Chapter 488 Nuclear War

The world situation will not be completely realized according to the Bald Eagle's conception, and no one thought that the first to disrupt the situation was actually the deadlocked Eastern European battlefield.

The war with no end in sight exhausted its last patience, and the battlefield finally erupted with a dazzling light like the sun.

The nuclear bomb, the most powerful killer of mankind, has threatened the world for half a century, and has also protected the world for half a century.

At first, it was just a small tactical nuclear bomb,
But nuclear bombs are nuclear bombs after all!

In an instant, all the countries on the entire planet that detected this explosion were all tense, and at the same time announced that they had entered a state of highest alert.All nuclear weapons were released from dormancy, bombers took off, and nuclear submarines dived silently.

The bald eagle-led NATO decided to fight back.Although it is only a tentative nuclear attack, if nothing is done to it, then all countries in Europe will lose confidence in the Bald Eagle and NATO will soon disintegrate.

The bald eagle cannot afford to lose all of Europe.Therefore, a counterattack was launched within 5 minutes after the explosion was confirmed. It was also a small-yield tactical nuclear weapon that exploded at high altitude on the Xiongda Army Base.

Such an explosion would not cause casualties on the ground, but the electromagnetic pulse generated by a nuclear explosion could destroy any electronic equipment in the area and disrupt all communications in the area.

That is to say, the military bases within the scope of the nuclear explosion "disappeared" from Xiong Da's sight...

If the first small-yield nuclear weapons exchange between the two sides was just a "warning shot", then the consequences it caused were like an avalanche that crossed the threshold, and the nuclear war quickly slipped to the second stage.

Xiong Da fired 180 tactical nuclear weapons at NATO targets in Europe.These overwhelming forces will destroy the vast majority of conventional military forces in Europe. This is a war that has never been fought on this planet. Tanks, aircraft, positions and soldiers on the ground will all disappear like dust.

In response, NATO immediately fired more than three hundred tactical nuclear weapons at Xiong Da, in devastating retaliation.

Within 45 minutes, more than 600 million people died.This is also because most of the attack targets are military targets.

So far, the nuclear war is no longer under the control of anyone, and it will inevitably slide to the third stage.

All parties will no longer exercise restraint, and high-yield nuclear weapons will be launched into space.Bombing targets are no longer limited to military targets, and even include cities.

Within two hours, more than 4000 million people were killed by the nuclear explosion.

The nuclear war has been completely out of control, and more than [-] nuclear warheads on both sides have been launched again.

Nuclear strike, nuclear counterattack, nuclear bondage, no matter what the reason is, no one is willing to wait to die, and no one can stay out of it.

Any other forces at this time are enemies.

The air defense sirens in all the cities of the world were hissing frantically, and the entire atmosphere was full of missiles scurrying around.

Whether it's a big bear or a bald eagle, all nuclear-armed countries are desperately firing their weapons, and all non-nuclear-weapon countries are desperately praying.

The target of war will no longer be a specific enemy, but any possible potential enemy.No one wants to see themselves dead while others are still alive.

Any significant, populous city would be hit with more than ten nuclear warheads.

People in the city are panicking and fleeing everywhere. Thanks to the strict domestic requirements, many buildings built air-raid shelters to strict standards at the beginning of construction.

At this time, the large and small air-raid shelters were already crowded with people.Regardless of whether you have beliefs or not on weekdays, everyone is quietly praying for peace at this time.

The closed-circuit television in the air-raid shelter was still broadcasting the situation outside. The host on the TV did his best to appease everyone's emotions, and kept preaching that the national anti-missile system was ready and would surely be able to intercept all incoming missiles.

Anyone with just a little military common sense understands that if it is a cruise missile in the atmosphere, it does have a high probability of interception.But it becomes extremely difficult to intercept ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear warheads!

Ballistic missiles are divided into three steps from launch to hit. The first step is the ascent phase.During this period, the missile climbs slowly and is the best interception period.

But for the interceptor, at this time, the enemy's ICBM is too far away, the range is too large, the concealment is too strong, and the protection is the best. It is no different to break through the opponent's layer-by-layer defense system to intercept at this stage. To idiots talk about dreams.

When the ballistics climbs out of the atmosphere, it enters the middle section.The ballistic missiles in this period were located in extremely high positions and had erratic ballistics, making them difficult to find, locate and intercept.

After passing through the mid-section and over the target, the missile enters the end.The multiple nuclear warheads carried by the warhead will split up and run towards their respective set targets.

This is the last opportunity to intercept, but the ballistic speed at this time is as high as ten Machs, or even dozens of Machs. This kind of terrifying speed is enough to make any interceptor missiles unable to see the shadow, and even more impossible to intercept.

In conclusion, ballistic missiles are almost impossible to intercept, especially when ballistic missiles come in saturation strikes.

Looking at the dense number of missiles on the electronic screen, the people in the bomb shelter were almost desperate.

But something unexpected happened.

All the incoming missiles fell [-] kilometers away from the border as if they had hit something.The "spots of light" flying from all directions on the display also disappeared like sparks falling into the water.

"This... what happened?"

"The interception was successful? Did the interception really succeed?"

Everyone was stunned, and then jumped up excitedly.In the live broadcast in front of me, an extremely beautiful steel giant bird "Luan Bird" is suspended high in space.

All kinds of electromagnetic weapons and laser weapons will precisely snipe the incoming missiles, and the missiles will be swept away in pieces outside the atmosphere, as easily as sweeping the garbage with a broom.

"Yeah! It can't be intercepted from the ground, but it's different from space!"

"For Luan Bird, which can fly in geostationary orbit, these missiles are like a gift to the door, and there is no pressure to intercept."

"Not to mention that Luan Bird uses electromagnetic weapons and laser weapons. No matter how fast the missile is, it is as slow as a turtle compared to the laser."

"The nuclear bomb interception was successful. We are safe, we are really safe!!!"

People from all cities in the whole country ran out of the bunkers and ran into the streets, running and cheering excitedly.

At this moment, they are extremely grateful for the strength of the motherland.

The high Luan Bird is like a protective cover covering the entire country. When other countries are illuminated by nuclear bombs, they safely protect the country.

At the same time, the Bald Eagle on the other side of the Pacific Ocean also stopped most of the nuclear bombs by relying on the three repaired air carriers.

Although the interception success rate is not as perfect as Dongfang's 90.00%, it is still more than [-]%.Of the thousands of nuclear bombs that struck the Bald Eagle, only a few warheads penetrated the defenses.

The people of both countries are hailing the strength of their own countries.

At the same time, the advent of aerospace weapons also means that nuclear weapons, the ultimate weapon that has maintained peace between major powers for decades, have lost its deterrent power.

The war will run wildly in a more cruel and reckless direction...

(End of this chapter)

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