Chapter 47
Master only stayed in Peiping for seven days, and then rushed back to Fengtian!
In seven days, he taught Lynn every pass from dark energy to transformation force,

Lynn didn't have to be lazy, and he practiced honestly for a few days.

In the past few days, the old man has been smacking his physical fitness.

Ordinary martial arts practitioners can become a first-class master when they reach the dark jin. They can punch hundreds of punches with the clear jin, but the dark jin can only be used a few times, and they will be exhausted.

Because Ming Jin hits people with muscles and bones, and Dark Jin hits people with heart, so if you don’t send it out, you’re done. If you send it out, you will definitely hit it. If you don’t hit it, it will waste your energy.

And Lynn, Ming Jin's fight seems to be endless, and he can fight from morning to night!The same is true of the dark strength. The originally smooth ground was paved with stone slabs more than a foot thick, and Lin En had already stepped on it into a twisted face in a day.

The old man was secretly frightened, and asked him to stop several times to help him check his body. The result was as usual.
Made the old man wonder if Lynn's heart was made of iron?Otherwise, how could he withstand such a toss!

The better Lynn's talent is, the more anxious the old man is.

He could see that although Lin En practiced martial arts, he only regarded martial arts as a tool, just like a sword in his hand.
According to common sense, it is difficult to reach the peak of martial arts!
But Lynn's talent is really unusual, he can reach the current state inexplicably if he doesn't practice martial arts, and it seems that the transformation of energy is just around the corner!

Once he reaches Hua Jin, coupled with his monster-like physique, it is not a lie to say that he is invincible in the world.

At least the old man felt that he should not be able to beat this apprentice!

Such a good apprentice, but unwilling to take his class,
After the master left,

In the spring of March, all things recover,
When Lynn opened his eyes one morning, he found that he was five inches below his navel, and his yang was rising.

The dark energy up and down the whole body is connected into one piece, and every pore can be controlled freely.

Lynn closed his eyes and felt himself carefully,
The heart is beating vigorously, and the energy is calm, and in an instant, the heartbeat suddenly slows down!It's as obvious as a person running at high speed suddenly slows down!
With a thought, a "bang" sounded, the strong and powerful heart pumped a large amount of blood into the blood vessels, and the blood reached all parts of the body in an instant along the blood vessels.
At the same time, the heart, lungs, spleen and stomach and other internal organs, blood vessels, bones, muscles, skin, and pores all over the body seemed to be clearly displayed in front of Lynn.

He feels he can "see" them, feel them, and control them!As flexible as an arm!
"The energy enters into the transformation, and all parts of the body, from the inside to the outside, can be controlled freely!"

"I'm breaking through to the point of transformation."

"The highest level of martial arts! If you are an ordinary person, if you practice this step and pay attention to your health, there will be no illness or disaster, and it will be no problem to easily live to a hundred or tens of years old!"

Lin En smacked his lips and secretly said, "Unfortunately, for me, it's not very useful!"

"I still have to practice Dan Jin. When the blood bursts out, I can exert several times the strength at once. For me, that is a magical skill!"

Thinking of this, Lynn clicked on the skill bar
[Skill: National Technique Transformation (0/100)]

Man, it's a long way off!Lynn gritted his teeth and got up as usual.

Today, I'm going to go around the palace's shop in Peiping with the eldest lady. Shopkeeper Sun has already set up a car and is waiting at the Hutong entrance.

After Hua Ling went to school, Lynn got into the carriage with the eldest lady.

Shopkeeper Sun is more than 50 years old. He is an old man who has been with the old man for decades. He is honest and honest. He believes in integrity first when doing business, but he is rarely flexible.
So the business is doing well.Three furs, five pharmacies.Most of them are goods from the Northeast, and there is a lot of income.

In particular, the business of medicinal materials is backed by deep mountains and old forests, and most of them are good wild medicines, so the business is very good.

The eldest lady told him that in addition to the Gong family's own shop, the Gong family also took care of the business of darts.

There are many bandits in the Northeast, and there is no resounding brand to protect them. What kind of goods can enter and leave the Northeast?

Let the palace deliver the goods to ensure the safety of the goods, but the charges are also very expensive!This one is even more profitable!
Because you don't have to pay your own capital, of course, all the freight you get won't go to the palace, and part of the profit will be distributed to the masters along the road.

Everyone earns money together. Of course, there are several surnamed Gong among these masters, no one knows!

If some new ones are unruly, naturally someone will teach them how to behave!

In the next few months, Lynn will enter the northeast several times, the time is not fixed, sometimes he will return in six or seven days, and sometimes it will be half a month.

Every time Hua Ling asked, Lynn only told her to go out and find some acquaintances.

The eldest lady seemed to know what he was doing and never asked,
She is busy practicing martial arts now, because after the Chinese New Year, Lin En used the "Nine Dragon Pill" to strengthen her physique, and the effect was very good.

She is already 17 years old, and her physical development is basically mature. This is the golden age for practicing martial arts, and then she took "Nine Dragon Pill".

It even improved her physique, and within a few months, she had mastered all the dark energy of her hands and feet.It even made her excited, and she became more and more obsessed with martial arts!
Lin En was afraid that she would get hurt, so he tried to let her rest and play. The eldest lady was so stubborn that she would not look back when she recognized it, and she failed to go out several times.

It wasn't until Lin En heard that the famous opera troupe in the capital, Guan Jiaban, who had trained apprentices for more than ten years, made his first appearance on stage today.

It is said that this apprentice sings very well. The most important thing is that he looks extremely handsome. After he is dressed up, he is even more elegant. Anyone who has seen it has not said it!
Therefore, before this person took the stage, his fame came out first, and tickets for his first performance were even harder to find!

After Lynn heard about it, he complimented in front of the eldest lady.

In addition to practicing martial arts, the eldest lady usually listens to the drama as a hobby.

Originally, I didn't want to go, but I couldn't help but Lin En said that the actor he had never seen before was like a fairy coming down to earth. If he didn't watch it this time, he would fly away next time. Promise to go together.

Zhonghe Theater outside the front door.

Lin En took the eldest lady and Hua Ling to the reserved private room early. The private room was on the second floor, and good snacks and tea were already prepared in it.

After a few people were seated, they saw this scene, gongs and drums beating, people were surging, and it was very lively!
The audience in the field looked forward to it one by one, and their necks were stretched a lot.

I see,

The drums sounded, and the curtain opened.

A figure, with clever eyes and bright red costumes, walked out step by step, with a detached demeanor and a very vulgar temperament.

A pair of Danfeng eyes are like the waves of spring water!
"it is good!"

Before he even opened his voice, someone roared and applauded, and all of a sudden, the applause erupted like thunder!

"Since I followed the king, fought in the east and west, suffered from wind and frost and toiled, year after year..."

(End of this chapter)

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