Chapter 53
"Five masters, our Gong family has always done business in an open and upright manner. It is impossible to do this kind of murder in the middle of the night!"

Lin En smacked his lips, and said with a pity, "It's so troublesome! It could be simpler!"

Shopkeeper Sun said carefully, "There are rules in doing business, and it's not easy to kill people at every turn."

"There are fewer people in the world who kill people to make money? Why can't it be me?"

"The fifth master said a lot of things like this, but it's really not worth talking about, so he secretly made his hand. There is no such open fire to kill people at the door!"

"Trouble! I didn't say that I would kill him when we met," Lynn said angrily.
"Then you quickly ask him out to talk and ask him to kowtow and apologize. If you don't agree, come back immediately! The rest is none of your business!"


Seeing what he meant, Shopkeeper Sun made up his mind not to let the other party survive!no more nonsense,

"Five masters wait for two days, I'll make an appointment now!"

After saying that, he went out.

Lynn didn't want to wait in the house, so he went out to see Shanghai Beach at this time.
"One Shanghai Beach, Half of the History of the Republic of China"

At this time, the sea was a splendid city with numerous jade trees, trading ports, ten-mile foreign markets, concessions, cheongsams, Peace Hotel, Paramount, and the world was full of prosperity!

However, Lynn became more and more boring. In the eyes of people of this era, these are indeed grand scenes, but Lynn is far from attractive.

He held up an oil-paper umbrella and got into the alleys and alleys on the street!
The alley can be said to be the place where Shanghai people really live, and all kinds of Shanghai people live in it.

More importantly, there are so many snacks here!
All kinds of stalls, all kinds of selling voices, creating a very life-like atmosphere.

Lynn shuttled through it and enjoyed eating!
Through the dense crowd, turning a corner,

All of a sudden it's clear...

In a clear gray stone wall, a touch of green appeared in Yingying, this green is very elegant, as if you can smell the smell of grass at a glance.

Surrounded by vines, a small shop is opening its door!
Lynn looked up, "Green Vine Cheongsam"

Lifting your foot to go in, when you enter the door, you see a woman in her twenties sitting in the house, with a stunning appearance!One hand book, one hand tea, is carefully studying.

The noon sun just poured on her long black satin-like hair, and her beautiful figure was set off by a fitted cheongsam. His eyes were fixed on her!

Lin En took a breath. He had never seen such an attractive woman before, and just as he was speaking, he saw the woman look up at him, her slender eyebrows twitched, as if she didn't see anyone, and continued to look down at the book, whispering softly. road:

"Is that ball around your neck useless? This is a cheongsam shop, how about I measure it for you and make a suit?"

Lin En's forehead jumped, what are you talking about, you are a woman who looks like a disaster for the country and the people, you can't speak well, right?
"Hehe, I guess you are 21 this year?"

The woman was a little surprised, looked up at Lin En and said, "How do you know?"

"Of course I know, you are 21 years old, and you belong to the snake, why don't you spray poison all over your mouth!"

Lynn is not used to her, what's wrong with her good looks?Much better looking!Where did this princess disease come from!

The woman was stunned, as if she was not used to someone talking to her like that.

Although she doesn't care about people when she speaks, she doesn't get to the point of spraying people when she sees them. It's just that the bad relationship from a few days ago has been coming to the door frequently these days. She wants to ask her to watch a play. I shouldn't go, so I read a book for entertainment, but was suddenly interrupted, so my tone was impatient.

Unexpectedly, the young man across from him, looking at him with a gentle smile and licking a dog, didn't let himself in the slightest when he spoke!

Looking closely at this person, he should be young, and his body proportions are extremely harmonious.

She is a tailor, and she usually observes people by looking at her body more than her face. From her perspective, she has never seen a person with such a harmonious body, with fair skin, although her words are choking, her eyes are clear and clean without malicious intent. It seems that there is a layer of light that can make people see the bottom of their hearts at a glance.

He sighed in his heart: "It's just like him back then, but later, what changed him, was it the Shili Yangchang or Shili Dyeing Vat?"

"Let's go, I don't want to do business today!" The tone was cold without the slightest warmth!

Lynn looked into the woman's eyes and didn't let her go.

"What kind of door do you open if you don't do business? Are you basking in the sun?"

The woman frowned angrily, and her crystal eyes flashed with a cold light like broken diamonds.

Lin En felt a chill all over his body, and was greatly surprised. He didn't expect that this young woman had extraordinary strength and killed a lot in her hands. This level of murderous aura was enough to scare ordinary people.
But, than killing?
Hehe, I'm your father!

Just as he was about to educate her, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

"Sister Sito, Sito Sito, do you think this dress I made looks good?" As soon as the voice fell, a girl who looked like a teenage student ran in.

The tense atmosphere between the two eased.
Lin En laughed and said, "Miss Sto, see you next time!"

After saying that, he turned his head and left.

Sito fixedly watched his back walk away, took a deep breath, and relaxed!
In the moment just now, she clearly felt that this sunny boy suddenly turned into a "deep-water giant crocodile".The majestic murderous aura is like a sea!
This is still a young man in the human world, he is clearly an evil ghost from hell. I don't know how many people have been killed to have such deep killing intent.
However, how can a person who has killed countless people have such clear and clean eyes?
"Sister Sito, who is that person?" the girl who just came in asked, "He looks pretty good-looking, isn't that good for Sito?"

Sito reached out and squeezed her round face with some baby fat, squeezed left and right before saying:

"Don't talk nonsense, the person who came here just now is not a good person, he is a man-eating devil, eat a child like you, one bite at a time! If you encounter it in the future, you must stay away!"

Lin En, who walked out of a hundred meters, twitched the corners of his mouth, turned back and glared in the direction of Siteng, and secretly said:

"It's not a good person, is it? You still eat one bite at a time, right?"

"I took note of this! When you will pay it back!"

All the way back to the resting hotel, Shopkeeper Sun had already returned.

"Five masters, the famous post has been handed in, but the other party said that he is not free in the near future. It seems that he wants to cool us down!"

Lin En was stunned for a moment, looked at Shopkeeper Sun and said:
"Is this Shao family really impatient?"

"You don't need to make an appointment anymore, just investigate his recent movements and I'll go to him directly."

"I want to see, is this Shao Yankuan blind and deaf? Or open a zoo and eat leopard gall every day!"

Shopkeeper Sun nodded and agreed, this Shao family really doesn't know what to do!
"I've already found out. Shao Yan has a scene tomorrow night. It is said that he intends to propose!"

(End of this chapter)

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