Chapter 151 Shocked

My second son is very courageous, and he has long thought about going to the woods to hunt game and eat it. If the family members were not watching him all day, he might have gone crazy in the woods.

However, Song Youliang ran faster as if he didn't hear it.

Gao Yueyang panted heavily, knowing that the plan to swallow the wild boar had failed. When the wild boar rushed to her again, she turned sideways, and the kitchen knife in her hand was sharp and sharp, and directly chopped at the back of the wild boar's neck.

Gao Yueyang's current strength is stronger than that of a grown man.

The chopper was wide, long and sharp, and when he slammed it down with all his strength, the wild boar screamed and rushed a long way with the knife before falling down.

Gao Yueyang ran over and saw the pig's blood gushing out from the back of his half-open neck, and he couldn't die anymore.

Suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, just as he was about to reach out to remove what was stuck on the pig's neck, a big hand pulled out the kitchen knife first.

I saw that Song Tiangang said with a bad face: "Stay here and don't move."

Then he ran towards another wild boar with the kitchen knife still dripping blood.

Gao Yueyang glanced in the direction Song Tiangang was going, and his eyelids twitched.

Before Song Youliang could show his might with the sickle, he realized that the wild boar was moving too fast, and there was no chance for him to make a move, so he had to turn around and run away in despair.

Seeing his father running towards him with a bloody sword in his hands, his scalp felt numb, and he said to himself, Dad, don't chop with the wrong hand.

With a dark face, Song Tiangang pulled him aside mercilessly: "Go away."

Immediately, facing the rushing wild boar, he made a slight wrong step, and in a blink of an eye, the hatchet in his hand had been inserted horizontally into the wild boar's neck.

"Pfft, time and time again".

Pig blood splashed onto Song Tiangang's cotton trousers.

Song Youliang looked at the wild boar lying on the ground, dumbfounded, and didn't recover for a long time.

When he raised his head excitedly, wanting to curry favor with his father, he suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed,

"Father, there's a lot of pig's blood splashed on your cotton trousers. You can't wash it off. My mother will definitely nag you to death."

Song Tiangang originally wanted to reprimand his son for his recklessness just now, but he was taken aback by his sudden words.

Looking down, he frowned. He has been busy building a house recently, and he was wearing worn-out cotton trousers that were not used in previous years.

He looked up and was about to yell at his son, but he was gone. He turned his head and found that his son was squatting next to another wild boar not far away, and Gao Zhiqing was not in sight.

Looking around, I saw that Gao Zhiqing was heading towards the piece of barley some distance away, and there was a cart over there, so I understood.

Gao Yueyang found Niu Yuling, and found that she was lying in the barley and kept in the same posture, her whole body was numb.

My mother, this is too rigid, if you don't want to move, just don't move, and quickly help the person up.

Seeing her trembling all over, I knew she was frightened, maybe she would have a fever when she went back home, and she would have nightmares at night, so she hurriedly comforted her,
"It's okay, it's okay, the wild boar has been killed. Not only will there be pig dishes to eat tonight, but also the meat."

When Niu Yuling heard that the wild boar had died, her heart that had been holding her heart finally fell back into her stomach, and she passed out as soon as she closed her eyes.


Gao Yueyang was in a hurry, why did she feel dizzy, and quickly stretched out her hand to pinch Niu Yuling's people a few times, but it didn't work, so she quickly carried her on her back and planned to push her back on the cart.

"Gao Zhiqing, why is there someone else? What's the matter?" Song Youliang was instructed by his father to come over to help pull the cart, and ended up seeing this scene.

Gao Yueyang took a deep breath: "It's Uncle Niu's granddaughter, Comrade Niu Yuling, who was just passed out by a wild boar."

"Second Brother Song, please spread the bales of hay over there on the boards."

The cart is hard and cold, some grass will make it warmer.

It was the first time that Song Youliang was called Second Brother Song by an outsider, a beautiful female educated youth, and he couldn't help being a little dazed.

After Gao Yueyang walked a certain distance with Niu Yuling on his back, Song Youliang came back to his senses, scratched his head with a smirk and said, "Ah, oh, okay."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran to hold the hay.

On the other side, Song Youcheng ran to the head of the brigade in a hurry, and was told that he was in the brigade headquarters.

At this time, the brigade department was very lively, and members of the commune lined up from the office to the gate of the courtyard, and they all came to sign up for the electricity installation.

The team leader is responsible for registering names and fingerprints, and the accountant is responsible for collecting money.

To get electricity, the average household has to pay at least five yuan, which is indeed a lot of money for rural people.

But as for the five yuan, Gao Yueyang, who was pulling Niu Yuling back, was also thinking about the electrification.

Gao Yueyang is very confident that there are only a lot of people who want to install wires this time, and it is absolutely no problem to make up twenty households.

Because, since the old captain separated, until now, in just a few days, three more households have also separated, and each household has four and five sons.

My mother, it was so lively when we separated, even if Gao Yueyang didn't go to see it, he heard it from a long distance away.

According to Li Guifang, the sisters-in-law fought over pots and pans.

There was also an old lady who was small-minded and mean-spirited at ordinary times, because she favored her youngest son out of selfishness, the family division was uneven, and several other daughter-in-laws started to confront her, and the old lady fainted on the spot.

To divide the family is to divide the household registration, so in a few days, apart from the son who lives with the old man, there are at least ten more families in the team.

Each of these ten families can have their own homestead and private land, and each can raise six poultry.

In this way, of course, it is much better than dozens of people squeezed into one yard, sharing a small private plot and six poultry.

Hehe, Gao Yueyang thought secretly, if he met a long-lived old man who would live to be 80 years old, my mother, it would be unimaginable.

However, the elderly in this era have all experienced wars and suffered a lot, and it is really not many who can live to seventy or eighty.

Among the ten households, those who have the conditions have already allocated a homestead directly next to Song Tiangang's house. So far, the row of their new house has added three yuan.

Now I am making adobe bricks myself, and I will start building an adobe house when there are enough adobe bricks.

The earth house saves money and time, and it is estimated that the few families will be able to move out of the old home in a short time.


Song Youcheng ran non-stop from the field for more than ten minutes. When he was out of breath, he ran to the brigade headquarters to squeeze away the crowd and saw the cheerful brigade leader,
"Uncle Captain, wild boar, there are wild boars."

"What?" The captain stared wide-eyed, and immediately stood up in shock.

"Youcheng, tell me clearly, where is the wild boar? Has it entered the village?"

Others: "Yes, hurry up, what about the wild boar, let's catch it quickly, and don't let it escape."

"Yes, tell me quickly, what if you hurt someone?"

The members stopped queuing up, and surrounded Song Youcheng with bright eyes, and Song Youcheng was interrupted several times when he tried to open his mouth.

Seeing this, the captain got angry and roared angrily: "Don't babble, what time is it, (;`O)o get out of here and listen to what Youcheng has to say."

(End of this chapter)

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