Chapter 401 The Kingdom of Rohan
How many troops did Montiano have?
In addition to the [-] soldiers who "lost contact", there was also a guard force of [-] people, plus five fourth-tier warships docked at the port.

That's all there is to him!

This place in Florida is an enclave for Spain, and there is no gold and silver yet.Coupled with frequent harassment by Britain and France, the Kingdom of Spain has never paid attention to this place.

He, the governor, has never had a sense of presence.Will Spain go to war with such a powerful military force outside here?

He didn't even dare to hope so much himself!

The Army can't get here,
How many battleships above Tier [-] are there in New Spain plus mainland Spain?Are there a hundred ships?
How sure are you of defeating the fleet outside?Can I still live to that day?

The more Montiano thought about it, the more he felt that his own death was coming.I am afraid that only God can save himself.

Unexpectedly, God did not come to save him, but Lynn sent a life-saving letter.

He was to buy Florida from New Spain for ten thousand pounds.


Lin En's method is completely learned from the old beauty of later generations. First immigrate, then buy, and call if you don't give.

When the news came out, the entire Caribbean exploded!

No one cares about the army in this era, but there are thirty third-tier battleships and forty fourth-tier battleships.Such a fleet can definitely be described as huge!It is second only to New Spain in the entire Caribbean.

The point is that such a fleet suddenly appeared?Everyone knows that is impossible!
The only explanation is that this fleet has been fragmented and secretly mixed with caravans, pirates, and even British or French fleets.

Maybe Britain and France are involved behind this incident.


The British and French friends quickly expressed their concern about the Florida incident and supported Lynn's purchase proposal.

There are only a few thousand Spaniards in Florida, but there are hundreds of thousands of Orientals, and the demand for political independence is completely reasonable.

It is hoped that the Kingdom of New Spain can respect the wishes of the local people and agree to local independence.

They also advised the Kingdom of New Spain to show the bearing of a big country and not even accept the ten thousand pounds!

This is obviously because it is not a big deal to watch the excitement, and I can't wait for the two sides to start fighting immediately.

Sure enough, Spain rejected Lynn's proposal.

New Spain does not border Florida, and the only way to recover there is to rely on their more powerful fleet.

Spain had more than 150 capital ships during the Armada period, spanning the seven oceans.

But after the defeat, the scale has been greatly reduced.

Homeland defense, route maintenance, and colonial suppression also require a large number of warships.

Spain did not only have a colony in Central America, they also had a larger colony in South America to maintain.

New Spain has no more than fifty capital ships in the Caribbean Sea, most of which are old ships that have been in the water for many years, and even some old antiques from six to seventy years ago are still in service.

Even if they could win against Lynn's all-new warships, it would be a miserable victory.

New Spain hopes to gather a larger fleet, reduce losses with overwhelming force, and at the same time once again prove to the world Spain's supremacy at sea.

So they confidently submitted a request for a decisive battle to Europe, but it was ruthlessly rejected!
Because the other colonies didn't agree with it.

Their reasons also sound reasonable. Is it worth it for such an enclave with nothing?
If they send all their fleets here for a decisive battle, then the front will be involved by Lynn's fleet, will the British and French behind them watch helplessly?

Spain can no longer afford to lose an Armageddon!
They dare not fight this battle.

A country that has experienced disastrous defeats is not bloody enough.

After half a year of stalemate, the third year before the start of the plot.

Witnessed by the British and French representatives, Lynn signed the agreement with the Governor of New Spain in Florida, Montiano, in St. Augustine.

Montiano recognized Florida's independence on behalf of the Kingdom of Spain.

Then, together with all the Spaniards in the city, he left on a British merchant ship.

The army waiting outside the city and the navy who watched the Spaniards leave on the deck cheered!

After going through hardships, they will finally establish a country belonging to the Chinese in a distant foreign country.

Although there is only a small place, it doesn't matter.Lay the foundation first, there are large tracts of land waiting for them.

Immigrants and high-level members of the military quickly gathered around Lynn to discuss with him many matters concerning the founding of the country.

Most of them are Chinese, the voice is the loudest.Some people think that the name of the country should be "Ming".Lin En directly vetoed it. Daming is dead, so it is meaningless to turn it over again.

Another Chinese suggested that it could be called Lin Hanguo.This not only shows Lin En's orthodox status, but also shows that this is a country of Han people.

But Lynn immediately vetoed the name. His reason was that it didn't sound good!

At this time, a European who was trying to learn Chinese slurred, "Luohan! Sounds good?"

Lynn's head twitched, very good!That's it!
The name is full of the blood of gold and iron horses, as well as the spirit of hard work.

The new country, the Kingdom of Rohan, was formally named.

The next step is the formation of political power at all levels, the division of administrative regions, and the formulation of laws and policies.

There is also the need to speed up the construction of the army and the regularization and standardization of the army at all levels.

Build your own shipyard, save shipbuilding costs and increase investment in shipbuilding.There is also the army, which should also be expanded in size.

Beyond the current border, there is still a vast land on the northern continent waiting for their occupation.


Lynn is intensively preparing various matters for the official founding of the country.

The british guy got smart again, and Governor Montiano, who was supposed to be sent to the European continent, was forcibly sent to Mexico by them.

Now the Kingdom of New Spain couldn't bear it anymore.

Originally, it was okay to touch this matter quietly, but it was not such a slap in the face.

They immediately executed the governor, and decided to take revenge.

Lynn's fleet was completely banned from docking at all ports in the Caribbean Sea, and a fleet was sent to attack his merchant ships at sea.

They think that most of the Caribbean Sea is their port, so they will be able to deal a severe blow to this newly established "Kingdom of Rohan".

Lynn immediately fought back, dividing his fleet into squadrons and fighting the Spanish warships here and there.Raid their ports and rob their merchant ships.

This time,
The Caribbean is in full swing!
There were already a lot of pirates here, but now it was even more difficult to tell the difference between the officials and the bandits.All peoples and countries are quietly coming out to participate in this feast of robbery.

Losses in New Spain began to skyrocket.

Most of the Caribbean is New Spain.They also have the largest number of merchant ships.

In the face of Lynn's robbery in the name of war and the behavior of many pirates taking advantage of the fire, he was helpless everywhere.

They have too many ports and are too scattered.

(End of this chapter)

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