Chapter 367 Gift Three

"You can really control the ecology of Mana?"

Lin En's words made Bai Yuekui happy.

The meaning of this sentence is too great.It represents that human beings can finally walk safely on the land, plant and herd animals, build cities, truly walk out of the doomsday and usher in a new era.

With Bai Yuekui's persevering heart after going through hardships, he couldn't help being excited.

There is no one who yearns for stability more than her, who has experienced prosperity and survived all kinds of sufferings in the end of the world.

Lin En didn't respond to her, but said pointedly: "This continent is enough for these people to live here!"

"What do you mean? What about other places? Are you unwilling to help them?"

Bai Yuekui's excited mood followed Lynn's words like a roller coaster ride.

Since he can control the ecology of Mana, why not completely restore the original order of the earth and allow human beings to rise again.

It's not difficult for him, unless it's...

Bai Yuekui's pupils dilated suddenly,

"No! Are you leaving?"


Lynn didn't answer, but this silence itself represented a certain attitude.

Bai Yuekui's heart sank into the valley.

Lynn looked into the distance,
"Do you know how big this continent is under our feet?"

Bai Yuekui cheered up and replied: "760 million square kilometers,"

"How many people can it support?"

"Before the end of the day, 70.00% of the land here is desert, but the remaining land has a good environment and tens of millions of people live there."

These are basic knowledge. She is a scientist with the highest education before the end, so she can answer these things fluently.

"Yes! Tens of millions of people can live. How many survivors do we have now?"

No matter how disturbed Bai Yuekui was, he knew what he meant when he heard this.

"You mean, enough here, right?"

Now all the surviving humans are here, and the total number is only tens of thousands.This huge Australian continent is big enough to support them.

And even if the population increases by a thousand times in the future, it will not be a problem.

"However, you clearly have the ability to do it and give mankind a clean earth!"

"Yes, I have the ability to do it." Lin En nodded directly, affirming Bai Yuekui's words.

"However, human beings are really contradictory creatures."

"Of course I can remove all the mana creatures on the earth and restore the world to its original state. Then?"

"Then, what will become of these tens of thousands of people without external threats?"

"Eating and waiting to die, greedy and depraved, fighting for power! Even a small lighthouse can't avoid this kind of darkness of human nature, so what will happen when these people find that the outside is completely safe and there is no longer any threat?"

Bai Yuekui was silent.

Of course she knew what to expect, she had experienced it herself.

The prosperity and depravity before the end, the darkness and selfishness in the end.She understands the darkness in human nature very clearly.

So, she couldn't say anything to refute.

At least this continent is safe, and the tens of thousands of surviving humans can recuperate and live in peace and contentment here.

There are still many relics and extensive resources on the mainland. In just a few decades, the number of human beings will increase several times.Technology, medical care, education, and humanities will all be greatly restored.There is no need to worry about resources and external dangers for hundreds of years.

Compared with the past, all these days can really be said to be like heaven!
After many years, when humans need to set foot elsewhere, the pressure will naturally come.

"Only when the external pressure is huge, can human beings be united to the greatest extent and be high-spirited!"

"This is my gift to them!"

Lynn, end this conversation.

Bai Yuekui's mind was in a mess. She was looking forward to the peaceful days in the future, and worried about what Lin En said.

The eyes looking at him are extremely complicated, grateful, worried, reluctant, and there is a trace of nostalgia derived from genes.

"Are you really leaving?"

"By the way!" Lynn said with a sudden smile, "I also hope you can do me a favor."

"you say,"

Bai Yuekui was disappointed, but still took a breath, and said solemnly, "I will definitely do my best."

"Don't be so serious, it's your specialty." Lynn said as he took out a gene seed from the space.

"This is a gene seed used to transform the human body and allow people to obtain extraordinary improvements, but there are still many defects. I hope you can improve it."

Lynn had planned this matter a long time ago. He awakened part of his memory when he was promoted to the first half-god level on Isstefan No. [-].

A gentle and strong "sister" who depends on each other on the planet Baal.

Those soldiers in the No.11 Legion who fought for him until death.

It's just that his Doomsday gene was awakened at that time, his anger was burning, and his desire to destroy suppressed everything.

But he still sensed the "sister", and also his warriors, they were gathered together, somewhere in the galaxy.

He must go back to the world of Warhammer to receive his legion.

And if his legion wants to develop and grow, the problem of gene seeds must also be solved.

Originally, he had nothing to do about it. The evil gods of the subspace were extremely cunning and ubiquitous.It is indeed extremely difficult to hide from them and do things.

But now everything is different,
He is an awakened Doomsday, even if the evil god is in front of him, he dares to go up and tear his intestines.Not to mention that he can travel to other worlds.

Solving the problem of gene seeds will definitely be more convenient than in the world of Warhammer.

Bai Yuekui is an expert on genes and the brain, and she herself is a semi-successful example.

She was more receptive to the makeover and more professional.

As for the perfect gene-seed, Lynn had no hope.After all, even the 30K era cannot eliminate those defects, let alone here where there are too many differences in technology and experience.

However, this world also has its advantages, that is, without the influence of subspace, maybe it can really improve the gene seeds.

"Also, this is your advance reward." After finishing speaking, Lin En's hand lightly stroked the top of Bai Yuekui's head.

The surging source quality poured into her body, and the cells damaged by the "angel" gene were quickly repaired, and they were healthier and stronger than before.

The vitality that has never been felt is flowing in her body, fullness, vitality, and happiness are born from the heart.

Lynn's big hand stroking the top of her head was the source of everything.

Three days later,

Bai Yuekui still decided to bring her underground city residents to build a new city. The site of the new city was chosen next to the "miracle" land, and it was named "City of Hope". According to the wishes of the residents, the first building was the forest Grace Church.

This piece of grass was descended by Lynn, the savior himself, whether it is in the lighthouse or in the city of hope, it is a "miracle".

Seven days later, Xiao Linguo planted an apple sapling in the "miracle" place.

Lin En lay under the tree, closed his eyes and fell asleep, the apple tree towered to the sky in an instant!
All the surrounding lands have been consecrated as holy places, where Lin En, the "god of the world", sleeps.

Except for a few special people, no one else can enter.

(End of this chapter)

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