Doomsday, starting from a generation of masters

Chapter 72 "Destroy Your Bushido"

Chapter 72 "Destroy Your Bushido"

Now that he has decided to go to Japan, Lynn has two options now,

One is to sneak in quietly, find Masan, and then do everything that should be done,
But Lynn touched his face and felt that such an upright person was really not suitable for such a sneaky thing!

If you go, you must go in an open and aboveboard manner, and you must go with great fanfare. The more people know about it, the better!

Then do what you have to do!
One day later, the news that Lynn was going to visit Japan as the president of the Chinese Samurai Association, blew across China and Japan as quickly as a hurricane!
Chinese people still remember that before the Chinese New Year, Lin En set up a ring in Shanghai for a month, and beat all the Japanese gyms in Shanghai to close. .

It is conceivable that for the Chinese people who have been angry for so many years, how exciting is the situation that all the little devils who have been beaten by such a Chinese dare not fight!
Since then, he has been the "first master" in the hearts of the Chinese people.

And now, this "number one expert" actually wants to "visit" Japan in a high-profile manner when this kind of war is in full swing!
Is this going to ride on their heads and slap them in the face?

Countless people were excited, and countless people were shocked!

How bold is this!Single-handedly going to trample a hostile country!

If this allows him to come back safely, what kind of face does the whole little devil have?

The eldest lady rushed to Lynn as soon as she heard the news.

"This is too dangerous, go at this time, those little devils will go crazy!"

"Father also means the same, Ma San's affairs will not be too late after he returns!"

"Senior sister, are you afraid that they will dispatch the army to encircle and suppress me?" Lin En shook his head and said indifferently:
"My visit this time is something I planned a long time ago. Masan's affairs are just incidental. Senior sister, don't worry, I will be back before the New Year."

At this time, Japan, the most important thing is the war against China,

The situation in their country is not optimistic. The economy of the entire country has been overdrawn too much in the crazy armament of the past few years!
Before a war begins, you must know when it will end,
According to Japan's economic forecast, at most three months, they must win and let China come to the negotiating table!

At the beginning, when the battlefields were progressing smoothly, the mood of the people was high,

Although the progress of the war also increased the already extremely heavy burden of ordinary people, the massive conscription and material rationing system also produced a lot of sense of poverty and dullness.

Especially after the "retreat" on the Shanghai battlefield.

In order to boost the morale of front-line soldiers and domestic citizens, Japan has decided to hold the Yasukuni Festival in 2600!
And at a time when the national mood is so high, someone dares to provoke!

Yes, in the eyes of the little devil, this is provocation!
It's a shame to look down on the samurai of Great Japan because you think you've won a few games overseas by "lucky luck"!

This shame can only be washed away by the blood of this "arrogant".

So, Lynn just got off the boat with a large group of newspaper staff,

Two young men in martial arts uniforms stepped forward and handed Lynn an invitation.
"We are members of the Songtao Gym. Our owner, Funakoshi Yoshihide, heard of your arrival and specially invited you to come to the Shoto Gym to communicate. I hope you don't delay!"

The young man who handed over the invitation was fluent in Chinese and didn't need an interpreter at all.

Lynn took the invitation and said without looking, "Let's lead the way!"

Shotokan, Lynn has heard of it, is a gym for Japanese karate. Karate has developed rapidly since the Meiji era, and Shotokan has also become one of the core gyms in Japanese martial arts.

As soon as you get off the boat, the other party will arrive. Is this a disgrace for yourself?

It's okay, every family in the province has come to the door, let's start from here
When Lin En and everyone came to the front of the Songtao Taoist Hall, the door was open, but no one saw it!
Looking at the empty doorway, Lynn stepped in!
As soon as he entered, the situation in the gym suddenly appeared in front of him.
I saw hundreds of warriors in white Taoist uniforms sitting densely in the huge stadium. These people were strong and full of energy. So many people sat quietly, but there was no sound.
It seems that their spirits have been connected to this gymnasium into a whole, silent, but killing intent!

The expressions of the people who followed Lin En changed. How could they have seen such a battle? In a trance, they only felt that the whole world was against them!
More importantly, they are now in a foreign country. Everyone knows that Lin En is here to trample on the martial arts and spirit of this nation. How can he face such a lot of pressure?

How does Lynn face it?

He was already laughing out loud!

This is just too much to his liking!

The more powerful and determined these people are, the happier he will be!
Killing such people is more valuable!
Since the Meiji era, there have indeed been many outstanding people in this island country, from politics, military, economics to martial arts, it can be said that there are many talents.

Therefore, in a short period of time, he has achieved amazing achievements. A small country can't even lift its head against the big country on the opposite side!

These achievements also stimulated their spirits and made them have more and more unrealistic fantasies.

Lynn came this time, not only to kill and destroy their bodies, but also to destroy the spiritual beliefs of these people and collapse their Bushido spirit!

"I feel your spirit. Today, let me teach you personally and let you understand that your martial arts spirit is not worth mentioning!"

As soon as Lynn's words fell, the spirit of the entire venue changed again, and the killing intent was ten times stronger than before!
But they still didn't make the slightest sound, sitting quietly, showing a tenacious martial arts spirit!

The curator in the middle of them, Funakoshi Yoshijin opened his eyes and stood up, and a string of fluent Japanese came out of his mouth.

The personnel accompanying Lynn immediately translated to Lynn:
"Mr. Lynn, we heard about what you did in Shanghai. For today's discussion, we have also prepared a life and death certificate, which is placed on the case behind me! Everyone in our field has signed it, please Let it go, today, only one of us can leave alive!"

Lynn burst out laughing after hearing this!
"It's exciting to be able to destroy such a Bushido spirit!"

His voice was high and loud, like rolling thunder, agitating in the sky above the dojo!
It seems that the whole sky is his voice!
As soon as Lynn finished speaking, he stomped his feet, and he jumped 50 meters to the front of Funakoshi Yoshin.

The big fan-like hand, with the rumbling sound of the air, pressed down directly at his Heavenly Spirit Cover!
But Funakoshi Yoshien was waiting in a serious line, and he raised his hands after accumulating the peak momentum,
He drank in his mouth, his arms suddenly thickened, and he took Lynn's palm!
The arms of the two intersected, blood rushing wildly, and the sound of huge bones shattering sounded.

Although Funakoshi Yizhen made a hard contact with both hands, but Lin En's palm exploded, how could a human body be able to bear it!
The bones of the whole body are broken, and the five senses are bloody,

Then Lin En threw his backhand, and Funakoshi Yizhen's body flew into the air, hitting him directly under the plaque of "Songtao Gym", which was more than ten meters tall!
Life is cut off!

(End of this chapter)

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