On the peninsula, a large number of special forces from the north finally entered Seoul.

These soldiers with strong mental will and tenacious fighting will, after receiving almost inexhaustible assistance, the outbreak of combat effectiveness is staggering.

The enemy's elite White Tiger Regiment was wiped out in a single encounter.When those thin-skinned and tender-fleshed soldiers cried and begged for mercy, they were greeted with only a hot bullet.

After the air force was ambushed and lost more than half, and the capital was completely destroyed by heavy artillery bombing for half a month, it was finally captured.

This incident is simply a great shame for a country with low self-esteem in its bones.

They have always claimed to be the most powerful country in the world, and their nation is also the oldest and most advanced nation in the world, having created all the best civilizations.How can one accept the occupation of the capital by a poor neighbor whom he has always looked down on?
The extreme eruption of national character, they have the world's leading military strength, relying on the absolute superiority of the navy and a large number of advanced tank troops, and finally withstood the offensive of the Northern Dynasty.

And after Fusang joined, both the north and the south faced pressure from this enemy.No one dared to fight with all their might.The war situation began to develop in a chaotic and disorderly direction.

The Three Kingdoms melee is in full swing, and everyone on the planet is guessing who will win.But no one expected that the sacred mountain on Fusang Island would suddenly explode at this time!
On the early morning of August [-]th, the wind was sunny and the sun was just right.

The breeze blew across the top of Mount Fuji, and wisps of blue smoke floated obliquely into the sky, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Suddenly, a large group of birds flew into the sky as if they had been frightened by something.

The first reaction of the Fusang people who saw this scene was to hurriedly took out their mobile phones and took pictures on Facebook in one go...

But in the next instant, the ground under their feet suddenly shook violently, a strong sense of weightlessness came, and everyone fell to the ground involuntarily.

When they returned to their senses slightly, they found that the surroundings fell into a strange silence.The birdsong that should have been noisy suddenly stopped, the breeze that should have been blowing suddenly disappeared, and even the insects fell into a dead silence.

In the eerie silence, the Fusang people swallowed hard, as if feeling something in their hearts, and everyone turned their eyes to the distant mountains.

In the suffocation that even stopped breathing, the sacred mountain, which has been seen since childhood, is closely related to all the historical myths of Fusang, etc., burst out! ! !
In the deafening roar, the dark plume of smoke rose into the sky, and it rushed into the stratosphere like the scepter of God.

"Mt. Fuji, erupted?"

"Run, run!"

"It's Yaki, the God of Yaki has awakened!"

The panicked crowd is not as good as a speck of dust in the face of this natural disaster.

Those who ran away desperately, those who knelt down to pray, and those who cried in despair, a portrait of all beings suffering from natural disasters in the last days was staged under the small Mount Fuji.

What's even more terrifying is what happened next.

Lava from the center of the earth spewed out, melting and swallowing everything around it.In addition to lava, the same hot high-temperature gas erupted from the ground.

These gases, after rushing out of the ground, mixed with volcanic ash to form pyroclastic flows, which swiftly descended down the mountain.

Any life that is caught up and covered by them will be burned to charcoal, and the screaming figures disappear into the rolling pyroclastic flow.

After being devoured, these people do not die immediately.The heat will burn through their clothing first and burn through their skin.The unbearable pain made them cry.But the hot thick smoke will immediately block their mouths, and swarm along the open mouth, steaming their mouth, throat, trachea, and internal organs!

The whole process lasted from one to three minutes. During this time, they suffered the cruelest torture every second, desperately praying for an early death.

The volcanic ash was mixed with high-altitude water vapor to form a dark cloud, and the violent discharge phenomenon turned into countless lightning bolts that were released almost at the same time in the dark cloud.

Even nearby electromagnetic signals are all disrupted.

And the ash that rushed into the stratosphere began to spread rapidly around. One hundred kilometers away from the volcano is Tokyo, the capital of Fuso.

Three hours after the eruption, the fall of ash reached the edge of Tokyo.

The volcanic ash particles are small and have sharp edges.It can cause devastating damage to both machinery and electrical appliances.Even more frightening is that this dust can be inhaled by humans and animals.

Once in the lungs, it merges with the water in the body and mixes into a cement-like slurry.Excessive inhalation can cause death by suffocation.

Four hours later, the thickness of volcanic ash in Tokyo had reached ten centimeters, and a small number of simple buildings began to collapse.Vehicles and machinery have all been stopped, and exposed or unturned electrical appliances have been damaged.

People who inhaled large amounts of ash began to cough.A small number of casualties began to appear.

However, most people coped well due to their rich experience, and avoided this hazard early by hiding like a confined space.

Fuso has rich experience in dealing with this situation and has full confidence in the recovery of various disasters.

Although the eruption of Mount Fuji was a serious disaster, their staff believed that some of this would pass.Fusang will also become stronger and stronger and defeat all enemies.Whether it's natural disasters or war.

But five hours later, they thought otherwise.

A super earthquake that spread throughout the Fusang Islands broke out!

The earthquake started with the eruption of Mount Fuji, followed by the eruption of 111 volcanoes in various parts of Fuso, including Sakurajima, Aira, Onigai, and Sejima.

The entire Fusang was shrouded in a dark cloud of volcanic ash, and people hid in the building in panic.

Then came the earthquake.

Violent earthquake.

The ground undulated like soft leather, towers collapsed and bridges broke.Countless people were buried in the rubble with no one to rescue them.

The phone has long since lost signal, and the road has been cut off.

The people who were lucky not to die in the earthquake walked out of the ruins, and the oncoming volcanic ash covered the sky.

Equipment is destroyed, communications are isolated, earthquakes may occur at any time without going out, and volcanic ash will be dead when you go out.The entire [-] million people in Fusang seemed to have fallen into hell at once, no matter whether they were advancing or retreating, they were all dead ends.

Then, things are still not over.

Because the volcano and the earthquake were followed by a tsunami that was dozens of meters high!

The tsunami hit most of Fuso's coastline from all directions.

The waves are carrying huge force and wash everything along the way.Vehicles, buildings, roads, and the corpses of countless people.

At this moment, the entire Fusang was in a desperate situation.

But the disaster is still not over.

Because after the big earthquake and tsunami, dozens of nuclear power plants all over Fusang leaked almost at the same time!
A nuclear disaster countless times worse than Chernobyl and Fukushima was staged on the Fusang Islands...

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