Chapter 89 Wolf Head Mask
The leader of the backup team stood up angrily, raised his hand and pointed at Lin En: "Kill him,"

To actually waste precious time for such a person, I don't know how many warriors were killed because of this waste of time!
Lynn determined his position the moment he exited, and the short spear shot, screamed and went straight to the direction of the sound.

With a puff, the speaker was pinned to the ground, and suddenly screamed.

Lynn shook his hand, feeling a little regretful, it was too dark, and hearing the sound would inevitably lead to a lack of accuracy.

In three or five breaths, there are seven or eight torches on the opposite side, and they are thrown together towards the front.

The torches did not go out, but they burned brightly, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​the woods.

As soon as his figure was illuminated, more than a dozen short spears flew straight, and the speed was extremely fast.

But in Lynn's eyes at this time, these short spears were as slow as a toy thrown by a child.
On one side of the body, like picking fruits, pick these short spears in the air one by one!

The leader on the opposite side was also helped up, and the short spear was inserted into his shoulder, and the blood was flowing.

I saw that this man was also tough, he held the short spear in his backhand, and pulled out the short spear with a "puchi".

Flicking the flesh and blood on the spear head, he raised his hand and pointed at Lynn, "Kill him, I will put his head on the spear!"

More than a dozen people rushed towards Lynn in response.

The leader glanced at the people who didn't move around and shouted loudly, "Why are you standing still? Go, don't waste time for this person, kill him and go to support the front team!"

Lynn remained motionless, looking at the enemy roaring at him.There was no turbulence in his eyes,

Looking at the savage face of the rushing enemy, the murderous intent in his eyes,
The body gradually became hot.

"come on!"

"I've been bored on the boat for days too!"

"Please let me stretch my muscles"

Lynn laughed, and the short spear in his hand swung out.

The dozen or so people who were rushing towards Linn seemed to have been attacked by invisible weapons at the same time.

The short spear that Lynn threw out was completely different from the power they used.
When the short spear penetrated their bodies, a scorching smell could be clearly smelled in the nose!

Lynn took off the warhammer from his waist, made a big jump, and hit the leader like a meteorite.

He clearly saw the astonishment, astonishment, and despair in the leader's expression. When his warhammer was swung down,
"Bang" dissipated...

When Kent and the others quickly ended the battle and arrived without stopping,
seen from a distance,

Under the light of the fire, the ground was full of broken arms and broken enemy corpses, covering the entire forest.

"End of the Road" Lynn stood quietly, looking up at the starry sky.

The faint starlight shone on him, like a pure and clean young man!

Bjorn ran over in a panic, threw away the shield in his hand, and touched Lynn with both hands!

"How are you, Lynn? Are you hurt?"

Lynn clapped his hand

"Don't move, I can pretend for a while!"

"What is pretence? Pretend what?"

Bjorn was a little anxious, but he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Lynn was fine.

"Hey! They're all savages!" Lynn said with some hatred, turned to see Kent striding forward, grabbed his shoulders with two big hands, and circled around him.
Seeing that he was all right, I was relieved.

He glanced around and said:

"What's the matter? You did it alone?"

Lynn sighed,
"Hey! I wanted to stop them for a while, but I didn't expect them to want to kill me? It's terrible!"

Kent grinned and looked at the broken body,

"Well, it's really scary,"

Kent was already used to Lynn's twitching behavior from time to time, and his mouth twitching from time to time.

Begin to greet the clansmen to clean the battlefield and treat the injured clansmen,
The clansmen who hid on the mountain began to descend, and everyone disposes of the enemy's corpse together.

By the way, leave useful things like weapons, armor, etc.

By the time of dawn, the battlefield has been cleaned up,
More than 40 clansmen were injured, six were seriously injured, and three died!

This is already a rare victory!

The amount of weapons and equipment harvested was extremely large, which directly more than doubled the number of weapons in the tribe.

I got three pieces of chain armor alone, and there are a lot of sporadic plate and leather armors.

Kent also wanted to go to sea to chase the enemy ships, but they saw the opportunity quickly and escaped early.

After some repairs, everyone began to build a watchtower on the top of the mountain.

Now is the time of danger, and the watchtower must be built as soon as possible.

Summer will soon be over, and before the long winter comes, all the tribes adrift at sea must find their islands,
Otherwise, when the sea freezes, the entire clan will starve to death or freeze to death in the winter snow.

Fortunately, Lynn and the others have found a suitable new island,

The most important thing at this time is to guard against other tribes who have not yet found the island,

Just like those people last night, smash their ambitions and defend their new home when they come!

After building the watchtower,

The tribesmen also started to build houses,
The difficulty now is that there is not enough wood.The trees on the island are too small to be used for construction.

The reserves on board were not enough to build houses for the entire clan to live in.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of stones, choose suitable rocks and chisel them into slates of different sizes.
Although the soldiers are strong and strong, but for such work, a person can only cultivate a few pieces a day at most.

After Lynn looked at it, he immediately started to smash the huge rocks into pieces, then picked up the battle axe, and trimmed them to a suitable size after a few axe strokes.
Some are uneven, and with just a touch of hand, the stones will be crushed and clustered down, becoming smooth and flat.

The soldiers closed their open mouths and hurried up to help carry them away.

With the help of humanoid machines like Lynn, the progress has been greatly accelerated, and the slate needed for more than a dozen houses was repaired in one day.

In the evening, all the clansmen gathered together, lit a bonfire, and brought out the treasured ale.

Soldiers barbecue and drink together!

The children also began to have fun everywhere, recklessly exploring new things.

All the warriors surrounded Lynn and took turns toasting him,
Lynn has won their heartfelt admiration, but that's because he fights fiercely. If he wants to gain the respect of the soldiers, he must be able to drink!
A soldier who can't drink, what a soldier!
Many soldiers gritted their teeth secretly, and were taught a bad lesson by Lynn on the boat. Today, I must let Lynn know that he is only good for fighting!

Lynn is open to all who come. Today, we must let these ignorant people know that their weakness is not just a fight!

Everyone was in high spirits, and every time Lynn drank a glass of wine, there was a burst of cheers!
At this time, a voice sounded,
"So lively? Friends of the Hammer Tribe, do you welcome a guest with good intentions to join your banquet!"

The voice was thick and low, as if it was ringing in his ears.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and at some point, there was one more person outside the crowd.

This man is so tall and majestic.

Even the tallest Kent patriarch in the tribe is just like a half-year-old child in front of him!

Everyone was silent the moment they saw him,

Not just because of his strong body and the wolf-head mask on his face.

but an instinctive sense of oppression,
This sense of oppression seems to be facing not a person, but a giant wolf who is still strong and deadly after fighting for many years!

The man took off his hood and wolf mask.With a sad face,
This face is full of beards and carved with ravines.

(End of this chapter)

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