Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 399 Laying the Foundation

Chapter 399 Laying the Foundation
The next day, the sun rose over the sea.

Lynn stepped onto the deck in the sunlight.

The deck was spotless, so clean it almost glistened.

All surviving crew mopped the deck overnight yesterday.

Lynn didn't say stop, they didn't dare to stop at all, they could only wipe the deck over and over again.

Now the crew stood neatly on the deck, looking at him in fear, as silent as waiting for their fate.

Lynn walked onto the deck at the bow, glanced around, and was very satisfied with the effect of last night.It is impossible to rely on love to make these pirates obedient, fear is the best way.

With a wave of his hand, a piece of black light was sprinkled, and there were countless filaments in the black light.These filaments accurately find each person and wrap them around their arms before disappearing.

The pirates took off their clothes in horror and searched their bodies.

"Curse! It's a curse!"

"Captain, please don't kill me, I swear never to betray."

The pirates who found nothing knelt down on the deck pale,
Constantly swearing for mercy.

Lynn certainly didn't believe the oaths of these pirates, but he believed in fear.

"Don't worry, this is not a curse! It won't kill you."

"They're just tracking wires that allow me to find your location."

The pirates didn't believe a word of Lynn's words, but there was nothing they could do.They can only force themselves to believe, because only in this way can they have less fear in their hearts.

"Ten years!" Lin En stretched out a finger and said lightly.

"Work for me for ten years, and then you will be free."

Fear will be like an invisible rope, holding them firmly.At the same time, not so tight that they despair.

This is the most appropriate scale.

"Now, set sail!"

"Yes! Captain."

The boat got busy, and everyone rushed to their posts, preparing to set sail.

A sailor touched the cable cautiously, then jumped away.

After waiting for a while, everyone was relieved until it was determined that the cables were not alive.

"Master Captain!"

A burly, dark-skinned man leaned over and said respectfully, "Where is our goal?"

Yes, until now this fleet did not know where it was going.

Yesterday they were only concerned about the loot they were about to get, and they didn't think about this issue at all.


"Let's go to Florida!"


Florida Peninsula,

Located on the southernmost east coast of the North American continent, straight into the Caribbean Sea.It faces the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the west.

In the 16th century, the Spaniards discovered this place for the first time in search of the "Fountain of Youth", and named it Florida, which means "the place where flowers bloom".

Set up settlements here and start colonization.

However, after the defeat of the Spanish Armada, Britain and France invaded Florida many times in order to compete with Spain for colonies, destroying Spanish settlements.At the same time, Spain found no gold or silver in Florida.Only Florida was used as a buffer zone with Britain to establish thirteen states on the east coast of the North American continent.

Therefore, Spain's colonization of Florida was limited, and it could only control a few areas along the coast of Florida.

And this place is the foundation of Lynn's plan.

After laying the foundation here, to the north is the vast North American continent, to the south is the Caribbean Sea with dense routes, to the west is the core inland sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and to the east is the Atlantic Ocean.

No one really cares about such a core land now!

Seven days later, Lynn's fleet arrived in Florida, sailed around the peninsula in 20 days, and then came to the center of Spain here, the city of St. Augustine.

Jack, who traveled all the way, bid farewell to Lynn and went to find his favorite "Black Pearl".

Lynn didn't stay. At this time, there are still at least eight years before the plot begins, which means that Jack still has a long way to go to fulfill his wish.

After Jack left, Lynn set foot on the land of Florida.

St. Augustine is located on the east coast of the peninsula near the Atlantic Ocean. It is not large in scale, with a population of only a few thousand people, most of whom are indigenous.A true Spaniard might not have a thousand.

Lynn took the fleet and met the Spanish governor Montiano here as a businessman.

Lynn proposed that he was willing to buy a piece of land at a high price to grow food and vegetables.

Montiano disagreed with this proposal at first, bluntly saying that this is the territory of New Spain and will never be sold to others.

Lynn turned to the next best thing, saying that he could also lease it.Moreover, the farm is fully responsible for itself, and can also pay a part of the products every year, and at the same time, the rent is paid as it is.

Montiano was really moved. Anyway, he couldn't use it in the peninsula. Now he can get rent without doing anything, and Spain's interests are not lost at all. He can't think of a reason to disagree.

In this way, Lynn obtained a permit to rent and farm land in Florida.

He demarcated a large farm in the local area of ​​the Caribbean Sea in the southern part of the peninsula.As for the specific area, the Spaniards didn't even measure it. They only cared about whether there was gold here, and they had no interest in growing vegetables.

Lynn reported a number, and they waited to collect the money, and everyone was happy.

After the site was settled, he recruited some people from the local area to build a manor for him and build a large number of dormitories.

He then regrouped the pirates in the fleet.

Everyone stood on the deck like a quail, feeling uneasy.No matter how long they had been together, they would still be terrified when they faced Lynn's young face, and the fear went deep into their bones.

"Now, I need you to do something!"

"Go back, go back to the pirates, and tell them a message."

"I want to buy people! Orientals. At three times the price of Africans!"

The pirates fell silent, they couldn't understand what the captain said.

If the plantation needs people to cultivate the land, wouldn't cheap and easy-to-use black people be better?Why pay big bucks for those orientals?
They weren't as strong as niggers, nor were they many.

But when he raised his head and saw the face of the oriental blood of the captain, he closed his mouth, as if he understood something.

"Also, I need a group of you to go to Singapore."

"Find the pirate king Sao Feng there, and give him my letter."

Sao Feng, Pirate King of Singapore.

Mainly active in the South China Sea and Singapore waters, controlling the sea routes to the east, and holding the "end of the world" chart in his hand, he is a very important pirate king.

Lynn didn't know Xiao Feng, but Jack did!

The letter in his hand was written by Jack two days ago.

The content of the letter is simple.

Ask him to help recruit people with a lot of money!

The east is now in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and a large number of Chinese who do not want to shave their heads and dreadlocks have fled. At this time, there are many Chinese who fled there in Nanyang.

"But be sure to tell him that I'm not buying slaves. A man can only receive money if he reaches him safely."

"Therefore, the safety of the Chinese on board must be guaranteed."

(End of this chapter)

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