The sun in the sky was bigger and brighter, and people around the world watching the war live stumbled out the door.

Coming outside, the visible changes stunned everyone.No one has ever seen such a big and bright sun!
The poisonous sunlight illuminated the whole world into blazing white, and everything between heaven and earth, trees, houses, and roads seemed to glow white.The air seemed poisonous, burning the lungs with every breath.

Moreover, the change is intensifying every minute and every second.

The supernova explosion in Chichi, no one or any technology can stop it.

The earth will be burned into a deadly hot iron ball by the rapidly expanding sun in 10 minutes, and then swallowed.

"It's over! It's over..."

Earth is over!Humanity is over!

No one could survive, Doctor Strange dragged the entire solar system for revenge!
The temperature began to rise, and it had risen to nearly fifty degrees in a short while.At this temperature, ordinary people can no longer be active in the sun.

On the battlefield, the Avengers had no intention of fighting again, but the Space Marines held on to them.These Emperor's warriors will continue to fight until they are ordered to stop, not even in the life-consuming hell ahead.

Sacrifice is the cornerstone of empires.

Death is never worth fearing by Space Marines.

The sun is brighter.

On the equatorial line closest to the sun, the African savannah has ignited a fire, and under the strong sunlight, the entire sea has also risen with thick steam.

The sun has finally begun the final change it was destined to, and the terrifying power that had been conceived for billions of years erupted from the center of the star, and even the slightest omen could destroy life on an entire planet.

Looking up at the white light in the sky that is almost blinding, the atmosphere of despair fills any corner of the world.No one survives, not even in the toughest bunkers from being roasted.

"Damn it! Just think of a way, Nick Fury! We gave you everything you wanted and the most powerful fleet on the planet. Is that how you paid us back?" On the helicarrier, the representative of the World Security Council growled angrily.

"It's useless, wait to die!" Hei Dan spread his hands expressionlessly, looking at the infinitely powerful sun, a strange frenzy rose in his heart.

"In the face of such an irreversible force of nature, any human beings and the technology they have created pale in the face of it."


The sun, whose core collapsed to its limit, finally began to explode, and the huge power that had gathered billions of years exploded in an instant!
Just imagine!In the vast space of the universe, the huge fireball that is more than a million times the size of the earth surrounded by countless stars is the purgatory in all myths and legends of mankind.The extremely terrifying high temperature has formed a large oven that burns everything in the world. What burns in this oven is thermonuclear fusion that has never stopped for hundreds of millions of years.

And now, this oven, like a supreme god who died in a prime of life, delivered her last and strongest blow.

At this moment, everything will be destroyed!

Lynn in mid-air disappeared in a flash.


With a roar that ran through the galaxy, a giant beast with a volume comparable to the sun appeared in the void.

What a beast this is!

ancient!vicissitudes!Great shore!fear!
The hideous bone spurs and incomparably strong body itself represent ferociousness and destruction.Every piece of the pitch-black scales is flowing with a mysterious light wheel, and in those golden and sacred eyes, there is endless energy flowing!

The huge body that traversed the void slowly raised his hands, and the swollen sun was trapped in his hands like this. It seemed that an inexplicable force was forcibly suppressing the unparalleled explosion between his hands.

Slowly compressed, like a toy!
In front of such a terrifying existence, it seemed that even the blazing sun darkened.

Lynn's eyes released terrifying mental fluctuations, suppressing those violent energies.The endless fusion reaction slowly stopped in his eyes...

All adjectives cannot clearly describe the scene in front of the crowd.

"God! Have you come to save us!"

"Saved, we are saved!"

"This is really, really..." President Bald Eagle was incoherent with excitement, grabbing Nick Fury, the black egg beside him, and asked, "Is that a messenger sent by God? Is this the power of time?"

Bald Eagle tries to understand the miracle in front of him with his shallow perception, God?Or supernatural?

Looking at the sun returning to its original state in the sky, Heidan's face became more and more frenzied, and he roared with filial piety in a low voice, "This is not the reverse of time at all, is that existence who uses unimaginable spiritual power. Thermonuclear fusion in the core of the sun... reversed!"

"It's not a superpower that manipulates time, it's using pure spiritual power to manipulate energy and re-stabilize the supernova sun. Do you know what that means, idiot!"

"Represents the inner particle that can manipulate the nucleus at will, and all the particles that simultaneously control a huge star like the sun that has been burning for billions of years!"

"There has never been such an existence in the universe! What messenger of God? Even God himself cannot do such a thing!"

"The creation of the void, the creation of life, and even the creation of a new sun are just a matter of thought. The existence...the existence itself is [-] times greater than God!"

