Chapter 384 War Blacksmith
In Guilliman's office, Lynn quickly met this special "technical expert" Dantioch.

A Space Marine veteran wearing a grey-black steel mask!


Lin En was a little puzzled. The Great Crusade had been going on for 200 years, and the oldest star warriors prepared by the Emperor for the Great Crusade were only over 200 years old. According to their transformed physiques, this grade should be young and middle-aged, how could they be so old?
However, Lin En didn't ask any questions in person, and greeted the "expert" with a normal face.

Obviously, the veteran knew the purpose of this trip before he came in.
His voice was cold and direct, "Dear Master of the Eleventh Legion, the Iron Warriors salute you. When are we going to leave?"

Only then did Lynn notice that he was actually a Star Warrior of the traitorous Fourth Legion, the Iron Warriors.Warsmith is his title, not his nickname.

Those Primarchs who betrayed the empire sometimes cannot confuse all warriors. Every rebellious legion has warriors loyal to the emperor, and this person must be one of them.

To be entrusted with such an important task, the loyalty of this person is beyond doubt.

"Dantioch, if your body allows, I will leave in fifteen days."

Lynn's Furious Abyss is a brand new warship, and has not undergone detailed modifications since it was acquired.

It stands to reason that such a battleship seized from the rebels can only be used after necessary "cleaning".

The cleaning process is extremely time-consuming, requiring inspection of all places and cleaning of all rooms, and the Mechanicus will even "pray" for every component.

But Lynn has so much time!

For such a giant ship, the fifteen days were extremely tense.Probably only enough to load some supplies, not even enough time to change the logo.

Dantioch coughed twice from time to time, the sound was like grinding.

Lynn could tell from the sound that when he coughed, all the organs in his body would be involved. This is a terrible sequelae left after a serious injury, and every breath will be accompanied by unbearable pain.

But the veteran's expression was as usual, and he didn't show any discomfort, "I will take forty Iron Warriors and go with you."

After speaking, Dantioch left without hesitation.

After he left, Lynn asked Guilliman about the tough guy.

"He has just arrived in Macragge, but this person's experience is indeed worth mentioning."

Guilliman gave Lynn a detailed account of his investigation.

Dantioch was the commander of the 51st Expedition Fleet of the Iron Warriors Legion during the Great Crusade.He is revered among the Legion for his superior tactical acumen and skill in building strong fortifications.

Later, in a battle against the large-scale alien invasion of the entropy-decaying space rats, due to the wrong command of the Primarch Perturabo, half of the soldiers in Dalian were killed in this war, and several worlds were destroyed.There were only two survivors in Dantioch's army, one of whom was put into the dreadnought sarcophagus, and he himself was affected by the strong entropy field generated by the migration of entropy decay space rats, and suddenly aged three thousand years !
This made him, who should have been in his prime, suddenly enter his twilight.

However, this steely and upright man bluntly stated the mistakes of the Primarch during the post-war discussion meeting.This made Perturabo extremely ashamed, and he was demoted and exiled to a barren planet in the frontier.And strictly ordered him never to show up in the Legion.

Dantioch simply opted not to wear a helmet, forging himself a steel visor.

This visor is a brutal work of art and a perfect interpretation of the Fourth Legion's insignia.After he took out the glowing red mask from the furnace, he put it on his head directly!
Then, ignoring the smoke and the smell of scalded flesh, he hammered it into the shape of a bald head with his own hands.

Then plunged into the cold water cold brew.Since then, his head has been combined with this steel mask forever!
Later, Dantioch went to exile his planet with a small number of warriors.

Despite being banished to the barren planets of the Frontiers, the Warsmith and his remaining troops have done their duty.Drive out the zerg, build fortresses, and prepare to become a strategic outpost to watch over the empire in the deep starry sky that no one remembers.

After Primarch Perturabor's betrayal of the Emperor, the rebels were sent to take over the planet as a transit point for Warmaster Horus.

Dantioch proved his allegiance to the Emperor, rejecting the traitors without hesitation.

A civil war broke out between the two armies. Although the rebels had dozens of times more troops and firepower than him, Dantioch still stood firm for several months and wiped out countless rebels.His fortress was not breached until the rebels dispatched the emperor-class titans.

At the last moment, Dantioch launched a surprise attack and directly captured the rebel flagship.

Before leaving, he also detonated the explosives hidden in the fortress, burying thousands of rebels along with the God's Machine.

Then retreated to the slightly closer Ultramar star area, and came to Macragge.

After hearing these experiences, Lynn couldn't help sighing "a fierce man".

"So, should such a warrior also study the navigation beacon?"

"Of course, he is a skilled warsmith. But that's not the main thing! Dantioch is also a famous defense master, and the fortress he built is impregnable. I hope he can strengthen the defense there. After all, Pharos is too important now!"

Lynn nodded knowingly.

"Then, it's decided. I'll be leaving in half a month!"

Then, Lynn began to prepare intensively for the departure of the fleet.

The current battleships of the No.11 Legion include a flagship Furious Abyss and [-] capital ships, as well as a larger number of cruisers and frigates.

After thinking about it, he decided to act secretly!

The planet where "Faros" is located is not currently at war.

So his mission this time should actually be carried out in secret.

Lynn planned to let all these battleships go out, while sniping those small groups of rebels, while recruiting some good seedlings with potential in various places.

Even the Abyss is going to be released, after all, this fierce and tyrannical flagship is in line with the temperament of his army, and the effect of taking it out for conscription must be good.

But this time he only needs a battleship, and if he is not afraid that some good things will not fit, he even thinks that a cruiser or frigate is not unacceptable.

And that way you can go faster too.

The materials needed for the fleet's trip were continuously transported from the ground and dock to the warship, and everything was ready after seven days.

Lynn notified Dantioch.

With Dantioch boarding his forty Iron Warriors, Lynn bid farewell to Guilliman and headed east for the frontier planet Sotha.

(End of this chapter)

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