Chapter 80 Heaven Turns Left
In the next few days, the tribe will go fishing on the river at night, and the harvest will become less and less, until the small river is completely frozen.

The hunting team still went out as usual, but with this batch of fish, the pressure on the tribe to spend the winter was relieved by more than half.

Kent even excitedly rewarded Lynn for joining the hunting party on the spot!
Lynn's head is dizzy!Is this a reward?
Isn't it warm for me to lie in a hole every day?
Turning his head and looking at the little fat Bjorn beside him, he was so envious that he was about to cry!

Well, it should be a reward!

By the way, does joining the hunting party mean moving out of the cave?So lively in the cave!The children are good-natured and obedient.

"Cough! Uncle Kent, hunting is important now, and the house can be built next spring. I will live in the cave first, and it is convenient to take care of them."

As Lynn spoke, he looked at the children in the surrounding caves with kindness in his eyes!
"You can live in the cave first if you want, and we'll talk about it next year."

"Thank you Uncle Kent" Lynn was also very happy to achieve his goal.

Kent and a few fighters brought some fish over at night!As a reward, the weather is getting colder and colder, and I only eat one meal a day for fear that these children can't bear it.I also specially asked Lynn to supervise it, so I can't eat too fast.

After Kent and the others left, the children cheered for a while. Everyone looked at the two baskets of fish as if they wanted to look at the baby.Carefully take out and count the number, and then hang them one by one.

Everyone has been looking forward to a full, warm winter!
The next morning, Lynn rushed to the gathering place of the hunting team early. He hadn't started for a long time. In fact, he was still looking forward to going out hunting.

"Come on, little Lynn"

Lynn turned to look, and it was Barrow who was talking.A strong man in his thirties, he was the tallest in the team except for Kent.The captain of the second hunting team, Kent's eldest son Carl, followed him.

"Uncle Barrow, what equipment do I bring today?"

Barrow pointed to the weapons on a row of shelves by the wall and said, "You can pick it yourself, you can bring whatever you want."

Lynn walked over to pick out equipment for himself, thought about it and grabbed three short spears, a battle axe, a war hammer, a spear, and a shield.

At this time, Cole, who had joined the hunting team for more than a month, also came over, looked at Lynn's equipment and said with a smile:

"Today is your first time to participate in the hunt. You won't be allowed to do it. The equipment you bring is too heavy. Are you sure you still have the strength to travel?"

After thinking for a while, Lynn threw down all the weapons and only brought two shields!

Cole looked at him stunned!
Then Kent came over and said, "Don't be a fool, be serious!"

"Hey, I'm joking." Lynn smiled, dropped his shield, and picked two short spears, a battle axe, and a war hammer.

"Without a shield?" Cole asked.

Lynn shook his head "No!"

He put two short spears behind his back, the battle axe on his right waist, and the war hammer in his left hand.

In this way, a short spear is thrown at a long distance, a battle axe and a war hammer are added at close range, and the equipment is neat!Get ready to start his first hunt!
I waved the battle axe a few times, and felt that the body that had been silent for many days was slightly warm!Even a little impatient!
Lynn followed Kent and his party out of the tribe, further and further.Gradually, he could no longer see the tribe behind him.

"Before hunting, you must first understand the habits of the beast. That is, its life patterns, when it appears, what it likes to eat, and under what circumstances is it irritable."

Kent pointed to a piece of dry grass and said to Lynn:

"Look there, there are traces of being eaten by hares on the leaves, so we can place traps there, and the animal's movement route will not change under normal circumstances."

"Wild goats come out to forage during the day in winter, and then return to the mountains at night to take shelter from the wind."

Lynn listened to Kent's words carefully, and kept them in mind. These are the years of experience of Uncle Kent, and understanding the habits of the prey can get twice the result with half the effort.

When the hunting team was at the seaside, it was divided into two teams. Barrow led the others and crossed the frozen sea to several other islands to hunt.

Lynn continued to follow Uncle Kent to search along the woods by the sea, but no matter where he went, he had to return to the original road after noon.

This is their hunting route for today, where the two teams will meet in the afternoon when the sun sets on the top of the mountain.

"When looking for prey, pay attention to observe traces, eaten leaves of plants, fresh scratches on tree bark, animal droppings, clear footprints, observe them, analyze what the prey is, its course of action, think about hunting plans, All of these have to be taken into account.”

Kent kept Lynn by his side, searching for prey and imparting his experience.

"The most important point is to know the strength of the prey, but also to know the strength of your own. If you encounter a large beast, unless it is a last resort, don't try to hit it hard. Avoiding them is a more rational choice."

"But what if you can't avoid it?" Kent asked suddenly

"Kill it!" Lynn smiled,

Kent looked at the confidence and boldness in this young man's eyes, and was speechless for a moment,

"A warrior's choice?"


"There is a little wild boar nearby." Kent squatted and observed for a while, then stood up and said:
"You two go up to the tree, the others follow me over there, don't go too far."

A group of people dispersed in twos and threes, and Kent led the two of them towards the distance.

Lynn and Cole stood on a tree each, carefully watching what was going on around them.

After a while, there was the sound of wild boars in the distance, and they got closer and closer, rushing in the direction of Lynn.

A grass 'touched' scattered.A huge wild boar with a weight of four or five hundred pounds rushed over with a howl!

"It's called a little wild boar?" Lynn had a new understanding of the word 'small' in Kent's mouth.

Kor'an couldn't stand it, and the short spear in his hand shot first.
With a "whoosh" sound, the short spear rubbed the side of the wild boar and nailed it to the ground, almost hitting its front legs.The second short spear has also been shot in front of him.

Suddenly a tragic pig croak sounded.The second short spear stuck straight into its back.It looked like a shot, but it wasn't the point.

Cole's two spears didn't have much effect, and the third spear didn't dare to shoot at will.

The wild boar was injured even more panicked, turned a corner and rushed under Lynn's tree.

With a sudden 'duh' sound, a short spear almost rubbed the tip of the wild boar's nose and shot into the ground.The wild boar was startled, tripped over the short spear, and was about to raise his leg to avoid it, when another short spear came 'puchi' and stuck it on its other front foot.

This time, the wild boar could no longer maintain its balance, and its two front legs fell to the ground together, just slipping under Lynn's tree.

The wild boar was about to struggle to get up, when Lynn clenched the battle axe and jumped down from the tree. The wide and sharp axe slashed fiercely on the wild boar's neck with a scream that ripped through the air.

An adult-sized pig head flew away with a "puchi" sound!

The boar rolled over and fell to the ground.The four calves are still struggling, but the strength is getting smaller and smaller, and they are gradually moving.

(End of this chapter)

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