Chapter 60 Introduce myself.

"It seems that Senior Brother Masan has not been idle this year! By the way, have you seen him when you come back?"

"I've seen her, her eyes are getting more and more gloomy, and her face looks like a block of ice!" The eldest lady frowned, as if she was a little surprised by the change in Masan's character.

Since Lin En and Senior Sister returned to the palace, news from all over the place kept reaching their ears.

After learning that Ma San was easily defeated by Lin En last year, he was silent for a while.

It was not until Lin En ran to Peiping and expressed that he had no intention of taking over, Ma San gradually became active again.

It is even more active than before, not only accepting many apprentices, but also walking with various sects more frequently.

For a time, the number of people gathered around Masan increased sharply, and they all shouted and hugged when they came in and out!
His temperament has also become more and more extreme, and he cannot allow others to damage his face.Can't even hear Lynn's name.

After the Northeast Incident in September, the forces gathered around Masan all of a sudden dissipated and disappeared!

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!" Lin En's tone was full of "loneliness" as if he was too cold at a height!
The eldest lady glanced at him and said, "Don't be complacent, Masan has been with his father for so many years, it is impossible for him to be unprepared. Now you are in the limelight, so he is hiding for the time being."

"However, if he knew that I wanted to take over, he would never accept it!"

Lynn smiled, "What does that matter? Do you expect him to give in?"

"That's right! Sooner or later it's just a move!"

The eldest lady nodded, her face calmed down.

The Gong family is a martial arts family, and they talk about martial arts rules.

And the biggest rule of this martial arts is the kung fu under the hands!
Shut up if you lose, you are qualified to speak if you win!
A few years ago, the eldest lady released news that she would compete with Senior Brother Masan for the successor of the Gong family.

The old man is a traditional person. According to his original intention, the eldest miss will get married sooner or later.

It is obvious that there is no objection, let's fight!

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, it is also called Po Wu, which means to drive away the five poor.

Lin En brought Hua Ling and the eldest Miss to set off firecrackers, eat dumplings, and clean up.

No one visited the house on this day, one was for fear of bumping into the poor who dared to come out from other people's homes, and the other was for fear of bringing these poor people into other people's homes.

After the fifth day of the first month, there is no taboo, and everything is as usual among relatives and friends, and normal exchanges can be made.

In the early morning of the sixth day of the sixth day, some people began to visit the door. Several masters and uncles of gossip and gossip, as well as people from several sects of the Samurai Society, brought their apprentices to "pay New Year's greetings" to the old man.

In the palace hall, everyone is there.

"Think again, old brother, since ancient times, there has been no female child in charge of the head, and people think that we have no one to gossip and gossip."

"Yes, senior brother, this girl will marry sooner or later, and then she will not be regarded as a Gong family member, how can she take over the Gong family's class!"

"Then Ma San, you have been raised from childhood to adulthood, and we have grown up with you. Your character and kung fu are top-notch, and we all recognize it."

A group of people persuaded at a high speed, and Mr. Gong sat on the chair and closed his eyes, as if he hadn't heard.

Lynn nibbled the sugar cane in his mouth and watched without saying a word,

At this time, the eldest lady suddenly said: "Several brothers and sisters are my father's brothers and brothers. It stands to reason that I shouldn't talk too much. It's just that what I'm talking about is related to me, so I have to say a few words for myself."

"Knowing what everyone is worried about, in front of everyone, I, Gong Ruomei, swear that I will never marry out in this life!"

The voice is refreshing and crisp, but the stock hits the south wall and is determined not to look back!

There was a sudden silence in the hall, everyone looked at her, and Old Master Gong suddenly opened his eyes, staring at her and said:

"Have you figured it out? We people can't swear casually, and we have to swear for a lifetime!"

When the eldest lady heard the words, she nodded without hesitation: "Dad, don't worry, I am your daughter, and I will never go back on my word and lose you!"

The old man hasn't spoken yet, but those uncles and uncles are anxious.

They came this time to take the benefits of Masan, and came to persuade the old man to dispel the idea of ​​eldest young lady, but they didn't expect the matter to be done, but it got worse, so they hurriedly spoke and persuaded again.

"Good niece, a woman has to look like a woman, what does it look like to show her face all day,"

"Yeah, yeah, get married as soon as possible, it's what you should do to be a husband and a child! Men's affairs, you don't want to participate in the peace!"

Several people began to preach around the eldest lady!The eldest lady has a strong temperament, but she has never experienced such persuasion like a shrew, and she doesn't know what to do for a while.

"Shut up" - Lynn sighed like thunder and roared, shaking the teacups in the hall to burst at the same instant!

The hearts of several old men jumped violently, and everyone almost jumped up, looking at him in horror.

"A few immortals, my master is still here! When will it be your turn to decide the affairs of the Gong family?"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will knock out your mouth full of teeth! I don't know what to do!"

Under Lynn's icy gaze, the faces of the old men turned pale.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and Lynn's record are there, even if the old men are tied together, it is not enough for him to punch.

They came this time because they knew Lynn's reluctance to take over.

Thinking of relying on the old to sell the old, and relying on my seniority, I dared to come and make peace.

Unexpectedly, this Lynn didn't even say anything about the rivers and lakes, and dared to scold them like that in front of him!

Several popular people were trembling all over, but they didn't dare to put their anger on Lin En's head, so they could only avoid their eyes.

He looked at the old man Gong as if asking for help, hoping that he could "hold justice" for himself and others.

"Cough cough" The old man coughed twice and looked at Lynn with a soft look on his face.

"Lin, several of them are your elders. How can you talk to your elders like this, and you will be fined for a year."

Several old men stayed!
What kind of punishment is this?
Who doesn't know how big a business Lynn is in charge of now, and he has more money in his hands a day than all his family property!

Example money?I'm afraid he doesn't even know he still has this money!

Lin En nodded with a smile on his face, admitting his mistake, "I'm sorry Master, I was wrong!"

Turning to look at a few old men, he said:
"As a person, I have always been helpful to relatives. I never follow the rules. I can do anything with sacks and sap. This is by no means a threat, just a brief introduction of myself!"

This is simply living two hundred and five!Several old men turned their heads angrily and did not look at him.

The man sat down honestly, not daring to say a word.

Unexpectedly, Masan suddenly spoke at this time.

"Senior sister is making progress, and I, a senior brother, should also support me."

"Let's do this, I'll try it out with my sister and sister, even if it's a competition between brothers and sisters. In the future, I'll just listen to Master's words at home honestly, and find someone to marry."

Masan secretly rejoiced that everything today was developing according to his vision.

Ever since she knew that the eldest lady intended to fight with him, she had sent her apprentices to give gifts to a few old men overnight.

Based on his understanding of the temperament of the master and the younger sister, they rarely turn back on what they have identified, but after all, this matter is just a talk now.

So let these old men come over, and this matter is settled!

At that time, if you defeat the junior sister again, you will be able to get rid of the current embarrassing situation.

Become the legitimate successor of the palace family that everyone recognizes!
(End of this chapter)

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