Chapter 397 They Are Repenting

A month later, Andre himself came to inform Lynn that all the ships were ready.

Lynn notified his crew and arrived at the shipyard the next day.

Two rank four warships were docked in the most conspicuous positions.The soaring hull, gleaming oak, has clearly just been meticulously maintained.Two rows of dark cannon windows had been opened, and the cannons were pushed out one by one.

Two ships, one hundred and eight cannons are distributed on both sides of the hull.There is no doubt that it can destroy most of the ships here with only one salvo.

Regardless of size or firepower, Tier [-] battleships are obviously a notch higher than other pirate ships around.

This is not an exaggeration.

Most of the Andre shipyards are pirates, and among the pirates, there are hardly any big ships, and the artillery is only 6-pounder or 9-pounder.

Take the famous "Sea Pearl" as an example. Apart from its legendary "magic attributes", it has a one-and-a-half artillery deck and a half open-air deck, which is barely two artillery decks.

Equipped with 32 18-pound cannons against the sky, it has far more firepower than ordinary pirate ships.

But according to the firepower standard, it is only a fifth-tier cruiser, and it cannot be ranked among the top four battleships.

The "crew" around Lynn were almost drooling looking at these two brand new warships, and seemed to like them even more than Lynn.

After all, for them, as long as they can get one of them, they can become a great pirate.

They looked at Lynn even more eagerly, wishing that he would order to set sail now.

As long as they go out to sea, this trip is enough to make many of them live comfortably for a lifetime.

In addition to these two warships, there are five merchant ships.Lynn doesn't have high requirements for them, but it seems that Andre has really worked hard, and the condition of these five ships is also very good.

Satisfied, Lynn delivered the rest of the gold, and his crew happily embarked.

They showed great autonomy and enthusiasm in order to set sail as soon as possible.Under the arrangement of six captains and seven chief mates, the artillery crew was quickly formed, the gunner was recommended, and the squad was arranged.

It was ready in less than a day.

Lynn was very pleased with their speed.

After loading a month's living supplies on the ship the next day, Yang Fan gave an order to leave the port.

The crew cheered enthusiastically, as happy as picking up money.

In one afternoon, the fleet had sailed to the deep sea.After nightfall, the ship that was supposed to be quiet was extremely lively.

Countless crews brought rum from warehouses and served fresh meat and vegetables.He drank and celebrated wantonly, as if he had just won a battle.

On the flagship at the forefront of the fleet, hundreds of relaxed sailors rushed to the captain's room with scimitars.

In their view, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

And Lynn in the captain's cabin was slowly eating the dinner he took out of the space, because there was no crew member to bring it to him.

Opposite him stood Captain Jack Sparrow with a depressed face.

"Jack, why are you here?" Lin En looked puzzled.

Jack was so depressed that he just wanted to vomit blood.Why am I here?Of course it's here to save you!The pirates outside are celebrating, are you still eating here?

"If you don't want to feed the fish, I have prepared a small boat that can take us away. Although you will lose these boats, at least you can still live."

"Hahaha," Lynn laughed, "well, thank you for your kindness. But I believe my crew, they are all good boys, and they won't do such horrible things."

Good boy?A group of pirates?
Jack had nothing to say.

He asked himself that even if he met a fat sheep like Lynn, he might not be able to control it.

Can't help but wonder if Lin En really only has muscles and no brains.

Could he not hear the voices outside?


There seems to be no sound outside!

Jack pricked up his ears and listened carefully for a while, his expression gradually became strange.There was silence outside, and even the usual sound of the waves disappeared.

The commotion just now seemed like a dream, and it suddenly became dead silent...

It was as if there was some monster in the fleet, devouring all the life on the fleet in the blink of an eye.

Jack couldn't help shivering. Except for the captain's cabin, the outside seemed to have become the deepest bottomless abyss.

He walked quickly to the table, picked up a bottle of rum and poured it into his mouth.

The golden rum was of excellent quality, and he drank half a bottle in one gulp, the mellow and caramel-flavored liquor slipped into his stomach, and the strong smell of the liquor surged up, making his face turn red with irritation, and he couldn't help but slapped wine burp.

"Don't just drink, I also have excellent steaks and roasted golden pigeons here. If you don't like these, there are also fresh fruits. These things are treasures at sea."

Lynn pushed the food in front of Jack with a happy face.

Jack didn't dare to look out of the window at all. Even though he was hot and dry under the stimulation of alcohol, listening to the dead silence outside still gave him chills.

He sneaked onto the boat just to pay for saving Lynn's life at a critical moment, and for repaying him for saving himself from the desert island.

But looking at Lin En with a smile on his face, it was as quiet as death outside, and an inexplicable sense of incongruity made him feel abnormal in his heart.

"You, know that they want to seize the ship?"

"I know!" Lynn nodded as a matter of course, "I recruited 1223 crew members, and 1098 were on board. Those who didn't board either died or decided to give up after learning about the situation."

"Now 90.00% of the people on board are pirates. They have become open and aboveboard even when discussing things, and they don't shy away from people at all. Of course I know very well."

Seeing Lynn's seriousness, Jack was confused.

Why recruit them when you know they're all pirates?Why let them board the ship and go to sea?
Jack is not a fool. After calming down, he keenly discovered the problem.

All the pirates in Tatuga are plotting about Lynn.He also knew very well that the recruited crew were pirates.But still in full swing to go to sea.

If Lynn wasn't a solid fool, there should be another explanation.

He has enough means to control these pirates, and these means are playing this role at this moment!

But the entire fleet has more than 1000 people on seven ships.Except for Lynn, they are all pirates. Is there any way to calm them down who were still celebrating just now.

And it's not just ordinary silence, it's the silence that seems to be dead!

"But I believe they have already regretted it, and they must be sincerely repenting at this moment."

Lynn said affirmatively.

But Jack couldn't believe this face with oriental blood and a ignorant smile.

(End of this chapter)

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