Chapter 97
The next day, Lynn, accompanied by Harold, came to the arsenal in the camp,

Lynn wandered around in it, it was too much.

In addition to a large number of Mark [-] power armor, there are also a large number of bolt pistols, bolt guns, storm bolt guns, power weapons, lightning claws, assault guns, heavy flamethrowers or shoulder-resistant cyclone missile launchers,
Of course, there is also the thick Terminator armor!
Terminator Armor, also known as Tactical Dreadnought Armor, consists of a thick terracotta steel plate, a skeleton made of Adamantite, and a small stance shield on the shoulder armor!
Divided into iron knight type and underworld type.

But unfortunately, the consequence of focusing too much on defense is that the speed is too slow!Although the Hades type is slightly better, it is still too slow.
Moreover, they have powerful firepower, and once they appear on the battlefield, they must be the target of the enemy's focus.

It can be said that he wears the thickest armor and suffers the most poisonous beatings!
It doesn't fit Lynn's fighting style, and it doesn't fit!
I heard that the Imperial Army has a Skyhawk-style Terminator. The connection method is designed by the Emperor himself. It takes into account both defense and speed. The cost is extremely high. Each set requires the resources of a planet!

Simply rich!
If you have a chance, you must grab one!
In the end, Lynn chose for himself a hammer of thunder, a power sword and a sturdy shield,

There is a switch on the hilt of the power sword. When turned on, the entire sword body emits a faint blue energy field, which is extremely cool.

This energy field is not only as simple as looking good, it can also break the molecular bonds of matter, and ordinary armor can be easily cut like a cake!

The Thunder Hammer is also a power weapon, but unlike the constant energy field of the Power Sword, it will only be turned on at the moment of impact, and a thunderous crackling sound will erupt when the electric light flickers!
It is even more suitable for Lynn's appetite than the power sword!

The storm wolf assault boat took Lynn's team to the battlefield,

Lynn looked out from the porthole, looking at the crops that had been completely destroyed by the war, and remembered the information he had learned from the quartermaster last night.

This planet was originally an agricultural world, growing a large amount of food for the empire. Three years ago, a small amount of green skin was discovered for some unknown reason, and then a request for help was sent.

It took only three years for the Imperial Fleet to arrive here and start the settlement, which is already a rare and efficient operation!

Even with such a swift action, when No.11 Dalian arrived, there would be no living human beings left on the entire planet,
Originally just a small amount of green skin, it has spread all over the planet,

Lynn blinked, looking down from the assault boat, a sea floated on the fields in the distance, and the white matter wafting in the wind spread out, it turned out to be some crops in the sun?
"Look below, are you drying the food?" Lin En urged everyone to look quickly.
"Looks like it really is!"

"Will anyone survive?"

"Then shall we take a look this afternoon?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Lynn said.
"Hurry up and notify the pilot to land!"

The storm wolf assault boat landed not far from the "Ocean", the team got off the assault boat on alert, walked in to check,

At this look, Lynn only felt that a volcano in his heart almost exploded!

Several other members of the squad took off their helmets and vomited,

Where is this dried food, it is clearly a piece of skin that has been peeled off from our fellow human beings floating around!

There is a vast expanse of white that looks like an ocean!

"Ah! Those damn greenskins!"

Lynn is angry!

The volcano in his chest supports his constant killing,
His squad was also furious, and they followed Lynn on the battlefield!

until all the ammunition is exhausted,
When the bullets run out, use the power sword. When the power sword energy battery is used up, change the power hammer. When the power hammer energy is used up, change the chainsaw sword.

The green skin in his eyes no longer has any reason to survive,

If yesterday's battle was because of the war itself, then today these greenskins no longer have any reason to survive in his eyes.

They are beasts!
No, not even beasts, they are viruses and cancers, and they should disappear completely!

When the scene is transmitted back to the base, the orbital bombardment over the planet begins,

The light spear of the battleship began to fire, and the beam burned the target within a hundred meters on the ground into coke, and the secondary shock wave generated completely evaporated the moisture of the target within a radius of one kilometer, and the building burned down!Nothing but ash and scorched rock will be left after one hit!

The sturdy macro artillery poured a large number of huge cannonballs and missiles towards the ground. Each live ammunition could completely destroy the target. The shock wave was enough to spread to an area of ​​ten square kilometers. Burn some clean!

The efficiency of orbital bombing was very high, and most of the greenskins of the tribes on the surface were wiped out.

But the consequences are also beginning to show, the surface has been severely damaged, and it may take years to recover.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the remaining green-skin tribes are gathered together. Their technology jumps, and WAAAAGH actually produces an energy field, which has an effect similar to the void shield. Orbital bombing has been unable to destroy them. If you let it go, these Greenskin may soon be out of the atmosphere!
The best way now is to storm in from the ground and let the Space Marines clear the greenskins face to face.

The combat plan is clear and direct, gather all the troops, and cut it!

On the day of the battle, Lynn has adjusted himself to the best fighting state,
He is now well-equipped and his heartbeat is steady, watching the formation of the Space Marines, the tanks lined up neatly,

Wolf Lord Jarvan Bloodhowl also appeared at the forefront of the battlefield,

Most of the ground forces of No.11 Dalian are assembled here, a large number of recruits Bloodclaw, veteran Gray Hunter, and long-range fire expert Long Fang,

There are also rare wolf priests, iron priests, and extremely rare rune priests wearing Terminator armor and a psychic hood!
Although the Empire has issued an order from the Nikaea Council that prohibits the study of psionics,
But the rune priest of our wolf group uses the gift of nature in Fenris. We are all children of the storm. It is only natural to use the power of the storm.

It has nothing to do with psionic power!

The army begins to advance!
Tanks clear the way, their void shields, blocking a large number of artillery and laser weapons,

Yes, laser weapons!
These green skins seem to be born with the ability to assemble tatters, and some tattered copper and rotten iron will undergo changes that cannot be explained by science in their hands.
Even a broken car that doesn't conform to basic mechanics can be galloping with speed.

Totally impossible to use Space Marine power armor, they can also be used!

Lynn looked at it coldly and made up his mind that no matter how unscientific they are, they will be completely burnt to ashes today!

Despite the advance of the tanks, the Greenskins found they couldn't destroy the big cans, and instead began to destroy the road, which did have an effect, and when the ground was destroyed to the point that the tanks could not pass, the Space Marines rushed up.

They are more unstoppable, tough, and efficient.

At the same time of high-speed advancement, casualties are also occurring. Space Marines are not invincible, and power armor cannot resist everything!
The greenskin leaders are equally tall and tough, and their weapons are as deadly,
The rune priest commanded the elements, a large number of deadly blizzards tore the flesh of the greenskins, flames and frost, and appeared on the battlefield at the same time, and the greenskins died in pieces.

The rumbling sound suddenly broke out, the cave behind the greenskins collapsed, and a huge greenskin war leader emerged from it!

This war leader is at least ten meters tall!The armor that is as thick as one person still looks thin on its body!
It holds a giant flail in its hands!Sweeping past, more than a dozen space warriors were smashed to pieces by it,
The head raised his head and roared


All the greenskins rallied and shouted in unison,

A layer of almost visible change takes place on these greenskins!
Their bodies are larger, their strength is greater, their movements are more agile, and even the weapons in their hands have become more deadly!

(End of this chapter)

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