Chapter 379 Confronting a God
Lynn took Guilliman's place.

He has been thinking about how to terminate this ceremony since the appearance of the evil god, but after much deliberation, the key lies in Luo Jia.

He wanted to grab Luo Jia who was behind the crowd, but when he was about to do it, he realized that Guilliman was about to be hacked to death!
He had to stop, dodged over and kicked him away.

It seems that Guilliman's personal combat ability is indeed not high, and among all the Primarchs, he may be better than Luo Jia.

But Luo Jia still has very powerful spiritual power, and Guilliman has no talent in this regard.

Shaking his head slightly, Lynn turned his head after watching Guilliman being rescued by the Ultramarines.

What roared was a giant ax that slashed straight at his head.

Lin En didn't move at all, as if he didn't see it, and let the giant ax cut it down.

Several apostles beside him opened their eyes wide and rushed over like crazy, but they were too far away...

The demon prince Angron, the ax that could split the mountain peak, fell firmly on Lin En.

Lynn didn't move at all, not even the slightest sway, as if just being blown by a breeze, it's not worth raising your eyelids.

Lynn looked at Angron in front of him with contempt, that's all, even if he abandoned the human body and the dignity of the Primarch, it was nothing more than that!

"You are still a slave, Angron."

"It used to be, it is now, and it will always be in the next 1 years!"

The angry Angron swung the huge ax wildly in his hand.An afterimage danced, and the attack poured towards Lynn like a storm.

Amidst the rumbling roar, the ground was shattered by the shock, and all the extraordinary warriors on the entire battlefield felt a strong tingling sensation coming from the soles of their feet. Rise higher and higher!
Countless fighters involuntarily stopped their movements, and they looked towards the center of the battlefield.

Guilliman was carried by the Ultramarines and retreated further away. He raised his head with difficulty, watching Lynn completely ignore Angron's violent attack with only his body.

As the person who was almost killed by the three axes just now, he felt the most deeply. The strong sense of illusion made his eyes widen!
Every blow of the demon Angron's attack is completely unbearable for him.

It was as if a mountain was pressing down, and the speed was unbelievably fast.

What pained Guilliman most was the fact that every attack of the daemon carried the evil energies of the Warp, which were still preventing his wounds from healing.

But Lynn completely ignored all this!
What kind of terrible defense is this!
Angron's great ax danced like a storm, and Lynn, who was in the center of the storm, raised his hand slowly, as slowly as an old man greeting an acquaintance.

The strong contrast between fast and slow, movement and stillness gives people a strange sense of absurdity.

"Pfft" sounded softly.

The storm died down!
The suspended stones fell to the ground one after another.

Lynn slowly raised his hand, and Angron's violent giant ax was firmly grasped by him.

Angron next to him was like a dog whose mouth had been pinched, frantically wanting to back up and pull out the caught giant axe.

Swinging wildly, the two skinny and ferocious soles kicked out scratches on the ground.

All in vain.

Lynn stood still.His gaze has changed from contempt to pity!

"Angron, look at yourself."

"A Primarch who was supposed to be great, but was caught by humans as a child and became a slave, and now he has become a slave of evil gods. You have been a slave all your life, but you have changed masters."

"Let me give you real relief!"

After speaking, his wrist shook.

The terrifying vibration along the blade and handle of the ax turned Angron's palm into blood mist.

Then, Lynn kicked him up and kicked him out.

Different from Guilliman's conservatism in the flying kick just now, this kick hit Angron's abdomen firmly,
"Crack" sounded like a broken bone.Angron folded them together fiercely, and flew out like a cannonball.

The speed was so fast that it made a screeching sound, as if breaking through the sound barrier, and flew out with smoke and dust all the way for an unknown distance.

Flying all the way to the edge of the battlefield, he made a deep scratch on the desolate Gobi.

Angron lay on the ground, his whole body was bloodied by the sand and stones on the Gobi. What's more frightening was that his spine had been completely broken from the lumbar spine.

The thick and ferocious spine pierced through the muscles, exposing the scarlet skin.

Lynn grabbed the handle of the axe, bent his legs slightly, and jumped sharply.

With a loud bang, a deep pit was stepped on the broken ground, and Lynn's body rose into the air, flying towards Angron's direction.

Angron struggled to get up, but the broken lumbar vertebra prevented him from succeeding until a foot stepped on his back.

Lynn raised his giant ax high.Knowing that the time of death was approaching, the devil prince under his feet struggled violently, drawing ravines on the ground with his sharp fingers.

But any struggle is futile, and Lynn stands firm like a rooted idol.

Swing the giant ax down!

Everyone's breathing stopped for a moment.


A primarch, fallen and dead in one day.The sense of personal experience that history happened right in front of their eyes made them lose their minds.

But there is one exception.

Luo Jia!

For him, the mission of the trip was accomplished.

The lives of the previous hundred worlds were added to the sacrifices of Angron and the entire World Eaters Legion.Warp spells that cut off the eastern part of the galaxy have been unleashed.

From now on, the three Pseudo-Emperor Loyalist Legions, the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Blood Angels isolated in the east can no longer stop their crusade against the Pseudo-Emperor.Violent warp storms would turn them into complete islands.

Moreover, as long as Lynn appears, it is not suitable to stay.

As early as Lynn showed up, he was ready to escape, because he knew Lynn better than everyone present.

The berserk gesture of ignoring all attacks was too terrifying and unforgettable.

From Curze last time and Angron now, two Primarchs have died in his hands.

Luo Jia was even convinced that even that false emperor, if he didn't use his powerful spiritual power, would not be the opponent of the "monster" in front of him with his body alone.

So it's not cowardly to run away when faced with Lynn, nor is everyone able to escape twice from this monster.

No, including this time, it should be three times!
How proud!

Luo Jia felt that he could leave with his head held high!

Just when Luo Jia boarded the transport plane and left here.

Lynn suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

He already felt it.

The evil god's projection in the sky has already locked his eyes on himself.

Lynn had never felt a shuddering sense of oppression overwhelming.

Every cell in his body was trembling!

Not out of fear, but excited to the extreme!
For the first time, he faced a god directly! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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