President Bald Eagle stood on the spot, and after a while he muttered to himself:
"But she... is an enemy!"

Nick Fury's face changed suddenly, he pulled out the pistol at the fastest speed in his life, and pulled the trigger at the head of this idiot without hesitation.

"Bang" a gunshot sounded, and the idiot fell to the ground on his back.

Putting away the pistol, Black Egg glanced at the ground, "You deserve it too..."

When looking at the sky again, the giant beast turned around slowly, and the pair of golden boy holes that were comparable to the sun were staring at the earth.

Nick Fury fell to his knees in panic.He does not believe in gods, but the existence in front of him is stronger and more real than any gods.

Just hope, she doesn't blame Earth for Doctor Strange's conspiracy, if that's the case...

Of course Lynn doesn't care about Doctor Strange who has disappeared, nor does he care if Nick Fury is on his knees.

After reaching the seventh level [Eternal], the inexhaustible power of the multiverse is rushing towards him every second, strengthening his body and spirit without a limit.

His body has reached the concept of indestructibility, and there is no physical force in the entire universe that can harm him.

The skyrocketing spiritual power allows him to easily manipulate the most microscopic world, and in his eyes, tiny atoms can unfold like a two-dimensional picture scroll.Atomic nuclei, protons, photons, quarks, all move like a toy in his hand.

He can pull a proton in front of his eyes and expand it to the size of an entire planet.It is also possible to break down the sun into its most basic particles in the blink of an eye, and then reassemble these particles into the sun.

Whether it's destruction or creation, it's just a matter of one thought...

On Earth, the Space Marines chanted the Emperor's name and had already killed the Avengers, and they didn't even want to recover the heavy and backward aircraft like the Helicarrier.

Lynn in the void didn't pay attention to it anymore, but turned his attention to the five "creation gods" who came quickly.

In the years that followed, Lynn was never seen on Earth again.


War will never go away.

Seven years after the Avengers all disappeared, Hua Ling came to the Himalayas, where she would take a mass projector to space.

There, the newly built giant space base "Tiangong" is quietly suspended above the earth.

This space base with a diameter of more than ten kilometers is slowly rotating.Only such a huge base can obtain the same effect as the ground gravity through the centrifugal force of the spin.

With gravity, it is possible for the tens of thousands of workers on the "Heavenly Palace" to live here healthily for a few years, or even a dozen years.

When Hua Ling walked out of the delivery cabin and stepped on the tarmac in the inner ring of "Heavenly Palace", she couldn't help being a little dazed.

On the wide platform, people shuttled, and strips of bright white guiding light strips were intertwined, making the whole square as bright as day.But behind the crowd is the dark and vast void of the universe.

Turning his head to look to the other side, the incomparably huge earth burst into his eyes, filling the entire field of vision, occupying half of the universe like a god.

"Here, it's actually in the open air?"

Hua Ling was shocked by the vast beauty of space, but found that the entire platform did not have any airtight facilities, just such a naked and exposed space!

Looking around, no chaos is the starry sky on the left, or the incomparably clear earth on the right, which shows that this square really does not have any sealing measures.

But neither gravity nor air pressure are different from those on the ground.Taking a breath, I didn't find anything wrong.

But how is this possible?Wouldn't the air out here escape?
"It's a simple application of force field technology." A familiar voice sounded.

Hua Ling turned back, and Miss Gong stood behind her with a smile.

The eldest has been here for several years, watching the Tiangong build from scratch to its current scale.He is the commander who is solely responsible for all affairs of the Tiangong, a veritable "Master of the Tiangong".

With a resolute and resolute style of behavior and several ruthless and decisive actions, many Westerners on the earth call her "The Emperor of Heaven", which means the emperor in the sky.

Many of those declining Western forces have gone underground, and their methods of action have also changed to terrorist attacks. Miss Gong will always be their first target.

But the eldest lady herself is already a strong person who has practiced the national art to "break the void", not to mention that she is still in the heavenly palace, and there is a team of space warriors guarding her, so she is naturally not afraid of any conspiracy to assassinate.

"Let's go, I'll show you around." The eldest lady took Hua Ling to the square.

The entire "Heavenly Palace" has tens of thousands of permanent residents, including scientists, soldiers, and even farmers and workers.

"Heavenly Palace" is not only a well-armed military base and scientific research base, but also a base for eastern powers to build lunar bases and Mars transport spacecraft.

Its existence itself is the representative of the eastern space hegemony, like a lock that locks any unsanctioned outer space activities firmly on the ground.

In addition, the entire outer orbit of the earth is clean and abnormal, and there are no more satellites and space debris flying around like before.

The exit of the square is a huge gate tower several feet high.

