Chapter 51 Wind and Thunder
After two days of panic, the devils in Fengtian City finally received the order to retreat.

After the incident, the devil's foreign minister advocated diplomatic coordination and received strong support from the civil service system in the parliament!
After the news of the defeat came back to China, it even demanded severe punishment of the Kwantung Army who acted without authorization!
Surprisingly, the military did not object to the time, but instead transferred the remnants of the Kwantung Army guarding the isolated city back to the Lushun base camp.

As soon as these remnants returned to Lushun, they handed over some of the documents they had found in the commander's mansion to the military.

When the devil's civilian system was slamming the military's unauthorized actions that would destroy Japan, the military showed these documents to the media.

There was an uproar in the court and the public, these documents turned out to be the proofs that the Zhang family bribed the many civil servants of the devils over the years!

The crowd was excited, the civilian cabinet quickly left the field, and the military completely defeated the civilian group that was unwilling to fight, and took control of the parliament.

A series of economic stimulus plans to boost heavy industry were quickly passed, huge loans were provided to military enterprises, a large number of workers returned to work, and a large number of weapons and equipment were produced.

The army and navy are rapidly expanding!
The whole country is completely tied to the **** chariot!
Standing outside and looking at it, it is really like flowers, cooking oil with fire, and a prosperous atmosphere.

But this fire is going to burn after all, I just don't know where it will burn next time!

The news of the demise of the Guizi Second Division spread across the country in an instant!

Some burst into tears, while others burst out laughing.

Someone looked up and saw the wind and clouds in the northeast of the earth raging, and there was a faint thunder in the wind, indicating that the sound of guns and guns that had just dissipated would definitely not be the last echo!

Peking Street,

The crowd was surging, and the wind and thunder from the northeast swept away the haze that was pressing on everyone's hearts!

So happy, since the first Sino-Japanese War, no one has ever achieved such an exciting victory in a foreign war!
People took to the streets to celebrate the big win!No one cares who this "Lin Ye" is, as long as he is Chinese.

There was a look of pride on people's faces that was almost never seen on their faces!

Those foreigners who seemed invincible in the past did not seem to be so invincible!
Hearing the cheers outside the window, the young marshal struggled to sit up.

When the news of Fengtian came, he felt a wave of emptiness from the bottom of his heart.

As if he had lost something himself.

"Have you found out about that person?"

"I found some, but it's a little incredible, and I can't be sure of the authenticity!" The old staff officer said hesitantly.

"Those bandits call him Lord Lin. His kung fu is so high that it's inhuman. A bullet can't even leave a mark on his body, and his strength is infinite and his speed is extremely fast. Among the thousands of troops, he will kill whoever he wants to kill. !"

The old staff said that the more he spoke, the lower his voice was. When it came to the end, he might be a little unsure of himself.

Are there still invulnerable people in the world?
In the early years when there was Bailian, those who shouted "magic power to protect the body, invulnerable to swords and guns" were all beaten into sieves, without exception!

Since then, no one has said that they are invulnerable,

Kungfu is at the top, that is, you can dodge bullets in a small amount, but as long as you are still a person, there is no bullet that can't get in or kill!
Unless it's not human?
The young marshal was also pissed off, hehe laughed,
"Our intelligence officers handed over such intelligence?"

"Are they even watching my jokes?"

The old staff officer shook his head and said, "Young Commander, this information is from our undercover agents among the bandits, as well as the personnel in Fengtian City. It was handed over after multiple verifications. The credibility should still be there."

"Even if it looks like a myth?"

"Yes, even if it looks like a legend!"

The young marshal took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Okay, let's ignore this for now, what I want to know now is, who is this person?"

"He always wears a mask and deliberately hides himself. No one can see his true face, so he only knows that his name is Lin Ye,"

The young marshal waved his hand to interrupt the old staff officer, "Say something useful!"

"Combining the background of those bandits, which Lin Ye is likely to be the second disciple of Gong Laozi, Lin En, Lin Wuye!"

"Who are you talking about?" The young marshal opened his eyes wide and looked at him incredulously.

"He's only a teenager, isn't he? And I saw him in front of the theatre that night! Am I the devil?"

"Go, shoot me those intelligence officers right away!" The young marshal's emotions were almost out of control.

"Young Commander, please calm down! This is a good thing!" the old staff officer comforted
"Young Master, what do you think, if we can't investigate the details of this person, then other forces are even more impossible!"

"So, other forces will investigate the clue of Fifth Master Lin at most."

"Then what?" the young marshal asked anxiously.

"And then, whether they believe it or not, Fifth Master Lin is the apprentice of Master Gong, and he was born on our side!"

"As long as he's still around, he can appoint an elite teacher by himself!"

"If such a person commits an assassination attempt, who can surely resist?"

The old staff said more and more excited, "This is simply a talisman for the young marshal!"

The young marshal was also stunned when he heard this, his eyes fluctuated violently, and his face gradually turned red!

"Yes, yes! That's it! This way, everything is explained!"

But suddenly hesitantly said:
"But Lynn is not that person!"

"You're confused, young marshal, the investigation results say it's him, even if you don't believe it, who can be sure it's not?"
"The most important thing now is to find Lynn!"


Hua Ling was walking home with her schoolbag, and she was half proud and half worried when she saw the uplifting scene in front of her!

Those people outside have already passed on which "Lin Ye" is amazing. He is eight feet tall and has a waist circumference of eight feet. ...

I didn't remember the previous words, the latter words are really possible, thinking of what he did when they met for the first time!
When you don't do it, your temperament is mild enough to be a little lazy. Once you do it, you will be impulsive and reckless as if you had changed your hands.
Now that things over there are over, isn't it coming back soon?
Thinking so, he turned a corner and went to the market to buy more vegetables.

It's better to prepare the ingredients early, and when Brother Lin comes back, he can cook it for him!

When I got home, I pushed open the courtyard door, and saw a familiar figure squatting under the persimmon tree, sucking and eating a red persimmon!

Seeing her come back, he smiled at her, his mouth flushed red.

Hua Ling smiled "pu chi", and her mood became like a red persimmon, full of sunshine!

(End of this chapter)

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