Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 49 "The Next Goal"

Chapter 49 "The Next Goal"

Kawamoto was a little nervous, and they had been locked up with six other soldiers ever since they received the order.

The order requires them to go to the designated place to perform the task at the designated time!
Don't say it!Don't ask!
He is the deputy captain of the Third Squadron of the Kwantung Army Independent Defense Force, but he has another identity, a blasting expert!

At ten o'clock in the evening, he took six soldiers to the designated location and buried 42 packs of yellow explosives under the rails.

At 22:30, the explosives detonated on time!The power of the explosion is not strong, but the location is special. Wicker Lake, the South Manchurian Railway, and to the south is the North Battalion, which is stationed by the elite Seventh Brigade of the Northeast Army.

In fact, this explosion did not cause irreparable damage, and it did not even affect the passage of trains!

However, for the Japanese Kwantung Army, it was enough!

Hearing the sound of the explosion, Captain Imada, who was waiting four kilometers away, led his 200-man squadron and launched an attack order against the 8000 Northeastern Army in the North Camp!

In the front gate of Peiping City, the Zhonghe Theater, Cheng Dieyi's "Yu Concubine" is peerless, and it is difficult to change her final fate!

A staff officer hurried into the young marshal's private room, and after a while, the young marshal went out in a hurry.

Union Hospital, the room where the young marshal was recuperating,

There was only the sound of a person pacing back and forth in the silent room.

An old voice sounded, "Young commander, you can't fight!"

Zhang Shaoshuai stopped, frowned, staring at the staff officer in front of him,
"Do not hit?"

"Shut up, old man!" A young staff officer became anxious, "Would you hand over the Northeast Foundation if you don't fight?"

The old staff gave the young staff a look, "Too young, can we beat those Japanese? The Russians can't beat them! Not to mention us who were defeated by the Russians in the Middle East!"

"Fart! How many soldiers are there in the Northeast? Less than 800! How many soldiers are there around Fengtian? There will never be more than 8000! We have [-] soldiers in the Beida battalion! It's still defense, how could we lose?"

The old staff officer said calmly, "Perhaps, these Japanese deliberately provoked troubles to expand the scale of the war after we resisted. If we insist not to fight, they will naturally retreat by taking advantage of it!"

The young staff officer looked at the old man with a knife-like gaze, wishing to stab two holes in him!Gritting his teeth, he said:
"You want to be Li Lianying, but the young marshal is not Cixi Lafayette!"

In a word, the excited young marshal turned red, and he opened his mouth to give an order.

"Dong dong dong" a knock on the door sounded,

"Young Commander, the Japanese army's second division in Lushun rushed out and attacked Fengtian City. All along the route, Andong, Yingkou, Phoenix City and Changchun were all attacked!"

The young handsome's face turned pale!
Open your mouth a few times,

Can't speak!
The young staff officer said anxiously: "Young Marshal, the 3000 million compatriots in the Northeast are counting on us! People must not lose their hearts, and if they are lost, they will never be found!"

"Young commander, don't be impulsive, the lessons from the Middle East Road are not far away, the land is lost, the land is borrowed and lost, the land is lost, and the land is saved!"

The words of the old staff officer suddenly silenced the young marshal.
half an hour...

"Order: Don't resist, don't move, put the gun in the warehouse, stand up and die, everyone is benevolent, and sacrifice for the country!"


Yingkou is the only place to go from Lushun to Fengtian.

Lao Ma is a well-known bandit near Yingkou. He has two or three hundred people under his command. He occupies the mountain as the king, whistling in the mountains and forests, and people in the green forest call him Lord Ma!
However, this Lord Ma is now lying on the ground, taking advantage of the moonlight to look at the Japanese devils walking at the foot of the mountain!

"Head of the house, shall we wait until Master Lin arrives!" a cronie lying beside him said softly.

The old horse looked back and gave him a slap, "Your motherfucking nonsense, don't I dare to go down by myself?"

The cronies covered their faces with grievances on their faces.

"Is the time set by Mr. Lin?"

"It's still 10 minutes away. Master, we are not the only ones coming from these nearby mountains. I looked around during the day, and there are at least a dozen people from the mountains here!"

The old horse was restless in his heart, and he was determined to bring the men back, but when he thought of the scene when he first saw Lin Ye, he gave Lingling a chill, so he dismissed the idea.

"Damn it, as long as that monster really comes, the 1000 devils below might not be enough for him to fight! My old horse can also drink some soup!"

While thinking about it, the little devil who was marching under the mountain suddenly shot loudly!

The old horse shuddered and shouted "Count the time!"

Lord Lin made an appointment with them, and they will charge together 5 minutes after the shooting!Anyone who dares not to go will have their head picked off!

That's really taking the head off!

The old horse held the binoculars he bought at a high price and stared at the team of little devils below.

I saw that the team that had marched in an orderly manner was in chaos at this time, and the captain who was originally riding on a horse had only a headless corpse left.

A tall figure wearing a demon mask was ramming through the crowd, and all the little devils in front of him were shattered like a piece of paper.

The dense bullets shot at him like a torrential rain, regardless of whether it was accidentally injured or not!

These little devils under the mountain have been stimulated crazy by the assassination of the superior!

But it was useless. The bullets shot on him, and there was no reaction at all. The dense grenades had no effect except blocking their sight. The monster always rushed out of the explosion range unscathed, and then crashed straight into a bloody path. The broken arm of the residual value scattered all the way, rushed to the person who gave the order just now, and smashed his head with another punch.

Then rush to the next, and then the next.

The mood of these little devils changed from anger to daze!

They can't even understand what's going on in front of them!

When they found the gun in their hand turned into useless waste, when the bodies of the people around them were smashed into pieces, fear appeared in their hearts.

Without the command, everyone who gave the order would be smashed in the next instant!

Running away became their only option against their fear.

"Is the time up?" The old horse trembled as he saw it, whether it was fear or happiness, he only had one thought right now, follow the figure and rush to kill first!

"Come on!" The old horse jumped up and jumped on his horse!Shouting and rushing down the mountain!He often does this action, but he has never done it so fast in his life!

At the same time, some people from the nearby mountains went up the mountain at the same time, shouting and rushing down like him!

Everyone is scrambling for each other, as if the little devil under the mountain is no longer an existence who does not dare to offend on weekdays, but a fat chicken who will disappear after one step!

A whole brigade, a devil brigade of 1100 people, was slaughtered by people rushing down from all around in less than 10 minutes!
The old horse looked up at the figure with the ghost mask, "Haha, Master Lin, I am so happy, Master Lin, my old horse has never been so happy in my life!"

Which Mr. Lin's voice is low, even a little hoarse

"Next target!"

PS: The writing is very struggling, and it is difficult to grasp the proportions. Everyone knows the reason.

Go ahead and cherish it!

(End of this chapter)

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