, blood, and even cells!

His cells are constantly receiving these energies, compressing them, accepting them again, and compressing them again!

His physical fitness was increasing every minute, and the huge pain caused by the surge in strength made him start to get angry, destroying everything, and the idea of ​​destroying everything boiled endlessly in his mind!
Lynn's original human appearance also began to change dramatically.
His body became even taller, his body size skyrocketed from more than two meters, getting bigger and bigger, and he was five or six meters tall in the blink of an eye.There is no hair on the gray-black skin, and the muscles all over the body are twisted and twisted like tree roots.

The muscles on the back swelled and squirmed, and a row of hideous backstabs pierced from the back, from the knees and elbows.It no longer looks like a normal human being!


Deep pain in the soul!
Endless anger arises from the heart!
Roar! ——

The shocking roar rushed to the sky, the clouds within a radius of ten thousand miles were emptied, and stars appeared in the scarlet sky!
Thick white mist spewed out from Lynn's open mouth,

The mist dissipated, revealing two densely packed rows of sharp and terrifying white teeth.It is almost impossible to see the appearance of human beings, like some kind of extremely ferocious monster!

Lin En, who had recovered to a complete body, looked at the "fruit of wisdom" in his hand with the last trace of reason.

It is the aggregation of billions of human souls, as long as you eat it, all problems will be solved.

His spiritual strength will definitely rise, and only a powerful soul can control a powerful body.

He would be perfect, the ultimate weapon with no flaws!

Even become a god!
Just eat it, one simple action.

But one foot of water can be crossed in one jump.

"What's up with him?"

Ran Bing on the ground watched this strange change in horror.

Bai Yuekui seemed to have completely let go of everything, including life and death.A smile appeared on her beautiful face, and she said softly:

"I don't know, maybe the mana ecology is infecting him, maybe it's possible to transform him into an extreme beast."

"God of the Pole Devouring Beast? No way!" Ran Bing jumped as if his tail had been stepped on.
"Although I don't want to die, but if I have to die no matter what, I'd rather die myself for more value."

"So? What else can you do now?"

"I can still pray!"


"Becoming a god by devouring souls? What kind of goddamn god would that be! I don't want it!!!"


a crisp sound,
The ferocious and powerful giant claws suddenly crushed the "fruit of wisdom"!
The starlight exploded!Turned into a sky full of stars.

Countless souls have been liberated!
They no longer fell asleep, they opened their eyes, looking at the barren land under their feet, the scarlet sky, and the slowly rotating black-red disc.

Countless enlightenment rose from their souls and looked at the figure in the middle of the sky and the earth. That was their "god", who protected them through countless calamities, and now, gave them back their freedom.

Countless souls surround, pray, cry,

God's guidance, God's redemption, dedicate a fiery soul to God!
"Stars all over the sky" revolves slowly with Lin En as the center,
A majestic and sacred sound came from the sky!


Like a broken silver bottle,

The black and red disks covering the sky suddenly shattered!

The holy light pierced the darkness, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the entire sky!

Lynn in the light, the madness in his eyes gradually receded,
With a grin at the corner of his mouth, he laughed out loud with pride.

What a surprise!
When facing the "fruit of wisdom", he rejected the temptation to "become a god" by devouring his soul with great perseverance,

Decided choice liberates these souls.

At that moment, his mental power surged wildly, breaking through the bottleneck.

A burst of cool breath flows from the brain to the whole body, and the violent anger is calmed down. The state of each cell is displayed in his brain, and Lynn can clearly see and control them.

An explosive sense of power filled his whole body, every cell in every part of his body was under his control, and endless energy was compressed in it.

The ferocious bone spurs were slowly withdrawn, the giant's height was gradually compressed, and the gray-black skin like bone armor was gradually restored.

The ritual of "becoming a god" has stopped, and the endless torrent of energy has been completely absorbed by him.

The stars turned into souls in the sky suddenly collapsed inward, turned into a light spot and disappeared beside Lin En with a "bang"!

His body began to slowly descend.

Ran Bing ran towards him excitedly, shouting excitedly while running,

"Look, my prayers are useful!"

"Let you say that I have a big face, and I know that Lord Lynn will never disappoint people, never!"

Bai Yuekui watched her burst into tears with excitement, running and jumping towards her, unexpectedly without ridicule.

Looking at Lin En who descended from the sky, there were complex emotions in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

She knew in her heart how strong the temptation this person was facing!And what did he give up!
Become a god!
This is a choice that no one can change ten thousand times, but someone chooses to give up right in front of her eyes!
Is he stupid?
Bai Yuekui didn't know, but she was 100% sure that this man was her genetic father.

Just now, he rejected the temptation to become a god, liberated billions of souls, and saved the entire human race!
A drop of tear slid down her white cheeks and fell into the dust.

Lynn landed slowly,

The moment his toes touched the ground, a bit of green broke through the ground around his feet.

Then it spread rapidly, covering hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye, countless tender green grasses scrambled out, and dots of small flowers began to bloom.

On the land that has been barren for half a century, there is vitality again!
(End of this chapter)

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