Chapter 377 Nuseria
Before setting off, Guilliman found Lynn,
"Luo Jia seemed to be dazzled by hatred, and blindly destroyed everything, whether it was an industrial planet or an agricultural planet, or even a worthless hive world. The Word Bearers slaughtered everyone on the planet one by one. What the hell is he trying to do?"

This is indeed a bit difficult to understand. Could it be that the so-called "Shadow Crusade" is to massacre these mortals?
What's the point?Horus' rebellion has already begun, instead of assisting him in attacking the solar system, Luo Jia ran here with the World Eaters to slaughter mortals?

Lynn didn't understand either, but,
"He must have other purposes! But no matter what he wants, as long as you find him and kill him, everything will be fine!"

This is the most simple and direct way.

Next, the transport planes took off and landed in groups like sparrows, shuttling back and forth between the ground and the battleship.Transport the Ultramarines and Berserkers from the ground into space.

A Queen of Glory class, an Abyss class, two flagships as the core, plus more than 30 battleships and more cruisers, the Vengeance Fleet left Cowes.

As the fleet moved forward, more and more detailed battle reports were also coming.

The combined fleet of the Word Bearers and the World Eaters is destroying worlds one by one.The evil rituals they will perform on Calth are repeated on these planets.

Countless demons broke through the barrier between reality and subspace and came to the world, their only purpose is to kill.

The defenders everywhere can only rely on a small number of space marines and mortal defenders to resist.But such resistance is extremely weak in the face of disparity in military strength.

Angron, the Primarch of the World Eaters, also appeared on the battlefield, and it became more and more crazy.

His performance makes people suspect that he has lost the ability to communicate, only brainless charge and crazy killing.Sometimes it is even necessary for the Word Bearers to force them to leave the battlefield.

"Angron's time is running out!" Guilliman said to Lynn when he saw this.

"This bloody butcher is so troubled by the Butcher's Nail, it seems to have reached his limit."

Angron, the Primarch of No.12 Legion World Eaters, his current madness is all caused by the Butcher's Nail in his head.

When he was young, he was caught by the slave owner of the planet where he was, and he was put into the arena to fight.At that time, Angron had not been implanted with the Butcher's Nail, and he showed the ability to absorb negative emotions such as the pain and sorrow of the gladiators around him.Such an "angel"-like ability makes him a leader among gladiators.

But then he was implanted with the Butcher's Nail by the slave owner. After wailing for several days, Angron survived and lost his ability.Since then, he has become more bloodthirsty and violent.

When the emperor found him, he was leading the gladiators to revolt. Before the decisive battle, the emperor suddenly took him away forcibly, resulting in the failure of the uprising, and all the soldiers who followed him were executed by the slave masters.

This matter has always made Angron brood, and he is extremely dissatisfied with the Emperor.So when Horus rebelled against the flag, he was the first Primarch to join.

Guilliman introduced that in order to treat the Butcher's Nail in Angron's brain, the Emperor had brought the Mechanical Sage from Mars. After cutting Angron's brain, the Emperor and the Great Sage found that the Butcher's Nail had been removed. Because his brain is deeply fused together, if Angron is forcibly removed, he will die during the operation.

But if not removed, the Butcher's Nails would torture him forever.Everything but anger makes him miserable.Think, touch, breathe.His only respite is the nerve-wracking pleasure he gets from rage and aggressive behavior.

The Emperor gave up.

After throwing Angron back to his legion, he asked no further questions.

From then on, Angron was a lunatic who could only hack and chop. He even implanted Butcher's Nails for soldiers of the No.12 Legion.

It now appears that the Butcher's Nails have destroyed his personality.

But Guilliman didn't feel sad for him at all, he wished he could go up and hack this lunatic himself.

The fleet was getting bigger and bigger at this time, and more and more warships were coming to support them. Guilliman ordered to speed up. They must find these traitors quickly before they cause more damage.

Finally, when the combined fleet of the rebels slaughtered more than 100 planets, Lynn and the others caught the tail.

After routing a small fleet that was attacking the planet, they obtained the whereabouts of Logar.

It turns out that the Word Bearers thought they were slowing down because of the World Eaters' rapacious killing.Therefore, Luo Jia split the unified fleet into small fleets and scattered them among the five hundred worlds.

Because he believes that even if the fleet is split apart, it is difficult for the current Ultramar to fight against, but it can produce better results.

Then, Lorgar took the World Eaters and their Primarch to Nuthria, the home planet that enslaved Angron.

After Guilliman discussed with Lynn, the two also split the fleet and asked them to chase the fleet against the rebels.

And the two of them quietly followed with a small half of the fleet,
At last, the World Eaters' fleet was seen beyond the orbit of Wrathria.

In an intentional and unintentional raid, it is difficult for the fleet still in orbit to form effective resistance.

The two flagships also displayed terrifying firepower, especially the Furious Abyss, which stood at the forefront with its generous and exaggerated defense.

Every metal turret is releasing its anger, and countless double-linked light spear turrets are intertwined with the destructive light net to their heart's content.The ferocious Trident main gun on the bow of the ship, each gun is like a giant hammer, so violent that it destroys the battleship in front of it, including the shield and the ship.

The World Eaters' fleet quickly broke and fled in all directions.

Lynn and Guilliman parachuted to the ground with the soldiers.

They were to find Logar and Angron, and kill the two Primarchs here.

When they landed on the ground, they found that the lunatics of the World Eaters were carrying out a massacre on this planet, no matter if they were men or women, old people or children.This Angronian homeworld is turning into a hell.

Lynn and Guilliman led the charge towards them.

Desperate to demonstrate their allegiance to the Primarch, Lynn's Berserkers charged forward, charging ferociously at the World Eaters.

These fighters are armed with all kinds of melee weapons just like the World Eaters on the opposite side. Even after many years in the Ultramarines, a battle group that pays attention to the coordination of multiple arms, they still haven't changed their habit of liking melee combat.

When they killed the rebels and came to Luo Jia and Angron, Luo Jia was chanting strange spells frantically.

Lynn shook the "Dawnbringer" in his hand, and tilted his head to signal Guilliman, "You choose one."

Guilliman looked at Logar, who was chanting a mantra, and then turned his head to look at Angron, who was wielding a pair of giant axes, slashing and killing all life around him like a beast.

Pointing at Luo Jia with the big sword in his hand, "The shame of the Primarch, I said, I will throw your corpse into hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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