Chapter 388 Shining Galaxy
After hearing this, Guilliman fell silent for a long time.

Lynn poured himself a cup of hot tea and drank it slowly.

There was a long silence between the two.

Until Guilliman spoke again,
"I have always hated the use of alien technology, but the current situation does not allow us to make other choices. The light of the Astronomican has been blocked. For the sake of Ultramar and the fire of mankind, we must restore communication and transportation."

"If we want to dispel this dark age, we must be able to see the way and redeploy. This is the first step for us to survive. It is the most important step."

Hearing this, Lin En put away the looseness on his face and asked solemnly.

"So, Guilliman, my brother, you better get ready?"

From the several conversations between the two in the past, a tacit plan has always been in the hearts of the two.

It did not have the conditions for its implementation before, but now everything is ready.They're going to keep the fire alive for the humans of the galaxy, even though it doesn't look that different from what Horus did.

Guilliman's resolute face was determined. "Lyn, my brother, you can always be trusted!"

Lynn nodded, "Then let's start!"

"Starting tonight, Macragge will shine in the galaxy!"


God said, let there be light, and there was light!
——The banned "creation myth", early Catholic doctrine [before the unified era]
In an instant, Macragge shone like a bright light in the dim eastern part of the Milky Way.

After a few hours, Macragge, which had not been visited by ships for several months, became busy like an explosion.

Lonely starships, damaged warships, fragmented fleets.There are lost people, survivors and refugees, those who fled the battlefield and those who seek combat, and ordinary travelers who took refuge in this crazy storm.

And they all came to Macragge, the only light in the darkness.

Over the next few days, weeks, or even months,

The voyage between the five hundred worlds has become busy again, countless disaster relief supplies have been delivered, and a large number of factories have been put back into production.

The support of space fighters to various places is faster and more precise.

At the same time, countless news also gathered in Macragge.Many of these tidbits are from Space Marines lost in the storm, Ultramarines who may have broken away from the Battle of Calth, or who fought against the traitors who trampled all over Ultramar.

There are also some warships that escaped Isstvan V's sneak attack, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands.

Guilliman kept meeting these visitors in the reception hall, and learned more information from them.

Make no mistake, it's all bad news.

Logar's words were confirmed, Horus was gaining more and more support, countless worlds swore allegiance to him, nearly half of the Space Marine Legions participated in the rebellion, and hundreds of millions of auxiliaries joined his army.

Even the Empire's ally, the Mechanicus, is splitting.A dark Mechanicus has been born.

Have they succeeded?

No one can know!

Guilliman must press on with his plans.

At this moment, a truly heavyweight "guest",
Lion El'Jonson, Primarch of the First Order of the Dark Angels, came to Macragge with his vast war fleet.

Guilliman was overjoyed, but he couldn't help being a little wary.

In a situation where loyalty and rebellion are indistinguishable, he cannot fully trust this brooding, taciturn brother.

But ordinary people are extremely excited about the meeting of the two legions.

The panic in the Five Hundred Worlds has been alleviated, more and more loyal fleets have been formed, and the atmosphere of despair has begun to ease.

Just when Guilliman plunged into the government affairs hall and handled tens of thousands of government affairs every day.

Lying under the tree of Sosa, Lynn leisurely watched the moose stretch its neck to pick the leaves from the tree and eat them.

I thought this little deer grows really fast, anyway, winter is over, should I roast this little thing and eat it...

The moose probably sensed the danger, and suddenly froze when it was eating the leaves. It looked down at Lin En, and showed a flattering smile.The leaves in his mouth dripped to the ground mixed with saliva.

Lin En felt disgusted for a while, forget it, maybe he would become stupid if he ate it...

Although the navigation has been turned on, Lynn still stays in the distant Sosa and has no intention of returning.

Guilliman urged him twice, wanting him to go back and help him share the government affairs, but each time Lynn refused with good reasons.

"The Pharos system has just started to operate. This ancient equipment has been idle for 6000 million years. No one can be sure if there will be a problem. I have to stay in Sosa for a while to ensure that it will continue to operate normally."

Of course, this is also because Penny's cracking of the system is at a critical stage.

"Petunia, how long do you need?" Lynn grabbed a stone and threw it on the moose. The moose was startled, and ran to the nearby tree to continue chewing.

I don't know if it's because of being out of the original world, or because of being able to help Lynn, Petunia's personality has become much more cheerful.

Petunia, who was sitting next to him peeling apples, assured her, patted her chest.

"Don't worry, my lord, in a year at most, I will definitely be able to obtain all the manufacturing data and operating data of Fallows after one year."

"Not this, I'm asking if Apple is okay?"

Petunia froze, then frantically handed over the apple in her hand.

Lynn chuckled, opened his mouth wide and bit it.

Fallows has a lot of data that cannot be obtained when it is turned off.Now that the system is running, and Penny monitors the whole process, it is a critical period for obtaining data.

This shortened the time that might have taken many years to one year, which is already an extremely satisfactory speed.

So Lynn didn't need to go back in a hurry, he could still learn everything he wanted to know here.Such as the situation of No.11 Legion Fleet.

He can communicate with the fleet in real time, and grasp the battle and recruitment situation of the fleet.

Fallows is really easy to use!But it is not really omnipotent, and with the deepening of understanding, it gradually discovered some of its limitations.

For example, although it is possible to create a bright light in the subspace to guide the ship.But what it can scan is only the current universe, so it cannot know anything about the subspace.

Another example is that its power has an upper limit, so it is not as omnipotent as originally imagined.It can monitor everything in its range, but if you want to obtain detailed personal information, you need to focus on scanning, which is to coordinate the system to a key area.

Even so, the Faros system is still a creation that can be called an "artifact".

In order to obtain its manufacturing technology, not to mention one year, even ten years, 100 years, it is an insignificant price!

(End of this chapter)

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