The whole body of the giant gate shone with silver-white metal light, and upon closer inspection, it was actually a rare and indestructible precious metal like vibranium.

Hua Ling stroked her hands, her tender skin touching the cold hard metal.

"Is such a precious metal actually used as a gate?"

The eldest lady smiled and said: "Of course not all, it is still the protective shield system of Tiangong."

"Protection shield?" Hua Ling wondered, "There are still enemies on Earth that can attack the Heavenly Palace?"

After the First World War, the Avengers were all wiped out, and the Western forces represented by the bald eagle were completely defeated.There is no other force on earth equal to the East.

The launch of the Luan Bird marked the complete backwardness of other hostile military forces, a scrap iron-style backwardness.Whether it's missiles or planes, they don't even have the qualifications to appear on the battlefield.

Especially after the establishment of the "Tiangong", all aircraft outside the atmosphere were arrogantly emptied, and any satellites not approved by the "Tiangong" were considered illegal.

In today's West, let alone satellite positioning and communication, even reading a weather forecast has to pay the East to buy information.

In this case, can there be any enemies who can attack the "Heavenly Palace"?

"Go back and take a look." the eldest lady said.

Hua Ling Yiyan took a few steps back and looked up. Looking up from a young age, there were actually two lines of blood-red characters carved on both sides of the huge Zhenjin Gate.

"Sky, sea, land, war will never stop!"

"Past, present, future, peace will never come!"

Hua Ling murmured word by word, and the suffocating oppression of the war between the lines came over her face, and her unique sense of icy fanaticism made one's heart ups and downs.

"Where do you think the warriors who slaughtered the Avengers are now?" The cold words of the eldest lady brought Hua Ling back to the battle.

The outrageously powerful Iron Legion summoned by Lynn crushed the famous Avengers with their exaggerated physical fitness and outrageous military quality.

Then, disappeared without a trace with Lynn until now.

How could there be no worries and expectations in Hua Ling's heart.

Now hearing the eldest lady say this, her eyes suddenly burst into dazzling light, and she asked with a trembling voice, "Do you know where they are? What about Brother Lynn? Does he have any news?"

The corner of Miss Gong's mouth curved, revealing a smile. "You can ask him this question yourself."

"He's already waiting for us!"


Three months later, the construction of the permanent lunar base in charge of Tiangong will be completed, and the Mars cargo spacecraft will leave the interstellar dock. It will go to Mars to complete the construction of the permanent Mars base and the Mars transformation plan.

Humans have officially begun interstellar migration.

At the same time, Miss Gong, the "Master of the Heavenly Palace", resigned.

Lynn accompanied her and Hua Ling to the worlds he had experienced against time and space.

Hua Ling likes the world of spirit cages, where all things flourish, and the process of the world being reborn from destruction fascinates her very much.And there is Bai Yuekui, a like-minded person, to accompany her, so she is willing to stay there most of the time.

Eldest Miss prefers the world of Game of Thrones.

Dragons and magic, knights and charges.After stepping into the gods, she is like a duck to water here.Hai Qinyan also likes her very much.

The eldest lady also ran to the heavy cavalry regiment with great interest and joined the war between Westeros and Essos.After a few victories, he was soon promoted to the flag carrier of the Heavy Cavalry Regiment.

This made the eldest lady even more excited.He even planned to bring Haiqin cigarettes to be a dragon knight.

And Lynn himself completely entered another realm after swallowing the five attacking gods of creation. The whole world has no secrets to him, and there is no need to choose anything.Combined with the ability to travel, he has truly transcended the multiverse.

Sometimes I would accompany Sanguinius in the interstellar battles with those aliens in the morning, and at night I would go back to Westeros to accompany Little Rose for dinner.The next day, I will go back to the cage world to see the newly built Night City.

When you are interested, go to open a new world to explore.On each world, his Space Marines rallied into battle to spread the Emperor's glory.

And Lynn, most of the time, lived the life of eating and waiting that he dreamed of.


"Linn, Lynn, wake up, we're here!" A distant and familiar voice shouted in his ear amid the clanging train.

Lynn rubbed his sleepy eyes, opened his eyes and saw through the old train window, above the quiet lake in the distance, and under the long white clouds, the familiar castle of Hogwarts appeared in front of him.

(end of book)
Final PS:
I will try to put the blocked chapters into the free.

There have been many twists and turns along the way, but I finally insisted on fulfilling the promise, and completed the book little by little according to the original plan, which can be considered a beginning and an end.

There are countless mistakes made in this book, and I sincerely thank the book friends who read this for their tolerance.

The rivers and lakes are far away, goodbye by fate.

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