Chapter 365 Gifts
"Will there be any impact without artificial intelligence?" Petunia asked doubtfully.

"It has a big impact!" Lynn nodded, "Also, do you think such an advanced high-tech space battleship has not moved at all since we came in, acting like a mentally retarded person, is this normal?"

"Normal!" Petunia nodded with a serious face.


Lynn was so blocked that he couldn't speak, so he decided to explain to her the difference between a starship and a lighthouse.

"First of all, artificial intelligence is really not necessary for ordinary warships, but a giant battleship like the Mantle of the World will have many problems without intelligent AI."

The first is navigation. Short-distance low-light-speed interstellar navigation is enough to use artificially with the aviation control computer.

But it's a different story entirely if FTL travel requires a jump.

There are mostly two ways to travel faster than the speed of light, one is the curvature engine, and the other is the jump engine.

According to the theory of relativity, space can be bent, and the curvature engine allows the spaceship to glide by stretching the front and back space, thereby bypassing the law that the speed of light cannot be surpassed, and reaching super-light speed.It is a continuous voyage in the current space.

The jump engine is jumping.It creates an entrance to jump to other dimensions by tearing apart the current dimension of space. In the three-dimensional space, the distance of [-] light-years is required, but in the four-dimensional or higher-level space, it may only be an instant.So are wormholes.

The coordination and measurement of space jumps require an extremely large amount of calculations. The larger the spacecraft and the farther the distance, the greater the amount of calculations required.

The Mantle Prominence uses the leap engine.

"This is just one aspect, another important aspect is management!"

"The data that a huge spacecraft needs to process is astronomical, coupled with a huge number of crew members, if there is no artificial intelligence, if it is managed by computers or personnel alone, it will be catastrophic in terms of work efficiency and response speed !"

Petunia looked at Lynn talking there with reverence. Although she didn't quite understand it, she seemed to be very powerful!

Lynn was about to continue talking, but his voice suddenly stopped.

Looking through the Mantle Advent, through the portable space, I noticed someone coming from the sky farm of the lighthouse outside.

Before he knew it, half a day had passed since he came in, and Xiao Linguo was approaching cautiously.

"You study here now, I'll go out and have a look." Lin En said to Penny, the figure disappeared suddenly, and reappeared on the grass of the farm in the blink of an eye.

"Come here! Sneaky."

Xiao Linguo was looking around, trying to make sure he was still asleep, when he suddenly heard Lin En's voice, he was overjoyed and ran over, before he arrived, he shouted happily: "Lin En, wake up gone?"

Said, a pair of big eyes carefully looked at Lynn's face.

"Well, I woke up. How many hours have I slept?"

Linguo observed him carefully before he breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his chin slightly and replied:
"It's been fifteen hours. Vatican has been guarding outside. I sneaked here while she was asleep."

"Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat."

Lynn doesn't like change, especially with those close to her.So seeing Lin Guo's concerned eyes as always, he was in a good mood, even though he was not hungry, he smiled and said, "Okay, I just happened to be hungry."

Lin Guo excitedly turned and ran away, and after a while came running with a food box in her arms, followed by Vatican with an excited face.

Vatican knelt down on the ground far away from Lynn, "My Lord!"

"Get up," Lin En said, took the food box in Lin Guo's hand, took out the dishes inside and laid them out one by one, and found a fresh apple.

He stretched out his hand to break it apart, gave half of it to Linguo, and picked up the other half to eat.

Vatican got up and stood beside him respectfully.

"How's it going next?" Lynn asked while eating.

"My lord, the news just came that I have contacted the dungeon of Lord Bai. The damage there is not too serious, but the entrance has been completely sealed, and I am still trying my best to open the passage."

At that time, the blow of the skeleton monster completely melted the mountain peak at the entrance of the dungeon, but the dungeon was one kilometer below the ground after all, so fortunately it didn't suffer too much damage.

It's a pity that the wanton flowing lava completely sealed the entrance, and the residents of the dungeon were blocked inside, turning into a suffocated jar.

If the passage is not opened quickly, the consequences will be disastrous.

But it is easier said than done to get through the one-kilometer-thick rock.

Neither the lighthouse nor the dungeon has drilling equipment. Faced with this situation, we can only use machinery to dig a little bit, and the progress is slow.

After hearing this, Lin En put the apple in his mouth into his mouth, and smiled at Lin Guo: "Would you like to go to the ground to have a look? I'll take you there later."

Lingo nodded repeatedly.She's grown up and never set foot on the ground.

He grew up in the lighthouse since he was a child, and even after he became a Shangmin, he devoted himself to the farm.

Now that there is a chance to go down, Lin Enyou is still leading it, so he is naturally very pleasantly surprised.

Vatican immediately contacted the navigation control room and explained Lynn's order to go to the ground.

The navigation control room quickly prepared the lifting platform, and when Lin En brought Lin Guo and Di Fan down to the ground together, the residents of the dungeon under construction arrived and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, shouting reverently. "Lord of Light and Shadow".

Although Lin En had strictly prohibited kneeling many times when he was the head of the Light and Shadow Festival, after today's incident, several mythological scenes were staged in turn, and in the end Lin En rescued the world, in their eyes, he was no different from a god.

Bai Yuekui got off a heavy excavator, came to Lin En's side in a few steps and said anxiously,
"Lynn, can you save the people in the city?"

She no longer cared about sorting out her relationship with Lynn, and now she only had one thought in her mind, to quickly rescue the people in the dungeon.

Those residents were all rescued by her personally, or they were born and raised under their watch.

For her, it has been the support of her heart for so many years, how can she just watch them wait to die!
But in the face of this kilometer-thick rock, she really has nothing to do.The arrival of Lynn is already her last hope.

Thinking of how easily the extremely powerful skeleton monster Lin En could be crushed into powder, he couldn't even understand whether he was the god Bai Yuekui or not.

But Lynn is already her last hope.

Lynn looked at her softly, and nodded in agreement.

"Everyone exit the venue."

Bai Yuekui's heart suddenly settled down. Since Lin En agreed, such "little things" must be no problem for him.

It's just that I remember Lin En's gaze just now in my heart, and I always feel that the gaze he looks at me is very complicated.

"When things settle down, we must have a good talk with him!"

Bai Yuekui made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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