Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 382 Rebuilding the Think Tank

Chapter 382 Rebuilding the Think Tank
Lynn and Guilliman's fleet sailed out of Wrathria and into the Warp.

At this time, the subspace storm has become stronger and stronger, and it gradually tends to block the Milky Way.

Guilliman was a little panicked. Just now his navigator reported to him that the astronomical torch located in the holy Terra seemed to disappear at any moment.

He knew what it meant.

Once the light of the astronomical torch faded, the galaxy dimmed again.

Without the guidance of the Astronomican, it is no longer possible for ships to sail long distances in the subspace.

Any ship, whether a battleship or a merchant ship, will lose its sense of direction.Like a boat lost on the sea, it will be swallowed by the storm at any time.

When the fleet retreated to Macragge, many navigators were horrified to find that they could no longer see the light of the Astronomican.

Not only the Astronomical Torch, but even the Astropaths have been unable to receive any communications.

The entire eastern galaxy was completely plunged into darkness.isolated from the empire.

Even the planets within the five hundred worlds have disappeared from sight.

Guilliman hastened to collect all the information, and learned from the news gathered from various places that Luo Jia had led most of the fleet to leave.

But the "Shadow Expedition" is still going on, not all the teams he dispersed at the beginning have left, and many teams still stay in the five hundred worlds to destroy everywhere.

They shuttled through the warp storm unimpeded, always one step ahead of the Ultramarines.

"These damn traitors don't seem to be affected by the warp storm!" Guilliman complained to Lynn angrily.

Those traitors can sail safely in the storm, but loyalists like themselves are all in danger when they go out.The navigation is invisible, the connection is cut off, and there are pits, big and small.

"This shows that behind the Horus rebellion, there must be the participation of warp space evil gods, and they even planned it!" Lynn snapped a big bite of an apple, and lay half down in front of Guilliman's desk with his legs crossed. on the seat.

"This subspace storm is not so much summoned by Luo Jia's sacrifice of countless people, as it was decided by those evil gods from the beginning. Even if there are not so many sacrifices, the storm that should come will come. There is no difference!"

It is often correct to deduce the cause from the effect.The appearance of demons and evil gods undoubtedly further proves this conjecture.

"But why did these evil gods do this? Before that, we didn't even know they existed in the subspace."

The Emperor has been promoting the "Imperial Truth", insisting that there is no God in the world.Therefore, all the people of the empire, including them, the Primarchs, have never known the existence of Warp Evil God.

Does the emperor know?

Based on Guilliman's understanding of the Emperor, he must know the truth about these evil gods in the warp, but he didn't say anything!

He didn't know what the Emperor was thinking, but things must be going for the worst.

Lin En concentrated on eating the apple, and said indifferently: "I don't know why, except for the emperor, I'm afraid no one knows."

"But all of this can be deduced!"

"From the formation of the warp space storm, it can be deduced that the rebellion is their conspiracy. So can we deduce the reason for their doing this from the result of the rebellion?"

Guilliman was silent. He was already good at sorting out and responsible things, and his brain, which could handle hundreds of government affairs at the same time, began to think.

The Traitors "summoned" the Warp Storm, allowing their ships to pass through while the Loyalists could not move.Therefore, the evil gods of the subspace must support this rebellion.

Can these traitors control the evil god?

Of course not!It can be seen from Logar's humility towards the evil gods and Angron's fate that these Primarchs are just toys in their eyes.

So this rebellion is very likely to be led or even planned by them.

Then the possible result of the rebellion is their purpose!

what result?
The best possibility is that the achievements of the 200-year Great Expedition were destroyed! The rising trend of human civilization was completely interrupted!

Thinking of this result, Guilliman couldn't help feeling distressed.But this is only the best result, and there is also the possibility of the worst.

That is the death of the emperor!The empire fell apart.Human beings in the entire galaxy have returned to the dark age, and all human beings will be precarious and will be slaughtered and enslaved by various aliens.

Thinking of this possibility, Guilliman almost stopped breathing, full of despair.

But now they can't even support Terra, they can only wait for the worst outcome.

Lynn finished eating the apple, clapped his hands and stood up, "Of course, these are just uncertain guesses, but one thing is certain. From now on, we must think about how to better fight those demons!"

Now the combat targets of the space fighters are all those rebels or alien races, and the enemy of demons has never appeared before.

They must deepen their understanding of them, know their weaknesses, and know how to deal with them. After all, there is a high probability that they will encounter them frequently in the future.

Guilliman nodded clearly, and after thinking for a while he hesitated and said, "Think tank?"

The Librarian is a special organization within the Space Marine Legion, composed of psykers among the Space Marines, originally promoted by Primarch Magnus of the Thousand Sons during the Great Crusade.

Some Primarchs also want to make full use of the power of psykers in their Legions, as in some Legions, the presence of psykers is very common.

Magnus and several Primarchs had prescribed a training regimen for the psykers, in addition to the standard Space Marine modification procedures.

The Emperor at the time approved this method, and many Legions followed suit. In this way, the Librarian became a powerful force in the Space Marine Legion.

But the good times didn't last long. With the progress of the Great Crusade, many legions have established think tanks. These psykers have shown great strength. Of course, the number of out-of-control mutations has gradually increased.

Because of the particularity of psykers, once they get out of control, it will cause great losses.

Gradually, opinions on the use of think tanks in the Primarch also divided into two groups. One group hoped to expand the scale of the think tank and recruit more psykers, while the other group strongly opposed it.

Towards the end of the Great Crusade, and on the eve of leaving the Great Crusade to return to Terra, the Emperor called the Council of Kynia to discuss the use of the Libraries.

In the end, the Emperor made a ruling that, except for the Navigators and Astropaths, all legions were to ban the use of psychics, disband the Legion's think tank, and demanded that the Primarchs stop trying to use psychic powers.

This ban is known as the "Kenia Ban".

"So, are you planning to rebuild the think tank?" Lynn looked at Guilliman with some interest, "I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also plan to violate the Emperor's ban?"

(End of this chapter)

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