Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 391 Establishment of the Second Empire

Chapter 391 Establishment of the Second Empire
As for Lynn himself, he can't simply be divided by rank.

Many of Doomsday's attributes allow him to transcend boundaries within certain boundaries.

But the Primarchs are different. Although they are born extremely powerful and their growth trajectory is against the sky, their upper limit is also locked.

It is extremely difficult to gain promotion after reaching demigod.

From elementary to intermediate level, for many Primarchs, it is a gap that is difficult to improve for ten thousand years.

The gap between middle level and high level is even more hopeless, a height that is almost impossible to reach.

So Sanguinius's talent is the best in the galaxy.The strength is undisputedly beyond the crushing level.Even among the whole of humanity is only under the Emperor.

However, her strength has also reached the bottleneck, and there is no possibility of improvement.

This is the limitation of her body.

To break through this limitation, she must change her body, but the body and the soul are closely connected and born as one.It is not a piece of clothing, how can it be changed as soon as it is said.

Even if it is changed, it must not be as good as it is now.

This matter still needs to think of other ways.And Lynn believed that he would be able to find a more perfect solution.

The most important thing now is the establishment of the Second Empire, which cannot be delayed any longer.
Guilliman couldn't wait.

"Second Empire stands for continuation,"

Guilliman paced back and forth anxiously. "After Calth, the only thing I can do is to hold together the five hundred fragmented worlds. We can be sure that only Ultramar will stand. If the Emperor is still alive, then we will die after the storm dies down. Return to the battlefield immediately."

"But if the empires other than here have already been occupied by Horus and the Chaos Gods, then we will continue here for the human race."

Behind him is his chair covered with a cobalt blue military flag.Likewise, the chair Lion was sitting on was also covered with the banner of the Dark Angels.

St. Jeremy sat in the middle, her face sinking but she didn't say a word.And next to him sat Lynn.

Ryan was dissatisfied with this seat at the beginning, and he thought he should sit on the other side of St. Liz.

But after being glared at by her, he sat down obediently.

"Guilliman explained his views to me in detail," Ryan continued with a cough. "Although some of the details worry me a little, I've come to realize its value more and more."

"So?" St. Jeremy motioned him to continue with her eyes.

Ryan sat back in his chair with his hands flat on the edge of the table.

Said softly: "We have witnessed the viciousness of our enemies, and sadly seen the fragility of all we have. Guilliman and I disagree on many issues. But in any case, we as loyal children of the Emperor We will still fight side by side, for the survival of the empire, and for the future of mankind, we need a unified regime."

"But..." St. Jie Lisi said, "this kind of behavior is usurping the throne no matter what!"

Although Saint Jeremy had already made a decision in her heart, she couldn't agree easily.This is not hypocrisy, but a necessary statement and temptation.

"This is also a last resort." Guilliman replied interfaced. "If Terra and our father have fallen, so must Steward Malcador. We must muster all remaining forces before it is too late. Neither I nor Lion can accept the other's rise to power, but we agree It's up to you to fill that role."

"You've always been the closest thing to our dad," Ryan said.

Both of them uttered words of persuasion and formally expressed their attitudes.

Among the four, only Lynn did not speak, he was silent as if he had fallen asleep.Because his status is really not suitable to express his opinion at this time, no matter what he says is wrong, so he just kept silent.

But this silence is also an attitude in itself.

St. Jeremy raised her head, the sun shone on her body through the window of the room, the brilliant blond hair reflected the sun, and the whole person seemed to be radiating radiance!

"Since I set foot in Macragge, I have noticed that there are no recorders around you, and the same is true for Ryan."

She turned to look at them.

"Is it just a coincidence?"

"For the sake of caution," Guilliman stood up and replied, St. Jereth's question meant that she had basically agreed, and he had to show enough respect and sincerity at this time.

"If Terra survives, future generations will see betrayal and usurpation in what we do today. Whatever the reason, even if it wasn't our intention, we should never let what we do today Loyalties are being questioned. So, I decided at the beginning of the preparation that until the cause had to be made public, it would not leave any trace in history."

"We will not have any recorders responsible for inspection and recording. Nor will we leave any text or signs."

"If the five hundred worlds are the only survivors of the empire, then maybe its history will be recorded in the future and become the only history of the empire. But if Terra is still there and the emperor is still there, then in the countless years to come , it would be an empire not remembered, which never happened and was never imagined."

"I swear to you!" Guilliman stood in front of St. Jereth solemnly, "What we have done today is definitely not for betrayal, nor is it to establish a second empire. We are just to survive the original empire, And rebuild it in extreme cases that are very likely to happen."

"You're willing to swear on it?" St. Jeremy asked.

"With all my heart," Guilliman replied.

"You support it too?" St. Jeremy looked at Ryan.

Ryan stood up with a snap, "With my blood."

St. Jiesi stood up, and Lynn, who was about to fall asleep, immediately stood up, with a very clear attitude.

"Then, it's decided!" As soon as St. Jeremy finished speaking, Guilliman and Ryan Qiqi walked to the stage and were about to speak.

"Wait! There's one more thing." Lin En, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said,
Several people looked at him suspiciously, especially Ryan. He didn't have much contact with Lynn, so he really couldn't guess what he was going to do at this time.

It was Guilliman who looked at the smile on his face and somehow suddenly thought of the bottle of wine that day!

"My legion is newly built, and there is nothing. Will everyone support the construction of the brothers' legion!"


The city of Macragge seems to shine today, just as in those brighter days.The tall buildings and spiers of the city were shrouded in golden brilliance, just like the heyday of the Five Hundred Worlds.

The sky is full of spaceships.They pass overhead in formations and formations, expressing reverence and displaying strength.At a higher place, giant battleships were bathed in the light of Pharos, floating slowly like sea monsters.In the lower atmosphere below them, fleets of fighter planes and gunboats whizzed back and forth.The thunderous roar of the six warhorns of the ancient warlord echoed through the thundercloud-shrouded city.

All streets have almost no footholds.Cheering crowds filled every street and alley, while parades of the Astartes Legion, the Imperial Army, the Mechanicus, and the Central Praetorian flocked from their respective barracks and fortresses to the wide military square.

On the towering Titan's Gate, Sanjie Lisi stood in the center wearing the brightest radiance.Perfect as a true angel, receiving the deafening cheers and salutes from the crowd below.

Lynn, Guilliman, and Lion stood talking, but their words were lost in the cheers of the crowd.

The Second Empire is established!

(End of this chapter)

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